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Posts posted by Dewar

  1. It feels like the Democratic establishment is scared to loose power to the extreme left, which I guess is a sensible fear given how Trump came in and captured enough of the extreme right voters to get into the White House. I guess the question is "what is worse: no party power at all, or handing the party off to a new ideology?" I wish that both the republicans and democrats would have made different choices at that crossroads, but I'd say that being a Sanders supporter.

  2. Ouch, definitely get out of there if you can. The rush of getting out of a place you don't like is incredible (as someone who was laid off last week.)

  3. Hmm, OK, it seems like a lot of space sims seem to take turns for the worse once they start to try and include actual human avatars. Hopefully this will be a slow and considered roll out.


    Is there any real reason to play in open mode? I thought that it was required to do the community goals, but after getting blown up (1.5 million rebuy cost) for the 88 tons of robotics I was carrying to the most recent goal, I found out that wasn't the case and I played solo the rest of the night.

  4. 1 hour ago, Tanukitsune said:

    Everybody seems to be convinced it's going to be $5000 fee and freaking out, either way, I guess the 100$ Greenlight fee I payed is wasted since I doubt I can get it on Steam in time?


    Imagine everything KS having to $5000 for Steam fees.... Ouch!


    I think Valve said it could be as high as $5000, so panic, but who knows how high it might be. My gut says that they're announcing something crazy to make the (still high) $1000 seem more palatable. 


    They say it's going away in spring, so I guess you have a month or two?

  5. On 1/17/2017 at 10:20 AM, Spenny said:

    My game Monumental Failure launched today on steam.


    Here's the trailer:


    The game has single player mode, 2-4 player split screen versus, and 2-4 player local co-op. I think co-op mode is where the game really comes alive.


    Monumental Failure started it's life as my entry for Winter Wizard Jam (Wizard Jam 2), so its roots are in this community. Thanks to everyone who has been encouraging me along the way. 


    Oh Nice! I'm glad I took a look in here, I'll buy it for my 4 player gaming party that I'm having in a couple of weeks.

  6. On 2/2/2017 at 10:42 PM, Problem Machine said:

    I don't think I'd even want to hear an ad free version, the ad reads are often Good Content.

    Anyway this feels like a good decision to me. Making a clean split instead of a rebrand means that further IT episodes are much more feasible in the future, when things are less fucking crazy and the idea of having to play a game a week seems appealing rather than onerous. In the meanwhile, I'm eager to see what you come up with as a high concept for the new pod.


    I listen to the with-ads version of the Giant Bombcast even though I'm a subscriber, because it's good content and it doesn't bother me to throw a few more cents their direction. The same would go for me here. I also subscribe to the twitch streams, partially because of the content, but also because I just wanted to find a way to give you regular money. If there was another method out there, I would certainly consider it.

  7. 15 hours ago, cakedotavi said:

    I agree with the UI somewhat fitting the tone/theme overall, but I'd argue you could have a UI that fits that tone without having it be a bit of an unwieldy mess. A lot of that character is from the art of the interface, and not the actual "what do I need to click on to accomplish things" side of it. 



    Oh yeah, I'm definitely not excusing the UI, just thinking about the choices that might have made it end up that way.

  8. On 1/27/2016 at 8:57 AM, Dewar said:

    I did a couple of missions last night, beat another boss, and had fun doing it. Maybe I was just trying to play too much in a chunk? Maybe even playing in little chunks will feel tedious? I guess I'll find out.


    To respond to my own quote from last year, for a long time I played a couple of missions here and there, and I've had a lot of fun with it in that style. I stalled out again near the end of defeating the last few bosses before the darkest dungeon itself. I've heard so many scary things about that final dungeon and how unfun it is that I lost interest.

  9. I would generally agree that the interface is the weakest part of the game. I didn't even know that the tent up on the hill where you can buy new rest skills even existed for 3/4s of my time with the game. At the same time, I think the arcane menus actually contribute to the feeling of the game as you mention in your fourth paragraph.


    The other big failure in my opinion is the quirk system. You accumulate quirks so fast, and with so little rhyme or reason. You can come out of a mission completely unscathed and get two negative quirks. Eventually, you just have 5 of each, which really doesn't incentivize me to cure any of those negative quirks, since they'll just be replaced soon. Having 5 positive quirks is a pain as well. Since the cost to lock one in is so high, you're likely to see your best quirks go away before you can afford to keep them. I would have liked it if quirks came less often, but had an even bigger impact on things, or maybe if all the quirk related town tasks (curing/locking) were cheaper so you could meaning influnce the system before the endgame where money is a bit more free.


    I should also note that I've sunk about 40 hours into Darkest Dungeon now, after having bounced off of it the first couple times I tried it out, so my final statement might be more on the lines of "It's a lot of work, and certainly not for everyone, but if you can persevere through the learning curve and bad UI, there's a ton of fun to be had"



    As for your writing, I found it very readable and it pulled me in and kept me reading rather well, even as someone who didn't need quite the basic introduction you were giving.


  10. Hmm, it looks like from the legal documents that Xenimax won half the cash for violation of one of these Trademarks. I guess maybe they used it in marketing somewhere? I can't recall any of this ever being mentioned by Oculus except in relation to Carmack working with ID.


    The Doom Name

    The Doom 3 Name

    The Doom II Name and Design

    The ID Name

    The Rage Name and Design

    The Skyrim Name


    The other half of the money is from Carmak copying some Xenimax files on the way out (dumb) and Palmer's failure to comply with an NDA (dumber) with a little side of copyright infringement.