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About singlespace

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    Thumb Citizen
  1. Judge from the rates: if your team is managing to sustain well, you're charging fast, and you don't think they other team has an ult then burn it low. If you're getting a lot of burst damage against your team, people are falling quick, you suspect they have an ult lined up, or you need to make a big push or hold soon, then save it.
  2. It's a bit of an awkward problem, yeah? Communicating is really useful in team games, but there's always some people out there who ruin the experience in a wide variety of ways.
  3. I don't really hear much chatter in pub games either.
  4. I would guess it's more the old Quake 3 Arena players: Pharah's rocket launcher feels quite similar and some people have logged thousands of hours in that game.
  5. I have a little under 30 people on my list who play, but that's on PC.
  6. I could never really get into TF2, but I love Overwatch. One of the brilliant things about is that there are many classes with a wide variety of play styles including several that don't require great aim or super human reflexes. One of my favourite heroes is the support Mercy where you don't need to aim much at all, but you do need to have a good awareness of what's going on all around you. Characters range from needing to be pinpoint or have great tracking like with Widowmaker and Genji respectively, to characters that almost don't need to aim, like Winston (who's primary fire arcs in a radius), Reaper (who has a very wide spread), Reinhardt (who's main purpose is to shield while his attacks are all very generous in forward arcs), and the supports like Mercy, Symmetra, and to a lesser extent, Lucio. Maybe a quarter of the cast doesn't require much at all for aim and many are quite forgiving in terms of reflexes. Many of those classes also form the core of your team. It's really crazy how positive the game feels: even losing several matches in a row doesn't feel bad with how they carefully craft their feedback to the player. Every round ends in a play of the game that replays a nice moment in the game when someone played well, then a screen of several notable achievements by players from both teams are shown in the form of cards. Say if there were some supports and tanks that did a lot for their team, then how much they healed and prevented damage would be highlight under their names. Everyone on both sides votes on who they think contributed the most and you end up with a lot of situations where a player on the loosing team will be the highest voted player, or there will be a single player that most people on both teams will agree did awesome. Better still, the feedback actually has a very concrete benefit, the match making system tries to match you with players you've previously voted for and those who were in matches that you liked. The end result is that the game feels much less adversarial, which is kind of weird for a competitive game. Even the little details retain the same kind of feel. The kill feed is off by default and many players choose to keep it that way. Kills aren't prominently tracked or displayed, sometimes as a side note you'll see how many last hits you did, but for offense classes assists are the primary stat tracked, not kills. The final seconds of every post match summary is finished off with your own personal stats and achievements for the match such as whether you broke your own personal best or how close you were to breaking one, what your contributions to the game were organized by how your class plays (so supports will track things like how much damage you healed, or how long you kept buffs up, etc). So if you're on the fence because of worries about slower reflexes and worse aim, or how competitive and hostile FPSes can be, don't worry: Overwatch has your back.
  7. The pro-teams have been running it from very early on, so there are people who have logged several hundreds hours if not considerably more already, but it's not really anything to be worried about. Overwatch is brilliant regardless of your degree of skill as long as you're playing on relatively even teams and so far it seems like match making has been quite good at making sure that happens. The player base in the beta alone was rather massive, so there wasn't really any issue with finding people of similar skill to play with.
  8. Well, if you want to see an insane match with a very good Genji: One thing to keep in mind is their team had to make sure the point was contested for 5 straight minutes of overtime. Here's another match where you see how aggro Widowmaker looks (a lot of airshots):
  9. If anyone feels like having an Idle Thumbs list of folks to group up with, here's a sheet to start:
  10. Firewatch Spoiler Thread | Henry Two Hats

    That wasn't a glitch — Forest Byrnes is of demonic origin and was just returning home.
  11. Firewatch Spoiler Thread | Henry Two Hats

    There is no possible application of Forest Byrnes that is not creepy.
  12. Firewatch Spoiler Thread | Henry Two Hats

    Just checked: works for me. I'm on: Chrome 49.0.2623.47 beta-m (64-bit)
  13. Firewatch Spoiler Thread | Henry Two Hats

    They talk a bit about that in the IGN spoiler cast. Pretty interesting.
  14. Firewatch Spoiler Thread | Henry Two Hats

    Delilah tells you the story