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Everything posted by zerofiftyone

  1. I think it depends on what you didn't like about TF2. The game is very similar at its core, so if you didn't like the whole format of a class-based FPS with objective-based maps then you probably won't like Overwatch either. But if it's something more peripheral, then maybe you will.
  2. [RELEASE] Explode Mode

    Thanks! Yeah I joked about making it a diversifier in the Slack channel a few days ago, but it's actually a really fun idea!
  3. [RELEASE] Explode Mode

    Hmm!! Perhaps I should add in some kind of self-righting system. Currently have no idea how that would work, but maybe I'll figure it out!
  4. [Dev Log] Build The Nublar

    "Firewatch developer Campo Santo announces next project: Build The Nublar"
  5. [RELEASE] Explode Mode

    Weird!!! That is very unintended! Maybe I have some of the physics forces applying in a way that's framerate dependent? I'm also amused that it still drives whilst upside-down. PHYSICS!
  6. [RELEASE] Explode Mode

    Whoaaaa, how did you flip it upside down? Does it still drive?
  7. Idle Thumbs Streams

    There's a mine disarming device in the security room that makes them a non-issue once you have it. I'm not really a fan of the mines either brkl, but for what it's worth, there are only two sets of escalation missions that feature them. You should give the others a try because they're good!
  8. [RELEASE] Nasty/Good/Badass

    This was really well written and I enjoyed it a lot!
  9. WIZARD JAM 2016 // Welcome Thread

    I just sent you a private message
  10. [RELEASE] Explode Mode

    This game has been released and you can play it!
  11. Idle Thumbs Streams

    I really enjoyed that Hitman stream!
  12. WIZARD JAM 2016 // Welcome Thread

    Just a quick reminder for those who weren't aware: The jam deadline is over, but I am still accepting late submissions. Send me your game's link and I can get the game added to the Wizard Jam page.
  13. Haven't played this yet, but that is a very nice title screen.
  14. [Dev Log] Build The Nublar

    Well done Jake, Olly and Nick; this looks so impressive. Go get some sleep, Jake!
  15. [Release] Dead Letters

    Yeah, if you host the game on and then send me the game page link, I can get it added to the Wizard Jam page.
  16. [Release] Life As A Dung Beetle

    I just replied to your PM.
  17. I am so excited to play this once I've had some sleep. You've done a really great job here.
  18. [RELEASE] Dot Gobbler

    That cover art makes me so happy.
  19. WIZARD JAM 2016 // Welcome Thread

    I've responded to your PM.
  20. [Dev Log] Build The Nublar

    I just realised that you could also call this game "Free Macintosh Warez"
  21. [RELEASE] Doctor DNA

    Can't stop smiling at how good this looks
  22. [RELEASE] Shoot That Pizza

    What a cool surprise this is!
  23. [Release] Life as a Dung Beetle

    Congrats phill! Looking forward to playing this.
  24. [RELEASE] Explode Mode

    Final day progress: wasting time making a sweet level transition effect instead of finishing the game.