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Posts posted by Berzee

  1. This game just received a big update -- 2 new classes, daily challenges, and a number of other tweaks. I recommend the dailies, they're a fun way to try things you normally wouldn't. The downside to the dailies is of course that it might throw anything at you, including things you haven't practiced with at all, but there's always tomorrow.


    There are leaderboards now too (for Damage, XP, Piety and Time) but no consensus has been reached about which stats are actually worth ranking competitively, unless the consensus is that none of them is worth it considered in isolation. Fastest time is maybe worth striving for if you decide to race the other people who are racing, but some of the stats make more sense when sorted upside-down -- for example there's something elegantly sparing about beating the level with the lowest Damage Dealt, sort of a pseudo-nonlethal run. :P And I find it's easier to get low Damage if you play slowly and make every click count. Piety varies wildly depending on play style and altar choices so I generally only glance at that, and XP is maybe interesting as a comparison between people with similar completion times because it shows you who managed to get more bonus XP out of their run or kill more things in the time allotted. But I mainly find the "leaderboards" informative as a snapshot of different approaches rather than a "best to worst" thing. For example I have discovered that I generally take my sweet time and squeeze every possibly resource out of a dungeon (but I can overcome my natural instincts and get a decently fast Time score if goaded into it =P). Left to my own devices I also usually end up near the top of the Damage Dealt listings, which either means I'm horribly inefficient, or that I'm more of a regen-fighter than I realized, or that I spend more time mopping up defenseless leftover enemies than does the average player. Which is all interesting information and I'm sure will make me a better person in the game and IRL.

  2. I got as far as making the tiny grappling-hook, but I couldn't figure out how to use it. I'm not very good at adventure games. I when I looked in the trash can after asking to three times, I was surprised because I wouldn't usually click on something multiple times. Like I said, I'm not very good at adventure games.


    Grappling hook is an optional item needed for what I consider to be the "slightly secret" alternative ending -- that's why it takes multiple clicks to find it. :)


    In the interests of making sure anyone who wants to see the whole game can see it, here is a spoiler-walkthrough for how to get past the first screen. It is a very direct spoiler walkthrough so don't open it unless you want to be SPOILED! I ought to spend the time to write up a sweet UHS-style system of gradually more specific hints and tips, but, I didn't.


    1. Create footholds in the cracked wall by wedging the stick + the kite sticks into it.

    2. Climb the wall.

    3. Oh snap. Pull the loose brick out of the brick wall.

    4. Put the sticks back in the wall and use the brick to pound them in more securely.

    5. Climb the wall.


    I have only been able to get 2/3. *shakes fist at Carlos and his dumb old mushrooms* *jk mushrooms are the best*

    Am I just not persuasive enough, or is this just a commentary on the futility of getting exactly what you want on a shared pizza?


    I also tried ordering all veggies to see if Jeff would back me up but alas. (Maybe I do not actually know what constitutes kosher).


    Edit: hahaha, anchovies =\

  4. I love carmelized onions, they're the best. 


    I share this love.


    Caramelized leeks, on the other hand, are malevolent flavor ghosts that seem tasty at first but will haunt your mouth and contaminate all other tastes for 24-48 hours even after you brush your, judging from my one experience with caramelized leeks.

  5. I like making credits pages for my games, it makes me feel like I am on a team even though I work alone. =P I usually only use CC-BY licensed stuff or public domain stuff though, so if I do contact them it's just for a "thanks for that thing of yours I my game...playmygame..." instead of trying to get permission.

  6. Here is a short HTML5 point-and-click adventure game that I have created: The Secret of Gargoyle Manor!! (Edit: that link is to Kongregate, but it's also on now too)


    Edit: I was only able to contain myself for a day after posting it for playtesting, so it's up on Kongregate now. :P But I would still shurely appreciate it if you happen to play it and let me know your thoughts (especially if you find any un-squashed bugs).


    This game was made as a sample game for a hypothetical adventure game editor I might build someday...which is why it has a little bit of everything thrown in, and why the story is perhaps not Fine Literature. :P I haven't started making the editor yet, but I do at least have the game contents properly separated (in some json files) from the engine code, which is a good start. For now though, I have just released it as its own separate little game. =)


    P.S. here is a screenshot:


  7. I was telling Mrs. Berzee yesterday about how I wanted to try this game but I knew that within a couple of hours I would probably get bored of the setting because it is modern and realistic and contains no wizards. Then she asked me if I couldn't mod it into a wizard-game, and now I am having an internal struggle about whether I ought to buy the game just to find out. =P Further investigation shows that there is at least one small reddit discussion about creating a medieval/historical mod. I hope that becomes a thing!


    Maybe I would like this game even with all its "traffic" and its "electricity" and stuff, though.

  8. After that, though, for visual art, a shopping list of specific assets and specs needed for the project, along with possibly a moodboard with examples of the visual style you're looking for, would make the decision to jump in a lot easier than just "I made this prototype and I need an artist!"


    I never heard of a moodboard before. That sounds like a useful thing to know about, maybe I will assemble one next time I start a project. Thanks for saying moodboard!

  9. Yesterday I decided that I really wanted to play Gimme Friction Baby, a flash game that I was in love with about a decade ago, on my phone. So I made it.


    Ha! Excellent choice.

    I don't have any good insights into the interestingness of the unsolicited volunteer port situation ^_^ but I look forward to putting this on my tablet tonight.

  10. Does anyone know of any good tools or guides for doing pixel art? I know it's over used in games but it's probably the only way I'll be able to do art for my game


    I just use gimp, but I'm pretty sure that's not the most efficient option if you aren't already used to it. =)


    Here is a big list of resources and links I've benefited from in the past (not sure if all the links are still current though):

  11. Hah, excellent. If I were the owner of that manor I would sit down with my security staff and discuss some options going forward for ways they might apprehend intruders without reducing my home to charred rubble in the process. ^_^


    The minute or so of carefully extinguishing torches with water arrows makes the ensuing conflagration even more amusing. :D

  12. I've been working on an adventury-type browser game to practice HTML5 canvas stuff some more. Nearing the end, I'm now to the point where it becomes necessary to add things like options menus with volume and dialogue speed controls...which is exciting because it means I'm almost done, but is boring because it's meeeennnuuuus.


    *siiigh menus*


    So I decided to come here and whine about it a little bit. =)

  13. Today I received this message in my electronic mailbox.




    And now this week ebay told me that Nintendo Power Glove is trending. I'm not sure what I did to deserve this excellent trend of trend notifications. The only thing related that I can think of is that I searched for a Dreamcast + Shenmue one time...and I sold some Halo decorations that a Gamestop employee gave me as I walked past their store in the mall because they wanted to get rid of them. But it's still a pretty far leap from there to Battletoads and the Power Glove.