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Posts posted by Dewar

  1. So, when you bet a certain number of buildings, that number of foundations are instantly built and, if you can't finish them, you get penalized. What happens if you under-bet? You simply can't build any more that day because there are no foundations left?

  2. Today I added puzzle generation (basically an ability to click buttons in reverse,) a win screen, and then back to menu and exit buttons on all screens, so I guess it's an actual game now?






    I was going to stop there, but i came across a couple of bugs (a board could start already completed, and going back to the menu wouldn't send the options to create the next board if nothing was changed.) In fixing those, I genericized a few bits of code and ended up getting the next thing I wanted to coded as well, buttons that have multiple states instead of just on and off. It feels good to get that "one more thing" feeling about something productive, instead of just Civ or Minecraft.



  3. It's a Light's Out puzzle.



    Though I have some ideas to make it a little bit more interesting than that.


    Edit: This is the first time I've actually made multiple scenes and handed off between them. Trying to pass just a few variables (the selections on that menu up there) is a lot bigger pain that it should be. Having to make an object with DontDestroyOnLoad() in it when I just want to pass four numbers seems dumb.

  4. 970 isn't quite good enough to play Elite Dangerous, but the frame doubling magic they have in the Oculus keeps the sickness away. Other than that my 970 has been plenty for everything I run.


    As for the amount of space an Oculus requires, part of the reason I went with Oculus is that they can't depend on you having room scale, so a lot of the experiences in the Oculus store can be done standing only. Steam VR can be a little more touchy with that stuff, but I've managed all right with a pretty cramped space. I can barely eek out a 5x5 space just larger than my wingspan and I can do a lot.


    Third camera is pretty nifty, but I wouldn't call it a must-have.

  5. I've decided to take the first couple weeks after my layoff to finally build and complete a Unity game. I've started and stopped on several big projects, so this time I'm going to make a small grid puzzle game that should be pretty easily manageable in a couple of weeks, but be polished enough . After two days, this is what I have.


    A very basic menu with yellow highlighting on the arrows and start button:



    Most of those switches don't do a lot, except size, which dynamically adjusts the board:



    The buttons now properly trigger each other for boards of any size. Next steps are to generate the actual puzzle, create win conditions, then start hooking up those other menu options.







  6. Today is my last day working at the company I've been at for 5 years due to a layoff. For the last few weeks I've been pretty excited about getting out and doing something different, but now I'm getting really bummed and am shedding a tear or two.

  7. I'm kinda OK with that, as I never want to spend that much time in the betas, so then I feel behind when I start playing at release. I wouldn't imagine that multiplayer is going to be that much different than ME3 to worry about a server stress test, but then you never know I guess.


    On a side note, I've been playing through ME3 again and I forgot how many talky bits are in it. It gives me hope that as the gameplay continues to go more action, that there will still be some interesting conversations and story peppered in between.

  8. On 2/25/2017 at 6:55 PM, Twig said:

    Thanks! I did another one.




    Much like the first zombie, this one's "umber wash" came out very splotchy, but it seems worse and more noticeable on the plain white shirt. Oh well.


    EDIT: i just now realized i forgot the glowing eyes oops



    The splotchy-ness looks very zombie like to me. Isn't that part of the point of a wash?

  9. On 2/21/2017 at 3:21 AM, osmosisch said:

    The Shadowrun games improve with each iteration IMO. The first one is more of a proof of concept than anything, though it's a good one. I played the first one so long ago I don't remember exactly which quibbles got fixed with each one though, so ymmv.


    I am both a huge fan of Shadowrun from my tabletop days and a huge fan of turn based strategy, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I liked the first Shadowrun game well enough, but Dragonfall is where it really took off for me. It's also shorter than either the original or Hong Kong, so I think it's worth just dropping the first one wherever you are and starting in on Dragonfall. If you're still not interested by hour two, give the series a pass.

  10. I definitely have a low sex drive, when it comes to being with my wife, but a fairly high sex drive when it comes to self-love. After I started taking anxiety pills, I found that my sex drive actually increased some, as it was the stress of doing the right thing and such that was putting a damper on some of my desire. The ironic thing is, that Lexipro makes it more difficult to finish, so that's been a plus and a minus.


    Even with medication, I'm still not the most sex driven person out there. It feels like more a way to make my wife happy rather than a thing I'm driven to do, but I certainly don't mind it either.