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Posts posted by darthbator

  1. I can't imagine any user who wants debian is actually using that install method. IDK maybe I don't know anything anymore?


    Looks like no AMD graphics support in the initial release. Looks like I don't have a platform to deploy this on yet. Oh wells...

  2. Genres, in anything really, are sort of reductive to the thing they are "explaining" in their use. However they do serve a good purpose of giving people comparative ground for things they haven't experienced. Saying something is a "rougelike" or an "adventure game" communicates a kind of broad expectation about what you're getting into. I think the desire of some people for ENDLESSLY granular classification has kind of ruined it for most people but it's got a use for sure.

  3. I can certainly see a future where procedurally generated objects and elements are present in basically every game created. We're totally headed there. Even if you're creating an intricate single player experience there are still tons of benefits to be reaped from the use of dynamic content generation systems throughout your hand crafted level design. Just another tool in the box.

  4. I love that Valve is saying that even though SteamOS is released soon, only hardcore Linux programmers will be able to install it. Everyone else: please wait until somewhere in 2014. We're still releasing it now though. For the nerds.


    I'm sure it's just using the debian ncurses installer or something. That thing can be super opaque for people without experience using linux. I plan on checking it out tomorrow when I get back from work. If it's not to much work to get it doing stuff I could likely post a guide outlining how to get a setup up and running. 

  5. I actually learned to read playing the original Final Fantasy on the NES. I would call my mom in and make her read me all the menu options. i would then "draw" the words and sit there and say them over and over until i could remember what their pictures looked like. Oddly enough I did this because my mom would eventually get annoyed and make me stop playing if I continually called her in. I actually taught myself how to use computers to get Ultima working and I did my first computer programming trying to hack X-Wing. 


    I actually think video games where probably some of the most important formative experiences of my life. I actually don't even consciously remember the Final Fantasy stuff it's just a story my Dad thinks is hilarious. He actually brings it up when people talk about how games are bad for kids. 

  6. After a friend of mine finished his play through and raved nonstop for a month about this I decided to pick my save back up. I think I was messing around in new londo when I should have been in the depths. Now I feel a lot more "on track". Please no one kill me for saying this but the map has a really interesting "metroidvania" sort of feeling in the different initially locked ways discreet areas are interconnected. It also gates entry to many areas not based on pure ability accrual but based on how difficult enemies are like a traditional RPG. 


    All in all there's a mountain of stuff to like in here. 

  7. I'm pretty intrigued by the DLC. Even if it's mechanically BS:I I think that's sort of fine. The worst thing about infinite is how much combat there was and how long the game was. If this is simply much shorter it could avoid a lot of the things that made Infinite feel like a complete slog. 


    It's still not what a lot of people want in an environment so vivid (it's a standard shooter at it's core) but I think that's just the kind of game that Irrational is setup to make at this point in time. 

  8. I'm pretty skeptical of mew genetics. None of the other breeding or combinatory games (something like doodle god on the most basic level) have managed to grab me. I'm sure I'll get genetics I'm just setting my expectations low since that's not normally the sort of game that attracts me.

  9. topside.jpg


    That's a neat trick to be sure! I'm amazed at how they built the entire world that way!


    I'm really on the fence. LTtP is one of my favorite games ever and I'm just dying to play this. But I am dying to play it at over a $200 price tag? There are some other 3DS games I would like to play (Mario 3D Land and Luigi's Mansion primarily). 

  10. I feel like it's really easy in the current rougey-ish alike for many games to write off generally poor balance as part of their core mechanics. Sometimes it makes for hilarious stories emerging from the game play but most of the time it juts feels unfair. I think a big problem that kind of outlook is that it REALLY encourages save scumming or just generally abandoning play throughs that don't start with advantages. 

  11. I really disliked the way the battle system in Valkyria Chronicles moved. I recall moving characters around in real time while they where restricted by action points and then having enemies shoot my characters basically in real time apparently not bound by the same system. I won't go as far as to say the design is bad or undesirable cause LOTS of people like this game a lot. But it certainly felt unfair and unenjoyable to me. I may not be remembering the battle system with perfect clarity but I do recall it operating in some mix or turns/real time that really disagreed with me. 

  12. I learned to read and write playing games as a kid. I would have my mom come in and read a ui or dialog to me then I would try and draw the words and memorize the sounds.I figured out I could play longer if I didn't need to rely on her to read. I contest I was just memorizing shapes and positions onscreen, however in some ways that is what reading is...

  13. I recently completed Brothers : A Tale of Two Sons. I think that's probably the most emotionally effective game that I have ever played. It's about 2 hours and I would recommend it to absolutely everyone out there! Surely one of my favorite video games of the year!

  14. Nuclear Throne was my favorite game I played at IndieCade this year. I've played a ton of it since it came onto early access. It's like the arcade game I always wanted to exist as a kid. I absolutely love it.


    Teleglitch is also awesome. I think both games do an absolutely incredible job of conveying the "power" of shooting a weapon in that "overhead" perspective extremely well. Teleglitch has that amazing color distortion effect and some screen shake and nuclear throne has screen shaking and amazing sound. I also feel like both games nailed a really good projectile speed that feels realistic while still being slow enough for the player to track and then base subsequent shots on.