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Posts posted by electricblue

  1. On 9/11/2017 at 6:44 AM, ratamero said:

    I regret to inform Dan Ryckert is at it again. I closed the newest Exquisite Corps 7:30 in before I felt angry about it. I feel like Dan is just dragging this feature down with no other payoff other than "I get to play an asshole".


    Have to agree, it would be slightly different if he was playing a jerk who was really great at the game but he's both terrible and his coward shtick is annoying

  2. On 9/10/2017 at 2:27 PM, TychoCelchuuu said:

    I don't think all socialists claim that socialism is perfect or that there won't be winners or losers or that socialism would fix everything if only the powerful would listen. In fact it's hard to imagine how you could even conceivably attribute these sorts of views to socialists in general if you were even slightly informed about socialism, which if nothing is extremely up front about how the bourgeoisie will be the losers and the proletariat will be the winners, to the point where "you'll be up against the wall when the revolution comes" is a common enough joke.


    I mean the type of winners and losers you don't intend to create. All public policy is rife with unintended consequences, even if you start with competent legislators. Then (if you're fortunate) you have programs you like with aspects you don't that you can't change for the better because doing so would be incredibly unpopular (see: doing anything to medicare).

  3. 1 hour ago, clyde said:


    I will say that I've tried this and it stopped working for me. That is if you define "rigorous" as organizing behind any named ideology besides centralism



    I think realizing that no policy is perfect and there will always be winners and losers will set your expectations at an appropriate level. There's a wide difference between believing a policy like single payer or all-payer rate setting will be the best thing for the country despite its drawbacks and believing that your panacea would fix everything if only the powerful would listen. Having a humble attitude about how your pet agenda will work with real people is not the same thing as 'having no conviction' it's being realistic about how much change you can (and should) affect on other people's lives.

  4. Whenever socialist governments implode its always capitalism's fault somehow

    Also constantly talk as if the end of capitalism is superduper nigh, as if the two ideas are compatible in any way.

    The socialists I read on reddit and tumblr are every bit as fact-averse as the libertopians

    Avoid rigorous ideologues if you want to maintain your sanity.

  5. On 8/22/2017 at 10:53 AM, Badfinger said:

    I agree, people dying inexplicably is more interesting than flawless play. They're idiots playing on ironman, it's gonna happen. I don't know why the stabilized soldier died either!


    The fact that watching GB videos is always the 2nd or 3rd activity I'm paying attention to has dampened the blow of selfishness, apparently. I read the posts before I watched the episode and from that perspective it was way overblown. The Dan Selfishness angle isn't what fucked up the mission, it was the being bad at XCOM part completely divorced from that.


    It's also a pretty tough mission that comes early on. I've often lost at least one guy when they start dropping enemy units in on your sniper like that. Just wait till they get to that all chryssalid mission, its gonna be a bloodbath lol

  6. On 7/31/2017 at 4:44 PM, Patrick R said:



    Ben and Abby's enthusiastic yet very awkward friendship is one of my favorite recent Giant Bomb developments and I think the podcasts they do are a bizarre combination of completely awful and completely compelling.


    I know Abby has a background in improv, I wonder if Ben has as well. Their work together feels very improv theatre inspired.

  7. I'm about halfway through Pyre. Its just as polished and solid as Bastion and Transistor and has a great sense of style. I've still yet to be challenged though even using the Titan Stars if I have *ae on my team I can warp to the ball and drive it to the pyre with infinite stamina, or with a leveled up Pamitha- take the ball to a corner and then fly at the goal and it doesn't really matter how strong the AI is in that situation they are going to lose. I feel like this could be a really great sports game in versus mode (unfortunate that it has no online play) but the balance in single player doesn't quite get there because like most sports games, the AI is not adequately good at playing the game

  8. 2 hours ago, Kolzig said:

    Why is Harrison Ford still acting? All of his major roles have been really bad in the past almost 10 years.


    Does he even get good salary at this point in his career?


    I'm sure they make it worth his time, and its worth it for the movie's promotion to have the 80's action hero in there, so everybody wins...except for people who like to watch movies.

  9. 2 hours ago, Spenny said:


    You really don't need to be a doctor to call out bad medical advice. For example, it's pretty obvious homeopathy is hokum, but that doesn't stop people from recommending it and claiming "it works for me!" 


    Defending medicine from a position of ignorance does it no favors. Either something has been tested and works or it doesn't, but your opinion doesn't gain some magical legitimacy because you think if it isn't xanax it must be snake oil

  10. 17 hours ago, Gormongous said:


    I mean, that's nice that you're not judging him as a potential role model, but that doesn't mean he isn't one to others and that isn't something for which he should be judged. He published a whole book in the "health, fitness & dieting" section of Amazon about his worldview, I think that's about as "advocating" as you can get. Here's the publisher's blurb for Anxiety as an Ally: How I Turned a Worried Mind into My Best Friend, the fourth of five books that he's written about being a carefree yet successful dumbass:



    That really sounds like a self-help book to me, one that discounts the efficacy of doctors and medicine based solely on Dan Ryckert, God's perfect idiot, thinking that he doesn't need them. In a world where thousands of people suffering from mental health issues don't see a doctor or therapist because they don't think anyone could possibly understand what they're going through, and where they don't take medication because medication means that there's something wrong with them, I feel okay taking issue with Ryckert peddling some unscientific "If I can do it so can you" yoga-and-meditation palaver for money. I really don't think the existence of worse things in the world means that I'm not allowed to say that this shit is probably not good.


    Who are you to judge Dan Ryckert's fitness to give anxiety advice to others? Are you a medical doctor with a license to prescribe anxiety medication? If not you have about the same authority as Mr. Ryckert on this topic, if not less.

  11. The trailer seems a lot like the end of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep where Deckard flies through a sandstorm and finds


    what he thinks is a real live animal

    that alone gives me a little hope for this movie but that scene with Harrison Ford, continuing to not give a single fuck but still somehow being cast in yet another movie, is hard to watch.

  12. Impossible to nail down without having perfect knowledge of another person's cultural identity/intent/skill. Perhaps it would be more helpful to say "do your research" rather than terms that are exclusively used in place of "I am morally justified for disliking this thing"

  13. 10 hours ago, Digger said:

    I liked the scene with Sheriff Truman and his wife.  It felt very Twin Peaks-y to me.


    Yeah me too. I kept thinking how similar she was to Nadine's drape runner obsession with the Sheriff playing the role of Ed. I guess Twin Peaks has a long running tradition of characters acting ridiculous and another character just blithely dealing with it

  14. 9 hours ago, suzyisbored said:

    i have a question maybe some of you can answer... so at the end of episode 4 we have a sort of punch-drunk evil coop who seems maybe a little overwhelmed by, i guess, the black lodge (he says something like "it's yrev very good to see you") and his teeth are now black just like windom earle and laura palmer both had before they meet their respective demises... so what exactly do the black teeth have to do with what is happening? am i missing something?


    I suspect it's just like Good Coop being unable to process the real world, when they are both present they can't function right until one of them dies