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Everything posted by coaxmetal

  1. Idle Santa 2014

    yeah I think its probably fine to open them, just be sure to post pics here. Ontrac has apparently had a lot of trouble delivering the one for me, I think I worked out how to get them to do it though. I havent' sent mine out yet because I'm waiting for another thing I wanted to send.
  2. San Francisco Residents!

    I dont know of any regular meetups or anything, in the past we have met at Dear Mom once or twice. I live in the mission and I know some good bars around here, but not many in potrero . The only ones I think of there are uh, the beer-bar thats part of the whole foods near Anchor, and The Yankee. My favorite places in the mission are like, Cerveceria de Mateveza, Dear Mom, The Sycamore, Uptown, 500 Club, Schmidt's. Theres a bunch of other good places though.
  3. Idle Santa 2014

    I hope it's me!!!! Also I have gotten part of mine, but I'm trying to get something else and its hard to find. Also im going to wander around this weekend and see if I find anythign cool/dumb
  4. oh yay thanks! I also really to see this. Also this episode was great, I the patrick interlude was fun, look forward to having him on the cast next week too. Also, for the tetris effect thing, I'm not sure if this is the same, but I get that, not with visuals or what actually happened in a game, but with mechanics. I remember it particularly well with Braid, I would get into a particular mode of thinking about things to solve the puzzles, but then continue thinking like that after stopping playing. Also also, I thought about applying for the internship -- I meet most of the requirements, I basically live at 16th an mission, but I have a fulltime job and trying to split that would be rough, and I don't need the money anyway, my main motivation would just be to hang out with the thumbs crew. anyway, thanks for the great cast
  5. One small thing (or lack thereof) that stood out to me in this episode for some reason is in the scene when james and donna and maddy are listening to laura's tape and laura says the line "James is so sweet, but so dumb" the camera isn't on james' face (I think it was on donna) so it doesn't show any reaction. I don't think a reaction like that would have been in character for the show anyway, but I was unconsciously expecting it, since thats what a lot of tv would do (mainly sitcoms I suppose). Not sure why that stood out to me, but I appreciated it.
  6. An email I sent to Giantbomb

    rela as hella. and it does sound pretty good. It might kill you, but it sounds good.
  7. An email I sent to Giantbomb

    yeah thats a pretty good summation of my feelings. He's no vinny, but nobody is. Except for vinny. GB does need the enthusiasm though, brad is just tired all the time and jeff is cynical about almost everything.
  8. An email I sent to Giantbomb

    is this the dan rykert thread? I am not sure about dan. He can be genuinely funny, and his enthusiasm is great, but his willful ignorance can be frustrating to listen to. He doesn't even seem dumb, just like, intentionally ignorant. Sometimes thats fascinating (like, him associating weightlessness in space with the lack of air) but other times its just dumb (like his dismissal of most things as "fancy" as though thats bad, even when many of them are very much not fancy, and also a chicken quesadilla isn't the best thing on the taco bell menu at all). His taste in games also doesn't really align with my own much, his game experience actually seems rather narrow as well, though he can work on that.
  9. I don't think I am expecting anything, the show has pretty consistently not done what I expect, or just gone off in an entirely different direction, that I've mostly stopped having expectations and just enjoying what comes.
  10. Regarding the discussion at the beginning of the episode about the big band music that starts playing at the Great Northern (apologies if this is addressed again later, I haven't listened that far yet) I had assumed that, though the show did not make it explicit, Audrey put the music on to interrupt Joel's speech, since she has in the past done similar things (like driving out the Norwegians) and it seems in character. That said, the brief shot of her crying and watching Leland casts some doubt on that.
  11. When listening to the cast I put together what seems to be another case of the mysterious or mystical being translated into the reality of the show. Dr. Jacoby says that, on the night of Laura's murder, he followed Leo's corvet out into the woods. In the rock throwing scene in episode 3, when determining who the "J" Laura was meeting, the rock hits the glass for Jacoby but does not break, while it breaks for Leo. This is my first time watching the show so I'm not sure if that is acknowledged or confirmed/denied later, but it seems like the intent was that Leo is who she was meeting, and Jacoby was nearby so the rock hit for him as well. Assuming that's all true, it validates the rock throwing technique (though most of the mysterious things cooper does, dreams etc, seem considered valid and don't need further proof). I keep feeling like someone is going to call out cooper on the dream stuff, but everyone is bought in and I don't think that is actually going to happen -- its just something I get from more recent stuff, I suppose. Also, Audrey is the best.
  12. Idle Santa 2014

    Yeah. I do fudge them all the time (I trade beer). The legal gist is that its only against the law with USPS, so if you use UPS or Fedex its fine, you just dont tell them there is alcohol in the package and they don't care. That said, its not too important here really.
  13. Idle Santa 2014

    PM'd. Would people mind stating if they would be interested in alcoholic presents? I quite like nice beer and liquor and find local beers and things make good presents since, they are local, but of course not everyone likes or can receive that sort of thing.
  14. Bayonetta

