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About wittyoctopus

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  1. I can't believe this was the topic of the week. Awesome! and exactly what I've been looking for oddly enough. About a year ago I started working on designing my own board game, but the way I started working on it was by thinking of the aesthetic I wanted and working backwards from there. I realize now that that is most likely the wrong way to go about actually designing the game. I started by designing the components then the rules. I wanted to create a game that had the feel of one of those World War II war rooms that you'd see in a classic movie, with pieces denoting armies, cities, and chief targets, etc, I know that it's not exactly an original idea, but since I was doing this in my spare time I figured I didn't have to be mind blowingly original as long as it was something that I enjoyed. I also wanted a map that could change every game so I designed hex tiles, not unlike Settlers of Catan. Anyhow, it's nice to hear people out there are as passionate about game components as I am. If anyone has the desire to see the components that I designed for my game feel free to stop by http://cogsandgenerals.wordpress.com, I'd appreciate some outside opinions on my little project. Also keep in mind as with most things in life my blog is a work in progress.