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Everything posted by eot

  1. I like some stuff about Zeno Clash but it's one of the more frustrating games I've played. The melee combat never clicked for me, and even when I was doing well it wasn't satisfying. It's also very hard to keep track of multiple enemies at once, yet there are a lot of encounters designed around doing just that. The art direction saves kinda saves it, but it's closer to 'okay' than 'great' (will depend on what you value most in games though, for me the mechanics are usually the most important thing).
  2. Wait, you're already up to 2011? I'll get E.Y.E. for you then. How does Steam gifting work now though? I know they changed it to make it more cumbersome
  3. There was an official The Thing game that came out in 2002. I don't know much about it because I never played it, I just remember reading the review for it in PC Gamer UK. I thing it had a mechanic for testing if your allies were the thing, but doing so would upset them if they turned out not to be. Also, clearly it should be: 1x Xbox One X box
  4. If you're linking all these BioShock articles / threads I guess this one should be included
  5. Meow.

    Not sure if I ever got around to posting pics of my cat here. Sadly she had to be put down last week. Made it to 16 as an outdoor cat.
  6. The final boss of BioShock is one of the worst parts of the game. Honestly, everything after the Andrew Ryan moment feels superfluous. But then, I'm in the minority of people for whom BioShock never clicked. The art direction, the animations, the style of the audio logs, it all just put me off the game. My tastes are frequently quite different from yours though Ben!
  7. Half-Life 2: Episode 3

    I think you can still get it actually, even though it's de-listed
  8. Half-Life 2: Episode 3

    Definitely the best HL2 content. I think I'd rank all of them: 1. Half-Life 2. Half-Life 2: Episode 2 3. Half-Life: Opposing Force 4. Half-Life 2 5. Half-Life: Uplink 6. Half-Life 2: Episode 1 7. Half-Life: Blue Shift 8. Half-Life 2: Lost Coast I haven't played Half-Life: Decay!
  9. Half-Life 2: Episode 3

    I'm surprised they're charging for that. I own it but I definitely never bought it.
  10. I Had A Random Thought...

    The assassin from the GTA 2 intro: Looks just like the guy in this music video at 3:51
  11. Half-Life 2: Episode 3

    I think so too, it's not very subtle.
  12. Movie/TV recommendations

    I guess I can watch the anime if it's any good. Haven't had a gaming PC for a year now though, otherwise I'd definitely replay it. Maybe I could buy one with my tax refund... @Twig I though that bit at the end was too weird and out of place to take literally. It would be more in character for her to say that sarcastically. But yeah, weird name and weird forced topless scene. Do play the game.
  13. Half-Life 2: Episode 3

    I agree with that, but back when they talked about the game it was always Ep.3. The whole Half-Life 3 thing was manufactured by the community, because it would be ridiculous to just release an episode after so long.
  14. Movie/TV recommendations

    I watched all three Riddick movies. I wouldn't say that any of them are good, but they aren't straight up trash either. Pitch Black has the potential to be a great movie, the actors for Fry (the pilot) and Johns both nail their parts, and the set up is actually quite decent as far as these things go. The over done visual filters and crappy looking monsters ruin it a bit for me though. There's also something about the directing that just isn't all the way there. In the end I think it's fairly memorable though. The Chronicles of Riddick is a completely different movie, it's a weird direction to go in after the first one. If you take it for what it is though it's still quite enjoyable, it still has a planet escape (I guess that's the one recurring element in these movies) and some highlights in the cast. Really enjoyed Vaako and Kyra. Necromongers are pretty generic space nazis but I've seen worse. Riddick feels like a throwback to the first movie. It's strange in its own way though, because it doesn't start introducing new characters until something like 40 minutes in, and it takes a bit longer than that to get the main supporting cast. I also think Riddick himself is a bit milder in this one, much less of an anti-hero. It was cool seeing Starbuck though. Apparently they're making a fourth one. I admit that I'm moderately excited.
  15. Half-Life 2: Episode 3

    Reads like it would've been a challenging script to make justice. I don't blame them for not finishing it, but I think they owe their fans more transparency. I'm mostly glad people will shut up about it now.
  16. He's in an episode of Voyager as well (two-part episode actually). Myself, I watched the TNG episode where Picard cures Dr. Pulaski by transporting her un-changed DNA. If they can curse someone with the transporter, why do they need a sickbay at all? It seems like a bad plot device to use.
  17. bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies

    I have to post this
  18. Oh my god, I was so addicted to Salty Bet for two weeks before I made myself stop. I even paid for it. It was a bit scary because I didn't think I was susceptible gambling addiction, but that's what it was even if it was 100% fake money. You would get so hyped when the top tier characters appeared, or faced off against each other. Some of them had "fake" versions too, that looked almost or fully identical to one another. The matches could be so hilarious, in combination with the chat they had me crying from laughter all the time. The combination of the, at times, amazing character work and the completely unpredictable AI was something else. Let me show you an example (skip to about 1 minute in, 3rd round): Watching a match like that when you're all in on one of the characters is such a thrill. I have no idea how the AI managed to create ridiculous situations like that so often, but it was so fun to watch
  19. Movie/TV recommendations

    Dolph Lundgren is such a beast, I'm gonna watch that
  20. Movie/TV recommendations

    I've been watching/re-watching some John Carpenter films the past week, I'll just mention two: Escape from LA, I don't know what to make of this movie. It had a budget 10 times higher than that of the first movie, yet the SFX look like absolute garbage. Even for the time, if you consider how good Starship Troopers looks (twice the budget, one year later, but still). Even TV show like Voyager has better CG. Then there's the fact that the movie is at times a scene-by-scene remake of the first movie, they even tell the same jokes the same way. I don't mind it actually, because I can listen to Kurt Russell say "call me Snake" all day, it's just weird. Did Carpenter resent making this movie or something? I had fun with it, mostly because I like Kurt Russell, Steve Buscemi and Michelle Forbes, but it's not a good movie. The attempts are satirizing LA are quite weak. Big Trouble in Little China, I've seen this movie mentioned as one of Carpenters best, something I don't understand at all. This was easily my least favourite movie of this that I've watched and I stopped to see how much of it was left at least four times. I was utterly bored by the whole thing, didn't think any of the jokes were particularly funny and the endless fights were tedious to get through. The Chinese mysticism thing didn't grab me, and so many events in the movie feels completely random (which can work, I just don't think it does here). The only good part was the exploding head.
  21. Kim does have a few good episodes, Timeless like already mentioned, but I also like The Chute. I'll take him over Chakotay any day. @TheLastBaron There's an episode guide to Voyager posted somewhere in this thread, if you get bored with Season 1 I recommend following that and just watching the highlights instead.
  22. The whole thing looks like CGI to me, kinda off putting. I mean, obviously at least the human faces aren't, but even they look so post-processed that they're close to CGI
  23. Voyager is very prone to techno babble and boring combat sequences, but there are character focused episodes too. The good Voyager episodes are really good.
  24. I think people's reactions to that scene have more to do with the characterization than the race of the actors, Kurt Russell is the main character, of course people side with him. Maybe you want to argue that the latter begat the format, but that's something different.
  25. I started watching TNG again, I'd forgotten how preachy Star Trek is. They even end most episodes outright stating the moral of the story. At least in season 1