    I "beat" Bayonetta 2 the other night (I put that in quotes because im going to be playing a ton more to unlock things and try to get platinums and stuff). I didn't really like where the story went at the end (not as much as I liked the first 1) but it was still very satisfying. Bayonetta is still an incredible character, but I wasn't much of a fan of the kid. I'm looking forward to people like yoshesque (on SA, she did that dodge offset video) putting out guides and stuff for 2. I'm also going to have to go back and replay 1 ofc.
  15. Bayonetta

    yeah im still at the stage where I dodge too much and not always necessarily, sometimes it bites me. I need to learn when to chain dodges and suff
  16. Bayonetta

    I dont think it was ever fixed, but I played it on PS3 and still loved it. I'm excited to replay it on wiiu though, but im playing through 2 first
  17. Bayonetta

    We do need a bayonetta thread!!! I loved the first game. It has the best and most interesting combat of any game of that style, far and away, and its style and insanity is also amazing. I've been playing 2 (I bought a wiiU just for this game) and boy does it deliver. I'm not sure I like all of the new weapons, but I like most of em so far and they have made some smart changes and additions, without losing any of what I loved about the first one. It doesn't have any of the QTE sequences that hte first one had which is quite nice. Also, since i'm here, gonna drop some good videos to help learn bayonetta combat (its really deep and im not that good at it yet, but I'm practicing) Also, as a followup to bayo 1's Fly Me To the Moon cover, 2 has a Moon River cover that is great.
  18. I did finish the game. I think it had an unfortunately weak start (some of the intro writing was just... bad. hokey and bad) but it redeemed itself and I saw the kind of writing I was expecting out of the game. not that the intro wasn't still bad, not excusing that. I am kind of dissapointed though I guess. I enjoyed it and I look forward to what comes next, im quite invested in the story. I think though, were I not already invested, this wouldn't do much at all. Gameplay was never the strong suit of the series, and this one has fine gameplay, but nothing worth metioning, aside from some small complaints, perhaps (I don't play many adventure games now so I can't compare either) but it ended up satisfying me, character and story wise, but I hope there is more to come. Also my favorite character is, understandably, absent. many questions there. I am curious about the choice and "they will remember this" thing. I haven't played them, but from what I have heard, that sounds like its a mechanic right out of recent telltale games as I mentioned earlier. I'm also not into it, but I dont' dislike it either, I guess. How does this compare to the telltale implementaion? it does seem very derivative/
  19. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I made a thing (thought It wasn't my idea, a coworker came up with it):
  20. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Yeah, I think as part of not actually having any defined goals or objective, it became a thing that maintains its own momentum, its just a participation thing -- people participating feel like they are doign something, it sort of gives them power. It's also an excuse to feel like they are being victimized.
  21. To the first point you made Also, man I totally forgot about that last bit. I need to play Dreamfall again, or at least refresh myself on the plot. TLJ was my favorite, but that one is hard to revisit. I just like April as a character a lot.
  22. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I am continually baffled by the support the "movement" of gg gets, given that there are no actual ethical problems in games journalism they have identified, and they have no goals other than "more ethics". I really like how clickhole put it (from if it hasn't already been linked in here):
  23. Yeah, I agree about the choice stuff. I haven't looked at any of the community stuff when I make a choice though, which I think I prefer. I don't mind reporting my data to them, but I do like making the choice without knowing what other people have made. None of those choices so far have seemed particularly deep though. I think there were only like, 2.
  24. I thought that like, as an overall experience, it worked. I mean, I also don't write games or anything, but I felt that even though that it worked as an experience. Including the writing, I mean the game is so pretty you could just walk around and enjoy that if you want, but I ended up enjoying the way they wrote it. I don't know that I took anything away from it at the end, other than "I enjoyed that experience"
  25. I started playing this yesterday (they released it to backers, I think the game should be available on steam for purchase today or tomorrow, they said there were some bugs). I like it, but I have mixed feelings on the start, in particular. Some of the intro with Zoe and recap writing, as well as stuff with Kian Alvane (who I don't even remember from Dreamfall, maybe I should have replayed it first) didn't seem great, but once I got more into it, past what seemed to be the intro chapters, it seems to have gotten a lot better -- more like what I would expect out of a game with the heritage of TLJ and Dreamfall. I need to replay those though, I think. I miss April. Another weird thing is it has choices you can make and says like THEY WILL REMEMBER THAT. And also theres apparently some social integration with your choices. That's kinda weird and seems out of place, but is mostly inoffensive. I've never played like, the walking dead, but I assume this is similar to that. As far as stuff wrt previous games, i think it is mostly just related to Dreamfall, not TLJ. A lot of dreamfall characters are involved and referenced, which is a bit of a problem because I don't remember all of them that well, I perhaps should have replayed Dreamfall first. Anyway, i'll have more to say once I play more of it.