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Everything posted by eot

  1. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    Question about the marsh looking area
  2. I disagree with that if we're talking about Half-Life proper. Fighting the marines is the best part of that game.
  3. The first two Myth games are great RTSes, and terribly overlooked. One could say they're the kinds of games that deserve a dedicated episode on a strategy gaming podcast. It's even perfectly playable on modern systems! http://projectmagma.net/
  4. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    I'm currently stuck on a puzzle in what I guess is the tetris tutorial area (which btw, I don't like how they close of paths there).
  5. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    About that place with literal mazes:
  6. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    Welp 2 I guess I can stop beating my head against that then.
  7. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    Regarding literal mazes. Yup yup yup. I enjoy solving puzzles I understand the rules of. Figuring out the rules can be fun if it's presented to you in a good way, but this game seems to open to reliably do that.
  8. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    Um, well I played like an hour more and made almost no progress. I went to three or four different places with different puzzle mechanics, but none of the puzzles seemed like introductory ones. Then I went to a much farther away place with seemingly much easier puzzles. I also just started feeling a bit off, which I hope isn't the game. I've never gotten motion sickness from anything ever. I do wish I were playing with kb/m though. I hope I find that thing soon. I guess I already said this, but it's weird to have a puzzle game where it's easy to miss the thing that explains the puzzle mechanics.
  9. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    Played a small amount, activated one laser. Aside from the low FOV and the vignetting (two of my biggest pet peeves) it's a very pretty game. Not all that impressed by the puzzles so far but I still have most of the game left. One thing about the beginning of the game though:
  10. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    Why does it say the download is 3.7 GB in the PSN store and then when I start the download it's doing 7 GB?
  11. I used to play bridge in high school. One teacher at our school was an accomplished player, former European champion among several other titles, and managed to convice the principal to let him teach a bridge class. I suppose his skill was a little bit wasted on us, but by the end of it we could actually play kind of properly. Having an exam that quizzes you on what the right card to play is in a given situation is pretty different (and quite tricky actually). It's something I've been wanting to pick up again, but unless you join a club it can be hard to find people to play with.
  12. General Video Game Deals Thread

    "and it's belong to you in the future" great
  13. Well, if it's a game you already own I don't see what's wrong with it.
  14. There was one puzzle I ended up looking up a hint for. It wasn't necessarily harder than other puzzles, but there was something I didn't know about the mechanics so my reaction was less "aha!" and more "well, I didn't even know that was something you could do". I never got stuck on any of the other puzzles for all that long. It's a challenging game but also maybe not as hard as its reputation might lead you to believe. Unlike something like SpaceChem that piles on complexity, Braid's puzzles are always quite small so to say. Anyway, regarding The Witness, I think I'll get it on PS4. From what I've gathered though, there's not much save management going on in that game, so what's the best way for two people to play it simultaneously? Do I have to make a second PSN account just for that?
  15. How does Humble do Steam keys now? Can you always gift them, or are some still activated directly to your account?
  16. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    I think his point was that if you look up the solution to a puzzle, you might not understand that solution, which then makes you unable to solve all subsequent puzzles that build on that idea. Without having played the game I don't know how true that is, but my gut reaction is that he's wrong. In math / physics textbooks there's a clear divide between authors who include a lot of examples as well as detailed solutions to exercises, and those who don't. Some argue that having access to the solution hampers your learning, but my experience has always been that I learn much better when I can look up solutions to problems I'm stuck on. I wouldn't be surprised if this game is similar.
  17. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    I think I might have to reluctantly get this on PS4 instead of PC. Was hoping to have a new rig by now but I don't.
  18. Don't say that I know it's not a great game but I think it has some very satisfying weapons. Anytime something's exploding in Shogo things are great. While I don't watch any anime, I also like its style, the music and some of the dialogue. And yeah that intro is great I wish more games had 90's style intros. If the fans are pushing you up I think you're in the wrong shaft. You can drop down by moving over the walkways which blocks the airflow. edit: unless you mean you don't have enough momentum to go down, I think you need to drop all the way down the first time, otherwise you can get stuck flowing up and down. Intro for anyone who hasn't seen it:
  19. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    Regarding the engine, I heard this ages ago so I might be misremembering, but I think they built a real time multi-user editing tool so that all the designers could work on the same instance of the game simultaneously. Blow is also a pretty hardcore programmer and I think he wants total control of every aspect of his game. He's exactly the kind of developer Unity isn't made for. Besides, they started almost a decade ago and 'free' engines have come a long way since then.
  20. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    Do game developers typically have paid overtime? I assumed they didn't.
  21. I don't blame you for giving up on Quake II. It's a slog, with confusing levels and unimaginative space marine theme. The strangeness of Quake I is vastly more interesting and the levels are so much tighter. Quake II feels more modern in a way, because it tries to look like a real place at times, but I really love the unorthodox "this is one of the first 3D games ever" feel of Quake I. It is so unlike modern level design, but manages to be good at the same time.
  22. Consortium - now with a new kickstarter

    Consortium is something I've been meaning to play for a while, bought it this past winter sale.
  23. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    I don't know how anyone expected the game to be $20. Because it's indie I guess? It costs exactly what I thought it would.
  24. I have zero moral qualms about using emulators. That's always an issue. Maybe people could vote for what they want to play the most but also what they want to play the least?
  25. General Video Game Deals Thread

    That's nice of them, but that was one of the worst stores I've ever used. Why are the NA/EU stores completely separate? Why, after I make an account where it doesn't ask for my country, and I choose the EU flag from the drop down does it take me to an entirely different website where my account credentials don't work? Ugh. It then forced me to sign in through Steam just to create an account.