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Everything posted by zerofiftyone

  1. [RELEASE] The Hypersonic Effect

    Very quick update: i did some mindless polish instead of getting actual useful stuff done, so now the loading/pause screens have a little VHS timestamp on them. The time and date is accurate to the system clock, apart from the year, which is always 1988.
  2. [RELEASE] The Hypersonic Effect

    Thanks all for the kind comments! I havent been able to make much progress over the past few days, but tonight I managed to get a good amount of stuff done on this. As a result, I finally have a video of some gameplay. The clip below is a quick demo of the movement mechanic the game is going to be based around. The player controls a small spaceship that has momentum similar to Asteroids, only in this game you don't have regular thrusters. The only way to adjust your course is to use (hypersonic) boosts to thrust you in another direction. The levels will be short stages which will have you collecting items while avoiding obstacles. Finishing levels using as few boosts as possible and/or without taking damage will earn you bonus points and a higher score.
  3. [WIP] [Released] Robot's Lips

    Oh man, that looks great already!
  4. [RELEASE] The Hypersonic Effect

    I promise that I'll talk about some actual gameplay here soon, but today I have some more UI to show. This score summary sequence is what will play at the end of each level. I'm aiming for levels to be around 10-30 seconds long, each separated by a transition. This sequence will play while the level transition is happening. I wanted something quick and unobtrusive that also gives the player some context of how well they did in the level. I took some cues from SUPERHYPERCUBE as some of you may be able to tell; I think that's a game that presents that well. I promise/hope that this will all make sense soon.
  5. Welcome to Wizard Jam 4!

    Our automated slack invite system is down, but you can send me your e-mail by private message and I'll have an invite sent to you :).
  6. [RELEASE] The Hypersonic Effect

    Not yet... Nah I don't know what I'm going to do for the transitions yet. Might be something a little more modest than that, I'll be short on time this jam.
  7. [Release] Bogost in the Shell

    So happy to see this. Looking forward to see what this turns into.
  8. [RELEASE] The Hypersonic Effect

    Thanks! If the game doesn't pan out to anything at least there will be a nice looking title screen
  9. [RELEASE] The Hypersonic Effect

    Some more menu stuff. A cool unintended thing is that when you're making a game with this sort of aesthetic it's very easy to design a pause menu.
  10. Oh man what a dream team. Looking forward to seeing whatever this turns into
  11. [WIP] [Released] Robot's Lips

    Welcome to the forums, and good luck with the jam. This game sounds cool!
  12. [RELEASE] The Hypersonic Effect

    Here's a video of that menu screen.
  13. Welcome to Wizard Jam 4!

    Hey @elliotpage. Our automated slack invite system is down, but you can send me your e-mail by private message and I'll have an invite sent to you :). That goes for anyone else wanting to join the slack too.
  14. Pizza Tonight / A Chill Hell

    Hey Tom, welcome to the forums.
  15. [released] Avocado Smash

    Welcome to the forums (and the slack) @shallow_depths!
  16. WJ4 "Why I Jam" Audio Compilation

    Hope this isn't too late. Had to re-record because my bird was being a loudmouth jerk and singing while I was trying to record :D.
  17. Welcome to Wizard Jam 4!

    Also yeah, shoutout to Ben_X who started up the whole discussion on naming schemes a few weeks ago. Thanks Ben.
  18. Welcome to Wizard Jam 4!

    Hey guys, I made an updated logo. Happy Wizard Jam 4, everybody.
  19. The thing about community-hosted dedicated servers is that that sort of behaviour can be directly discouraged through server bans. It's like being on a forum with its own rules and culture, vs a purely public place like Twitter or something. I have fond memories of playing TF2 and hanging out in the same server every night; one of the cool things about the server was its strict policy on abusive language. The same set of regulars would appear on most nights, and newcomers would come and go; but if anybody broke the rules they would be reported and gone. It was nice; and it was one of the only places I've been able to chat on open mic to a bunch of strangers and make friends.
  20. Still newer forum!

    Thanks again Doug!
  21. Still newer forum!

    I'm getting an email notification every time somebody posts on a watched thread, and it seems like I can't disable it. Anyone else experiencing this?