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Everything posted by Apelsin

  1. Unity Questions Thread

    Does anyone here have any experience importing animations from Blender? Trying to make a swinging door, and have made two animation actions (one for each extreme point of the door), but these don't appear in Unity after importing. It seems to me that they don't count as animation actions if there's no change between the keyframes in Blender maybe?
  2. Amateur Game Making Night

    I've started creating something. Hopefully I'll have something to share after the weekend.
  3. Amateur Game Making Night

    Good god you people are talented and productive!
  4. This was fantastic! Recommended heartily and I hope we play this again!
  5. I Had A Random Thought...

  6. Life

    Initial polling had them at about 10,5% which already constituted the largest gain by any party in the elections. Then we got the first results from a few of the smaller voting regions which had finished counting where their share was somewhere around 16,7%, so yes it has gone down but they've still pulled off the best election of any of the parties really. From what I've been able to gather (facebook chatter so not best source) the lions share of their votes come from rural areas and smaller communities rather than the large cities and communities where the population of immigrants are generally larger.
  7. Life

    Swedish elections are happening today and it currently looks pretty definite that we will have a new government tomorrow, switching out the centre-right alliance we've had for 8 years for a centre-left coalition. As a slightly left-leaning Swede, it's going to be interesting! The worst news is that the anti-immigrant Swedish Democrats currently are the third largest party with 13% of the votes. How that happens... I don't know.
  8. Feminism

    It looked for a while that the Feminist Initiative Party in the Swedish elections today were going to just make it into the riksdag, getting the 4% that is needed to be allowed in. However, now it seems they're just missing out by about 0,8%. While this is a bummer for them, it still is a fairly large increase compared to their previous results which looks hopeful for the future.
  9. Games giveaway

    I've still got a copy of Frozen Synapse to give away 'Tis gone!
  10. Mostly just learning how to swing around It's quite fun!
  11. Bionic Commando has been purchased. Now training will commence.
  12. Well, if it is pro-Euro then it is of no issue for me, but definitely a bummer for our transatlantic friends. Shame that ocean is so big! Sunday won't work for me this week, but I could always join a later week if that works better for everyone else.
  13. I am totally in. Question is how time zones will factor into this...
  14. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    New Mastodon record was a bit of a let-down. Only two songs I like at all. The upside is that it made me look up music I like to compensate this:
  15. Life

    I don't know if we even have trailer parks here in Sweden... I will google this.
  16. Life

    Yeah, if you can afford it purchasing housing can certainly be a preferable alternative to renting. When I moved to my current location however, I had barely any money (actually ran out when my first paycheck was late) so it was unfortunately an option for me.
  17. Is that Game design mailing list open for everyone?
  18. Ello.co

    It's the new Ello-key currency. The Ship has finally been replaced!
  19. Ello.co

    So... Is this basically Twitter?
  20. Life

    The Swedish public service network now features an article about how the involvement and deaths of Russian soldiers are covered up and how a Russian reporter who uncovered some of this got severely beat up: http://www.svt.se/nyheter/varlden/de-hemliga-soldaterna In Swedish obviously, but translation could work fairly well.
  21. Stick it to the man

    https://www.idlethumbs.net/forums/topic/9018-stick-it-to-the-man/?hl=stick#entry274190 Some of my university-mates worked on this, but haven't had time to play it myself.
  22. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    Butt rock? Now I'm interested.
  23. Yeah, the quest for historical accuracy in some games is misguided since historical accuracy is not really what those games are about. A common example of this are all fantasy games set in worlds inspired by medieval Europe. These games are not generally about medieval societal structures and politics although this is what often is modeled and is defended by stating "That's just how it was in those days", referring to a time and place that never actually existed. In those cases it just indicates a certain degree of laziness, from the developers for not taking the time to try something different and from the fans for not questioning those choices. The use of language in Mad Men and Deadwood strikes me as an example where the creators actually have figured out what part of the setting that the work is actually about and then removing other period details that either just distracts or even detracts from that. The characterization of Don Draper as a suave and cool marketing bloke is more important than the use of period terms. Overall I think period language is one of the things creators could almost skip entirely as, usually, the way people spoke are not really what stories are about. Language is just the vehicle for stories and it's better that it actually reaches the audience rather than breaking down somewhere along the road because you used some archaic way of speaking that people don't really understand anymore or find "unnatural". Not sure if I actually added anything here, but writing stuff is fun.
  24. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    Well we already have the multiplayer networking subforum, but I keep forgetting that exists all the time.