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Everything posted by itsamoose

  1. Unity Questions Thread

    I've never had this problem myself but I've heard about it from a few places. I know that when working with different types of buttons Unity is quite picky about the InputManager's settings as well as each axis' settings, so first I would give those a once over to make sure the values are being read correctly.
  2. Good News Everyone

    I'm not sure if this should go here or in the social justice thread, or in the feminism thread, but a recent study found that having an opinion in mixed gender groups improves productivity. Anyway, it's good news above anything else! Edit: Apparently the forum replaces the phrase "P0L1tical Correctness" with "having an opinion" in case the title is misleading
  3. Games from the Podcast

    On some episode a while back Chris recommended Might $ Magic: Clash of Heroes which I picked up a couple weeks later and it quickly became one of my favorites. It's one of those games with a simple ruleset that manages to expose an incredible amount of depth.
  4. Nobody expects the Dragon Age Inquisition

    Based on what (little) I've seen so far the focus of the game seems to be more toward involving the player in the political machinations of the world which is something previous dragon age games have only really done on the surface, or in highly scripted environments. Video:
  5. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I think its more that no one would want to represent GamerGate because you would, at the very least, have to acknowledge the harassment. Its why people keep coming in at an angle or trying to tease particular points out into a different discussion. Everyone sees the shitty behavior but as just a supporter of the movement, and not a leader of it, you can plead ignorance all you like.
  6. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    This element of the discussion seems to be part of something that has been happening, at least in US politics, when it comes to women's issues. In recent years we've seen terms like legitimate rape crop up, seemingly with the intention of framing crimes against women as somehow being solicited by the victim or that the victim somehow allowed themselves to be victimized through inaction. The good news however, particularly with the election results from last night (more women in US congress now than ever before), suggests to me that this strategy proves fatal for the one pursuing it. If the connection that I think I'm seeing exists, I would hope this means that GamerGate is heading into its death throes and at this point just needs to be ignored entirely.
  7. Unity Questions Thread

    Getting angles to work with you in Unity is a bit tricky in 2D, just keep in mind a few notes. First off, a 2D vector can be represented as a angle, and in Unity's coordinate system a "zero" angle here would be a line pointing directly to the right (such as the Vector3.right property). I've had to do this quite a bit in my game and I've had success with the following methods. Basically you'll be able to convert any direction into an angle by passing the object's transform.right property in as the argument in the Vector2ToAngle method, and from there you can do what you like. Note that all but the last method normalize the values so that they will be positive. Generally speaking with 2D in Unity you should use the transform.right property as though it were that object's forward direction so all objects, at a zero rotation, are oriented to be facing to your right. public static float Vector2ToAngle(Vector2 aDirection) { float degrees = Mathf.Atan2(aDirection.y, aDirection.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; if (degrees < 0) { degrees += 360; } return degrees; } public static Quaternion GetZRotation(Vector3 aDirection) { return Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Vector2ToAngle(aDirection)); } public static float AngleDifferenceBetweenXYVectors(Vector3 aXYforwardDirection, Vector3 aXYangleToVector) { float angle = Vector2.Angle(aXYforwardDirection, aXYangleToVector); if (angle < 0) { angle += 360; } return angle; } public static float SignedAngleBetweenXYVectors(Vector3 aXYForwardDirection, Vector3 aXYAngleVector) { return Vector2.Angle(aXYForwardDirection, aXYAngleVector); }
  8. Organising Yourself

    Man I wish there was a piece of software that could be used to manage an entire game project, but there are a few things you can piece together. While none of these are a one size fits all solution each has some great benefits and are things I use both in personal and professional project Atlassian - This isn't one program but rather a few programs that plug together nicely for bug tracking, task management, wiki creation, etc. This is likely the most expensive thing on this list Articy:Draft - A program you can purchase on steam that allows you to create level blueprints, dialogue trees, character storyboards, game entity definitions, etc. I haven't used it much, but it seems like a great tool for anything with narrative complexity. Last I checked it costs around 100 USD for the standard version Trello - Good for task and bug tracking, free Bugzilla - Free bug tracking software, you will need somewhere to host the client for this but otherwise it's free Google Drive - Great for brainstorming, creating previz images, spreadsheets, etc, free Xmind - Used to create "mind maps" which are just a series of connected lines and blurbs for brainstorming ideas, free version available
  9. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    In the interest of fairness I decided to read a bit of his work and man, that fucking guy is just a bastion of every shitty quality human beings can possess.
  10. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    It's heartbreaking to see people being used so willingly, and on top of that being unaware of what is happening. Someone really needs to explain to gamergaters what the burden of proof is.
  11. Free Music / SFX Resource - Over 2500 Tracks

    Hey man thanks for all these, this is my go to source for when I need something for a prototype. Keep up the great work!
  12. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I used to think that Gamergate would eventually dissipate once enough people started to engage them, but apparently not. Apparently even a relatively tame blog post is enough to incite their rage. I wonder if at this point the movement is so far gone that it will never go away but instead become a permanent fixture in the games space.
  13. Hatred: The Most Despicable Game of All Time?

