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Everything posted by pyeixe

  1. The Ultimate Playthrough, Metal Gears!?

    I finished 4 at the weekend. It was my first time playing it, and I have to say, even though it was pretty much all fan service. What a cool game, there were some fantastic moments. Peace Walker next I guess, although I am a bit wary about how it plays though. MGS 4 was probably the first time the controls felt right.
  2. The Ultimate Playthrough, Metal Gears!?

    How are you getting on? I've managed to complete up to three, currently trying to work out how to play 4 without a PS3.
  3. I'd say it's worth playing. It's been a step up in terms of difficulty, with a couple of ridiculous bosses. I've not finished the Ivory Crown yet, but my general impression has been that it's stern but fair. (I've lost far too many souls through my own stupidity, and ledges). I've been on the 360, so not sure if there is a problem with hackers. There are a couple of areas where I have been getting invaded an awful lot but they've never been obviously cheating. I'm not sure if they are dedicated areas in the dlc, but there are certain areas where you are probably going to get invaded at least every other run.
  4. Long time lurker, first time poster. I've had enough of dota kicking my ass solo and would like the opportunity to play with people. Could I get an invite to the group if any of you play regularly? Steam name is the same as my username here, thanks.