Hi guys, I'm new.
Playing the last two major releases from Ubisoft, (namely Assassins Creed 3 and Far Cry 3) I stumbled upon a lot of simmilarities.
Hunting and skinning of prey for ressources and crafting upgrades
Hiding in bushes (in both cases also used for assassinations)
Open world map with activities and treasures being marked
Climbing towers to reveal the map/secrets
Seeing that upcoming AAA-title Watch_Dogs seems to have an Assassins Creed vibe to it, I can only assume that the average hour of gameplay will include:
climbing the city's highest points to get more of all that free WiFi and update my Foursquare.
Using this information I could then go hiding in the cities park, looking on my map where to find the nearest pack of frolicking hipsters.
I will then hunt them down and skin them off all their technical equipment.
Using my incredible abilities as a hacker I then build and upgrade my own gadgets. (Also pickpocketing for batteries)
Should Ubisoft partner with Foursquare for this? There's way too much potential in that.
Also, should you be able to skin them for unique mobile sleeves?