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Posts posted by Apelsin

  1. I do not recommend getting the major blood vessels in your neck strangled. That was perhaps the most odd and terrifying experience I've had. Tap out in time when you're wrestling, people!

  2. Could be the wiring in the guitar, since there should be a "earth" in there somewhere. Should be a fairly easy if you've got a soldering iron and someone who knows what wire to fix. 

  3. Sweeden. 




    5 Weeks off is the norm here (The longer you've been with the company you can usually bargain for more) and companies are required to offer employees to take 4 consecutive weeks of vacation once a year.

    I have to point out that the 4 day work week (or 6 hour workday) are merely experiments that are being done in very small scale at either individual companies or individual branches of municipal services (such as hospitals and elderly care). It's far, far, far away from becoming even remotely a common occurence, although the initial results sound promising (with healthier, happier and more efficient staff as well as (in the case of hospitals) more satisfied patients.

  4. Has anyone else here tried Warframe?  I'm usually pretty tentative about F2P games, but the few hours we put into it this weekend really impressed me.  I know I tried it a couple of years ago, in a much earlier and rougher state, and disregarded it.  But it's come a long way since.  Looks great, the movement feels really good, the combat can flow from gunplay, to melee to powers...not quite seemlessly, but better than  lot of other games I've played.  We've been looking for something to scratch the Mass Effect 3 MP itch for a couple of years now, and this might be it.  A very long tail in terms of unlocking and leveling up equipment (which we don't mind in this kind of game, when it's something we want to be able to play for a year or more).  It's actually got a story/progression route now that seems interesting enough (also seems pretty typically sci-fi tropey: "You're a member of a lost, technically superior race who has awaken from a long slumber just in time to save the universe!").  But the evil people seem to be humans who've managed to genetically modify and clone the entire race to a disastrous brink of extinction, so that's neat. 


    Tried it out a bit, and I agree that it's quite fun. The traversal is really neat, although I've yet to encounter any levels that really take advantage of the flips and climbs that the character can pull off. No alternate routes or tricky "platforming sections", basically just getting to a slightly higher spot where I can snipe enemies with my bow.


    From my understanding of the story, all the characters are human. Just genetically engineered in different ways. I believe the Tenno (Whom the players take control of) are people who were exposed to some sort of "warp" dimension and came back alive (unlike others) but a little bit damaged. The rest of humanity then built them into these Warframes, so that the Tenno could defend the rest of humanity from the horrible creatures from the other side or some-such. That's at least what I believe those loading screens have told me :P

  5. The main reason to go with the PS4 version, in my estimation, is access to this community. Almost everyone here is on PS4, and that gives you a group of very cool people to do raids and stuff with*. If you have a big enough group of friends on Xbox One, or are willing to roll the dice on an LFG situation, that may not be as important to you.


    Yeah, this is the one reason I sorta regret only having the Xbox. I'll have to ponder it a bit more I guess, seems like one of those games that just gets immeasurably better when playing with other people.

  6. One example that's driving me nuts, is there's a song which requires me to fly up and down the neck of the guitar playing on one string, but it's a hell of a lot easier to just move to a higher string or lower string when appropriate. I have no idea how to change the settings so instead of telling me play 5 then 14 on the E, instead just move to the A string instead. Anyone figure that out?



    I'm not sure you can? I think it leans fairly heavily into playing the songs in a specific way "as was intended". 

  7. Has anyone got any experience with the Xbox One version? 

    Seeing how hard the PS4-release is being pushed I'm wondering if they're still comparable in performance and player count?

  8. Hacknet is a wonderful little game that simulates the experience of being the person at the keyboard in those wonderfully silly movie hacking scenes.

    As the player you get invited into a world of both White and Black Hat hacking, corporate espionage and cyberpunk conspiracies. By performing missions you earn reputation with the different collectives you encounter and gain new software so to breach even further into the networks you roam in.


    Hacking itself can be done either through a modern interface with actual buttons, progress bars and visualized file hierarchies or, alternatively, by tapping in commands into the command line on your keyboard. 


    It's a game that I feel does what it sets out to do very well, and that delivers quite a few surprises and intense moments.


    If you wish to see the game in action follow this link right HERE

  9. I bought it, played it and then watched the GB East guys play through it as well. Their reactions to the utter madness that is this game were very enjoyable.


    I definitely liked it and would love to see more, I do think the ending felt a bit odd considering the way the game leans towards the end but it still made enough sense that I felt OK about it. What kind of interface changes have they made now? Was going to write up some stuff and put it on the GB forums (the lead dev seems to hang around there quite a bit) but they might already have fixed all the stuff I was thinking about.



    This game was delightful and bananas! We got stuck once at 93% and had to look up a hint, and we can talk about where we stumbled.


    We didn't make the connection between the CD & the threshold testing as it had been too long between when the CD played and when we talked to Paul, who was my favorite.


     I got stuck at the exact same spot. Felt like a weakness in the UI there, hopefully something they sort out for an hypothetical sequel.