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Everything posted by zerofiftyone

  1. Return of the Steam Box!

    Yeah, it's definitely nothing particularly special as a product when you think about it. But I think it will find its audience among people who like the idea of PC gaming but have no real tech expertise so they would feel better about getting a Steam-branded machine than something off the shelf from PC World. (Do you guys have those in the States?) There's also a contingent of people who essentially want a console that will play PC exclusive games.
  2. Yeah, I was looking forward to doing the same. Wanted to use it as an excuse to upgrade to an SSD.
  3. Return of the Steam Box!

    It's worth saying that you can run Windows on them as well, which is what I would be doing if I had one. Now that I have a decently powerful laptop, I'm not really interested in getting one, but I definitely can see the appeal.
  4. Return of the Steam Box!

    I'm pretty sure you wouldn't need both. A steam machine (or any computer that can run the steam client) is capable of streaming. I think the steam link is an alternative for those who don't want to buy another PC just for the living room.
  5. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    Ughh. I'm sorry you have to deal with that I've been pretty lucky when it comes to receiving racist garbage from people in game. But then again, I've always made a deliberate choice to not use a photo of myself as my avatar on steam. I guess you could look at that as me conceding in a similar way to what you're considering now. I don't really have much useful to add. It sucks that people get hassle just for being themselves in a video game.
  6. XCOM 2

  7. It's going to be called the Xbox 5. I'm calling it now.
  8. Post your face!

    I hadn't considered it, but yeah that is totally the reason, isn't it? Same with Encyclopaedias/Wikipedia.
  9. XCOM 2

    My fiancée and I have a semi routine whereby we replay the Puzzle Agent games every 18 months or so; we've been doing this for years now. Those games are lovely.
  10. E3 2015

    Here here.
  11. XCOM 2

    I can picture a Zafehouse Diaries / This War of Mine type game set in the XCOM universe.
  12. XCOM 2

    That seems... unlikely.
  13. XCOM 2

    More details have emerged in an interview with Jake Solomon.
  14. Post your face!

    Thanks, it's one of my favourite photos in the album. It really does a good job of summing up my "90s dork" childhood. Oh you.
  15. Post your face!

    Childhood photo time! I don't recall how old I am in that picture, but I'm posing in front of what must have been my first PC.
  16. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    NinjaSquirrel is right, except it was Crysis 2.
  17. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    Ohh man Vulfpeck are great. Discovered them last year and now every few months I find myself listening to them non-stop for about a week. Today I'm listening to the new Jaga Jazzist album while I work. I'm enjoying it a lot so far. Edit: I guess the media tag doesn't like links with underscores in them?
  18. Project SSDC; Action-Strategy Hybrid Early Alpha

    I only had a super quick look at this (as I'm at work) but that video is cool! And the jetpack part looks so nice. You've done well with the presentation given how WIP everything is.
  19. Eggcorns

    When I was little, I used to think it was Expresso.
  20. I was undecided on whether or not I'd make something for this; I'm going to be really short on time but at the same time I've been getting so excited at seeing other peoples' entries. So I thought I may as well try and see what I can get done and have some fun with it. I'm going to be doing an interpretation of Episode 113: SHOOT THAT PIZZA using Unreal Engine 4. I have some half formed gameplay ideas at the moment and a general idea of how it will look, so I'm going to take some tomorrow to think about what exactly I'll be making and the manner in which I'll be doing it. Maybe I'll make a task list on Trello... General idea is: Game where you shoot at pizzas skeet shooting style, but you're firing various toppings instead of bullets. More details to follow!
  21. [RELEASE] Shoot that Pizza / I Like the Hair

    Yeah, the hotly anticipated dibs hair DLC has been added.
  22. I Had A Random Thought...

    I love this place.
  23. Awwww this is the greatest thing!
  24. Game Dev Talks/Lectures

    That article is incredible, by the way. I think I have a new found appreciation for 2D camera systems now.
  25. Game Dev Talks/Lectures

    I think the link is broken Edit: This link seems to work: