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Everything posted by Edwahd

  1. It is bugged, I think. I did some googling. If you enable the console by putting -console in the launch options (can put -novid in while you're there to get rid of creepy Valve guy) then in the console in game type: dota_custom_channels "idlethumbs;anyotherchannelyouwant;" Then restart Dota. It should get you in and show you other users. I still haven't seen anyone else say anything in there but I might just be on at the wrong time of day. On a less techy note, I've gotten into Dota hard in the last week, entirely thanks to the podcast and watching TI2 after I heard you guys talking about it on Idle Thumbs. I've been playing support Venomancer and just had my first stop as the pitcher, not the catcher, was awesome. Cheers to you, Dotatodes.
  2. ThumbCity

    I'd love to join you, my fellow readers in simulating some cities. My origin ID is Edwahd, please could I get an invite?
  3. BAFTA 2013 Games Awards

    It's after 6 pm. What am I, a farmer?
  4. Tweak my pooter

    I love all of you.