    Well all this seems to assume that people don't have a problem with Call of Duty's violence, or at least that the violence in games like that aren't enough to warrant an outrage. Speaking for myself, my answer would be that looking at what a game asks you to do isn't enough, you must also understand why the game asks, or at least provides the ability, for the player to do those things. GTA's violence seems to be in support of this idea about surviving in a violent world whereas the violence in hatred seems to be to make the world more violent. I understand your position, and it's one I probably would have shared a few years ago, but I just can't see it as anything other than the "why aren't we talking about this" style arguments that dominate the news media today. As if the bad behavior of others, or their poor choices, is justification enough for the developers of hatred to make even worse decisions. By the way I don't mean to be attacking you here, I just don't think I've ever had such a visceral reaction to a game as I've had to this one.
  14. Hatred: The Most Despicable Game of All Time?

    If this were a game with any sense of purpose I would agree with you. The more I learn about it and the developers the more I am convinced this game exists to shock you and allow the developers to cry censorship when people inevitably have a problem with what they are doing. I get wanting to give them the benefit of the doubt, but what they are doing is so intentionally juvenile and manipulative that I just can't.
  15. Hatred: The Most Despicable Game of All Time?

    I have a hard time saying that the entire context of the event is little more than window dressing. As misguided as it may be, other violent games use violence as a means to an end whereas Hatred asks you to kill just because you can. To say the two are the same is like saying that a crime of passion is the same as a premeditated one. I really think you are putting way too little emphasis on the context here.
  16. Hatred: The Most Despicable Game of All Time?

    I understand the sentiment, but I feel as though it rings hollow. The protagonist in the trailer makes some reference to the world having wronged them, which seems as an attempt to justify the players' actions which is common in games like GTA. I don't feel as though the developers are being more honest about the game's content. They are doing fundamentally the same thing as others, but just being assholes about it.
  17. Hatred: The Most Despicable Game of All Time?

    I had the same reaction until I read polygon's piece on the trailer, updated with the following comment in response to Epic asking their logo be removed from all marketing material. Then I headed over to their website which they have decided to call their "web command" because they're so fucking high minded. Hatred seems to be the video game version of people who say "words are just words", ignoring the fact that meaning is what makes a word a word. The fact that anyone thought that something as powerful as UE4 was mandatory for a top down shooter calls into question not just the premise of the game but the sanity of it's creators. UE4 is only mandatory insofar as it allows the devs to further outrage people. Everything about this game seems to be focused on stirring up a shit storm the same way think tanks release articles that are little more than thinly veiled insults. They may as well be standing on top of a building screaming "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!" for all the difference it makes. They make some claim about how society has somehow wronged the protagonist but are seemingly uninterested in addressing what exactly that means--almost like gamergate finally turned in on itself and morphed into an actual game. I wish I could be more articulate about this at the moment, but I just really can not stand how absurd all this is, and I'm still hoping I'll wake up tomorrow to find out this was just an overly elaborate Onion article.
  18. Feminism

    Yes, but you are just saying that, you aren't actually describing why this is a problem. Why does retweeting someone pointing out the irony of the situation hurt her credibility? Couldn't that just as easily compel someone to join her cause? The other side has been acting by creating their own fuel. Anything, even reasonable things, she says they use as fuel by performing the very same fox news style debate you are advancing. This movement has survived by not saying anything specific, by focusing on Anita's response to shitty behavior, and not the shitty behavior itself. Unless you are aware of some specific, compelling evidence to the contrary, this is a witch hunt, plain and simple.
  19. Feminism

    I don't mean to sound crass here, but what should she be doing differently? It seems as though you are attempting to lay some of the blame on her shoulders for not having solved this problem, which likely isn't something that can be done by one person anyway. What is the appropriate response to constant, unfounded criticism, death threats, professional and personal assassination, and accusations of inviting in this kind of garbage?
  20. Unity Questions Thread

    Even if the world isn't tile based, it helps to think of the world in that structure. From my experience random level generations comes in 2 general varieties. The first being like spelunky, diablo, etc where you have a series of pre-made pieces that you scale, rotate, and position as necessary. The second would be like Civilization, Banished, etc where you generate a world then adjust or modify portions of it in order to get a more organic effect. Either way you'll need to be able to define what a "world" is and what elements can or should be contained within that world. From what I can tell the first scenario is more common in action games (so the play spaces can be carefully defined) and the second is more common in management or larger scope games.
  21. Unity Questions Thread

    This is a pretty good article about dynamic level generation using Spelunky as a jumping off point.
  22. Feminism

    I'm going to be upset if we don't call it that.
  23. Dealing with Someone Else's Alcholism

    I had a similar situation with my brother and father. I did the same thing for a number of years until finally I just lost it and started screaming at both of them, which ended up working (so far) but is not something I would recommend as we haven't spoken in around a year and a half. What I tried to do up until that point was figure out ways to get them to be aware of their behavior. Typically I would try pointing out how much money they are spending on their habits, which seemed to be to be the most tangible way to show the effect of their drinking, and in the case of my brother I would ask him what he wanted to do with his life, then continually bring up the subject over time to see if he was making any progress toward those goals. I would also try asking him to do small favors for me, which he inevitably didn't, and again over time he was able to see the effect it was having on him. Ultimately I would suggest trying to create or expose situations in which his drinking affected him negatively, but not so bluntly as to just tell him that it is a problem, he needs to come to the conclusion on his own. I wish I had better answers, but still being somewhat in that situation I don't know the best way out of it.