Señor Superdouche

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Posts posted by Señor Superdouche

  1. I never found the trowel and therefore couldn’t beat the secret Ghost Sasquatch boss. (Joking aside, I’m still confused why the trowel wasn’t there.)


    So, what did you guys think of the story? First play through I played it in one go from 0 am to 5 am, which definitly enhanced the experience, the breaking into Wapiti station part and the cave exploration were very intense. Didn’t expect the twist, but like it much more than if it would’ve been an actual crazy conspiracy. Second play through I was surprised how many new lines I heard. And I found some more Wizards and Wyverns stuff and got more dialogue about Brian, which made it even sader. Just such an awesome game. The photo feature was part of why I played it twice in such a short time, such a cool idea.


    And I loved the easter eggs. I only found the duck because somebody told me about it, no idea how he spotted it, it’s so small.


    (copied from the other thread)

    I found The Accidental Survivor, one of the books from Gone Home. Don’t have a picture. But even cooler: Good Ol’ Christmas Duck! :D

    (Can’t figure out how to get that picture here properly)

  2. Yay, I can finally talk about the game. Don’t worry, I’ll spoiler tag everything that might be a spoiler. If anybody who already played the game wants to talk about the story, I’m up for that, but I won’t in this post since there wouldn’t be much point if nobody else here has played it yet.


    One thing I’m really excited about is a feature that was embargo’d until now. It’s not a spoiler and it’ll be mentioned in the reviews but I’ll tag it anyway:

    You find a disposable camera that you can use to take pictures at any time. You’ll get them digitally at the end, but even cooler is that you can get them sent to you as actual photos. Can’t wait for those to get here.


    Here are some:


    Took me way to long to take this one :D






    And I found some cool easter eggs from a certain other game. Actual spoilers this time:

    I found The Accidental Survivor, one of the books from Gone Home. Don’t have a picture. But even cooler: Good Ol’ Christmas Duck! :D

    (Can’t figure out how to get that picture here properly)


    (My review in German in case anybody’s interested

  3. Oh, yay, I have the exact same laptop and no gaming PC so I will give it a shot. Keyboard and trackpad controls for life!

    Played it with an Xbox controller since I'm a console guy, but it's totally a game you can play with a trackpad. Sometimes the game just crashes, eg when you start it or for some reason when you set the graphics to Low, or when it transitions between text sequence and first person in the beginning, but don't get discouraged, once it runs it runs, I played it in one sitting.

    I'd suggest details on low, shadows low, and light rays low, and everything else off. That way the FPS are ok and it looks gorgeous.

  4. My laptop can't run this unfortunately, will definitely read reviews and then play it when I get back to my gaming PC ( in March =/ ). Weird/cool seeing old mixnmojo crew make games.

    I’m playing it on low graphics settings on my rMBP 13 which doesn’t have a graphics cards (according to the Steam page you have to have one for the game), so it might work on your laptop. That said, in your position I would wait until I could play this gorgeous game with higher settings.

  5. Just finished the book. It does get a lot better toward the end. I only have one gripe about the book.

    Okay, this motivates me a little. I’m 130 pages in and the story’s somewhat interesting, but mostly I’m bored, there’s just so much blah blah.

  6. The movie also seems to explicitly

    portray multiple characters with the same actor

    , which I find really lame.

    At first I thought this was a great idea, but now I think it’s rather lame, too. Especially since the reason they do this seems to be that they want to show that the

    characters in all six storylines are basically reincarnations, not only the protagonist.

  7. I definitely agree with this. I'm reading it a second time for the cast, and I find those elements more off-putting to me this time around.

    From what I gathered from the trailer it seems that these elements will be much more present in the movie, for example Timothy Cavendish says he dreamed about a restaurant where the waitresses all looked the same (--> Papa Song). I didn’t mind that in the book, because it was very subtle, it was only mentioned in a few instances (birthmark, Luisa knowing the Cloud Atlas Sextet). On one hand, the movie seems to be really great, but on the other hand, the story appears to be more about the connection between the protagonists, so hmm.

    I’m in the second to last chapter, I’ll write my impression about the book as a whole when I’m done.

  8. Okay, I didn’t know the football/soccer thing, so my bad. It’s definitely interesting, for some reason I kind of dig that language history/development stuff, so thanks for that.

    In German, Z is “Tset“ (similar to Zed, so it just sounds normal for me).

    Also, "Zee" (Z) and "See" © are distinctly different sounds to my ear...

    I still can’t pronounce “th“ (like in smooth) correctly, so no, I didn’t know there’s a difference between Zee and See.

    PS: Thanks to the QuakeCon episode on Twitch TV, I now know which voice belongs to which person. I can clearly differentiate between your voices, I just never knew whose was whose (Except Chris). Also, sadly, your baldness isn’t visible in the podcast. ;)

  9. @Murdoc At first, I was confused but that, too, since I learned British (also called cool) English in school. Apparently, Americans pronounce Z like C, which is just really confusing, I mean, how do you know which letter they mean? On the other hand, they call football soccer, so I’m not that surprised. ;)

    Anyway, cool episode, as always. And Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie was actually pretty cool.