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Posts posted by Dewar

  1. As the person who normally works around Christmas so others can go see family, this sounds important and I'd say that you're entitled to one Christmas vacation, regardless of the child situation. Now if you don't want to go, that's fine and I definitely get that, but if you want to go, you should make the time.

  2. I feel like this is another instance where being able to put whatever you want on screen because it's Showtime has hurt the series, much like the random nudity and gore earlier in the series. I don't doubt that Lynch can make the deaths in this episode meaningful, If there's anyone who can weave a bunch of meaningless scenes together and make a story out of it it's him, but I don't think he'll be able to make the gore have a real purpose. A lot of the original twin peaks, and even some parts of the return, have made great use of subtlety and foreboding, and then there's these murders. *sigh*

  3. I noticed the writing being wrong on that fingerprint picture, but never put together that the print was backwards. I'm hoping this pans out to mean something and isn't just a mistake.


    After complaining about the first two episiodes and being just about ready to stop watching, I'm a big fan of the last three. A little more comedy goes a long way, and I'm starting to really get into the super slow and long held takes on things such as the falling through space, cocaine car trip, casino bits, etc. I think the series has reached the stride I'm looking for, now I just want some more of the misc. returning cast to have a more important and useful roles. Thinking about it, a lot of characters in this show have been sort of useless so far, both returning characters and new. Hopefully as things weave together it will make some more sense.

  4. On ‎5‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 8:55 AM, Mington said:

    The team America barf scene was the fucking best!


    also, dude, just pull the car over!




    i now know what I'll be shouting if I ever see Kyle MacLachlan IRL


    i got to say this episode made me squeal on about 6 different occasions. Love. It. 


    Way after you posted this, but I had that thought that maybe he was driving like a maniac so that, if his plan failed, real coop would appear in a crashing car and maybe die?

  5. That's why I have a hard time with "unlock this item and it will show up randomly in the dungeon" type rogue-likes. The optimal play for them is to get the first few blueprints and then restart if they're not the ones you like, until you've gotten the perfect first few unlocks, then never get another blueprint again. It's similar to a CCG, where you want to find a good combo, then optimize the chances that you're going to draw into that combo.

  6. Overwatch isn't really a Lords Management game. I enjoyed both Paragon and Smite when I played them, but that was a while ago now. Smite definitely has the history advantage. It's been around a while so it's been streamlined quite well, but it's also going to have a ton of veterans so that might be rough. Paragon is newer, but I'm not sure what the player base is like these days. When I played, it was still in beta and on PC.


    Edit: If you have any sort of PC that can run anything, Heroes of the Storm has had my attention a lot lately. It scales pretty well with low end PCs and is more DOTA-like than the others you mentioned, while still being a lot shorter and simpler.

  7. I'm not anywhere near a busy Base at the moment, but I'm getting steady 90 at VR high settings in the initial menu with the buggy regardless of head movement. I used to be at 45 frames about half the time.

  8. As an occasional participant on the fan discord, I can say that there are definitely people who see Waypoint as a target and are posting some crappy stuff there, and I'd imagine that happens even more on the forums, so I'm in favor of stiffer moderation. That being said, I was a member of a splinter forum from the Penny Arcade forums that left because of changes in moderation rules, so I personally enjoy forums that are a bit less stringent on the technicial requirements of thread posting. In the end, I've been mostly a viewer and not too much a participant over there because I'm nervous I'm going to post badly.

  9. I'm finally catching up with TAZ and I'm digging the change of pace. Thinking back to the "how to get off the boat" arguments from Friends at the Table, I can see them getting more comfortable with this type of system with a few more episodes under their belt. I hope they keep doing dice-light systems going forward.

  10. I've been playing Mahjongg every other week, but I've also found time to fit in some Machi Koro. It's basically Settlers of Catan but instead of a map, you buy properties Monopoly style that pay out with different dice rolls. It's simple but quick and fun.

  11. I noticed that a couple of Steam VR games I was watching actually came out (Cosmic Trip and EVERSPACE) and the new Star Trek bridge simulator is coming out next week. I haven't played around much in VR lately, but now I'm considering a new video card to help alleviate some of the issues I was having in VR before and maybe be able to play Elite without frame doubling kicking in.

  12. 5 hours ago, Korax said:


    I'm curious about which log this is.


    The log was in Psychotronics...


    I found a log of a scientist talking to Alex about implanting human brain cells into a Typhon, rather than the other way around. Alex rejected it saying not to waste the research, but I have a feeling that either him or I are the result of that research?


    I dunno, I seemed so sure about it when I first heard it, but now getting less sure. I'll listen to it again when I get home.

  13. Hmmm, I wasn't really into the show after episode one. It felt too random, with no connecting tissue between scenes. I know I should have expected it because it's Showtime, but I could have done with less gore and nudity. I felt that the original Twin Peaks was at its best when it was implying horrible things, but not having to show them, or a long build-up to one disturbing scene to get real impact out of it. 


    The second episode has me feeling a little better. Various random scenes are starting to converge into several (strange) storylines. Gore was turned down a little bit, even if the Coop and Darya murder scene still felt a bit too heavy for me without having really earned it. The callbacks to old Twin Peaks characters hit about the right level for me, connecting to the past a little more without feeling heavy handed or random. I have hope for the series now, but if every episode is going to have a high-intensity murder scene, I don't know if I'll make it to the end.

  14. On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 10:18 AM, Tanukitsune said:

    I just beat Disgaea Infinite a few days ago which gave the resolve to give Disgaea 2 another go, which I just beat!


    Disgaea Infinite is the story of a Prinny with a watch that let's him travel back in time, possess people and sometimes even take control of them, which he does to stop his boss Laharl from getting mad and cutting his salary. The game is absolutely hilarious and it was worth trying to get every single ending.


    Disgaea 2 has you playing as Adell the only human left in village of people slowly turning into monsters, his family try to summon the demon responsible for this curse but end up summoning his daughter. Together they try to find Lord Zenon and well, that's just the start of it. It's not as hilarious as Infinite, but it does have it's moments and I loved the ending.


    I thought I was stuck, but thanks to the Item Worlding system you can always dive into an item and make the item stronger while you get rare items and gain a few levels.


    The game also has a Dark Assembly, where you can plead to make the enemies stronger or weaker or just get better items.


    The game has so much to it, and the grind is actually very pleasant, I really loved this game! :tup:


    I  bought a PS3 at least partially for Disgaea 3, but the story there is even more absurd and I just couldn't maintain interest. So mechanically strong, but so few interesting characters.

  15. On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 10:11 AM, SL128 said:

    I also expected that of myself initially, but it really depends on what you want in a given play session. I've had games that were tense from the start because my group jumped out where a bunch of others did, but you can always just go to an isolated area and scavenge peacefully, collecting until the circle tightens. I even had a game where me and a friend spent about 5 minutes getting kitted out near a beach, and then took boats deep into the ocean where we could just wait as the others killed themselves.


    With how me and my groups usually play, there's only real PVP-based tension for about a minute each game (except for the one person who survives longer).


    I've found playing in doubles with a friend has been a lot less stressful than single, because you've got someone to chat with, someone to spot that one guy you missed, and, if it all goes to pot, it doesn't feel like you've wasted your time as much either.


    Single player is nerve-racking though.