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Posts posted by Dewar

  1. I haven't enjoyed him much in the content I've seen (UPF, Sega Saturn Stream, and Demo Derby) but I'm willing to give the guy a few weeks. I can imagine it would be hard to come into that room and banter. Jeff and Brad both seem pretty intimidating.


    On the other hand, Abby's personality and GBEast's welcoming attitude both made this week's east coast content dynamite right off the bat.

  2. After hearing lots of good things, I picked this up last night and played a couple of hours. Some of the initial shocks were not as impactful because I kinda knew what I was getting into (even though I hadn't heard any specific spoilers) but the design of the world is really pulling me in so far. I've already found a couple of neat secrets, and I can't wait to get some more cool abilities.

  3. I finished the SP over the weekend. It got a bit long in the tooth before I was done, but I'm still happy overall with my experience and I hope they get around to making another at some point. I ended up liking Jaal, Peebee, Liam, and Drak quite a bit, but never really got into Cora or Vetra. The loyalty quests were all pretty fun. Placing the first (required) outpost was pretty cool as were the additional story beats centered around it, but the rest of the outposts all felt perfunctory. Because none of them were required, they couldn't have any real meaning in the overall plot. A lot of minor issues with tone that could easily be polished up for a sequel.


    Man, it crashed a ton on my computer though. Freezes during scene transitions, outright CTDs, and even one Blue Screen. Very frustrating, and none of the patches did much for me. 

  4. I've found all the planets (at least all the ones mentioned on the Viability list) but still have quite a lot to do on a couple of them. I'm still enjoying this game. The writing has definitely been inconsistent but, with a couple of loyalty missions under my belt, there have been moments with each character that I found meaningful and interesting. There's certainly more with some than others, but I don't think I'd call any of them boring, more just average.


    Patches have alleviated some of my crashes, so that's good, but also added some weird problems in the space flight bits, even when i don't skip the graphics. My review pretty much remains the same. I wish it was more stable and more polished, but I'm actually really enjoying myself.

  5. On 4/15/2017 at 11:09 AM, clyde said:

    The Oculus Medium update has made that tool FAR more useful for hobbyist game development. There is now an option to generate UV maps and a very flexible mesh-reduction system. It is awesome.


    I was just coming on to mention this. I went back in the thread and watched that video for exporting Medium objects into Unity, then I went into Medium and all the features were there already. Very cool. I'd agree this has been the killer app so far. I even used it to sculpt some silly backgrounds for my game.

  6. Well, I figured out that it was anti-aliasing that was messing up the fonts I was using. It was a heck of a head scratcher. I also finished everything on the list above besides the celebration noise, as well as a few other minor issues that I found while i was playing around. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be ready to go out to extended testing with a few non-technical friends.

  7. Whelp, I've put a lot of time in Medium sculpting some backgrounds, then taking photos of them, and lining them up. I'd post screen shots, except you can go and get it right now!



    I already have a few things on the list to fix based on thing I noticed last moment and feedback from my wife, but things are looking up!


    Create win celebration noise
    Clean up green in background
    Clean up font
    Reverse swipe of menu items


  8. I'm feeling some of my enthusiasm for this project waning now that I've figured out most of the difficult programming bits. I've decided to cut the random seed feature, and I finished redoing the buttons, so all I have to get done is re-doing the background and panel art. I have a couple of job interviews today (yay) so I'm hoping to hop into medium for an hour or two this afternoon. After that, I'll post the first draft to





  9. When I load the puzzle I'm actually switching the buttons into reverse and the computer is pressing a bunch of random buttons, more if the difficulty is higher. This ensures that whenever I add a feature, the puzzle is consistently solvable as long as I add a reverse step.


    As for today's progress, not much of a picture to show today. I got my sound design done, but also had a hard time concentrating so I ended up reading some unemployment documentation. I might hop into Medium later tonight and play around, we'll see.

  10. Yesterday I got the help formatted. The help button simply slides the camera to the side and adds this extra text on the side. The best thing about doing this is the main menu still functions, so you can change the options while looking at the help text, or clear the text by clicking help again, whichever floats your boat.




    Today I'm going to try some foley work, to make button noises, because that sounds a lot more fun then trying to find a find a canned effect somewhere on the internet. Then I'm going to use medium to see if I can create a cool background, either as a picture of a sculpture, or a literal 3D object behind the 2D playing field.

  11. Took a break on Friday and am only doing a half day today so I can finish my taxes, but I did manage to get a little done. First off, now that most of the functions are actually functional, I brainstormed a list of polish items I'd like to get done before I call it finished,


    Drop shadows on arrows
    Animation on menu items
    Layer broken and short circuit sprites
    Redo button art
    Redo keypad surface art
    Load froms seed
    Better font
    Back to menu saves settings


    Then I managed to do two of those things! I grabbed a free font from Google at and quickly tossed it in on all the menu items. That was easy enough, but getting the menu animations to work was a little tougher.




    Basically, I've taken the background and put the center potion of it behind my text entries, and the left and right portions in front of my text entries but behind the arrows. When I click left, the text scrolls off the screen to the left and the new text scrolls in from behind the right background bit. It's a bit sloppy, with a bunch of random Vector3's in there of non-obvious sizes, but it works.

  12. I've been putting a lot of time into Mass Effect this week. While I agree with many of the criticisms in this thread (flying through space, wonky animations, poor research system, black and white answers to the murder quest) none of them are so bad as to ruin my enjoyment of this game. I'm absolutely enamored with it, if only it wouldn't crash so often.


    While the over-all writting definitely has some holes, I've found the moment to moment writing fairly real feeling. The characters, while not always likable, feel pretty well realized to me. I dunno, maybe I'm not that picky, or maybe I'm taking my time and I'm seeing more of the dialog than other people? The planetary zones feel like DA:I, but with less time-consuming busy work. Plus, I like the feeling of exploration and building it gives me, even if I know it's mostly smoke and mirrors.

  13. Ran into some major bugs for the first time today, so I didn't quite get as much done as I'd hoped. At least I got the restart button working, and the other two mutators listed on the menu screen working




    The buttons with cracks don't do anything when clicked directly, but can still change color when buttons next to them are pressed. The ones with the yellow sparks (programming art) change color any time another button is pressed anywhere on the board. If the short circuited button is clicked directly, it changes twice.


    I went back and forth on whether I wanted the cracks as an overlayed second sprite, or just a new sprite with the crack drawn on it. I ended up going with a new sprite, but then I realized that the yellow sparks are going to look really strange when turned green or red, so I've got to go back and make it two sprites so I can independently change the color of the button without changing the sparks/cracks. 

  14. On 3/22/2017 at 1:20 AM, Roderick said:

    It's really shit when your body/mind gangs up on you like that without any warning. Is it a stress-related thing, or more something that depends on your personal level of anxiety?


    The thing about regular panic attacks is that they come on with no rhyme or reason to your current mood, which then makes you scared that they could happen at any time, which then increases your overall anxiety levels.

  15. i started up the project as a 2D project, so just using sprites for the most part. I scale them down a bit when you click them to make them look like they're being pushed in. I might, if I'm unemployed long enough, try and make the keypad a 3D object, but not ready yet.


    Today I'm hooking up the rest of the switches on the main menu (which will require some GIMP skills) as well as adding a "restart the same puzzle" button on the bottom. I'd also like to create a code that you could send to someone so they could try the same puzzle. At first I was thinking a random seed with a few extra digits tacked on the end to send across the menu settings, but I'm not sure how reliable that would be. Then I was thinking just coding the board layout into hex, but with a max of 49 buttons in 4 possible states, plus modifiers, that gets to be a pretty unwieldy code.