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Posts posted by darthbator

  1. Because we're on the internet right now and the discussion is rarely going to be intelligent or tolerant. I totally agree with you. It's not the kind of thing that can be ignored I just feel like we've come to a place where the burden of proof falls more on the shoulders of the person defending the thing then the person leveling that very serious criticism. 

  2. You can make the editor require other components when you attach a script in the following way 




    Put that right under your includes. I've commonly seen it to add things like ridgidbodies when a script wants to use physics. It's actually pretty useful if you start using classes that interdepend on one another. This way when a script is placed on an object the required components are added as well. 


    Probably the most useful thing I could show people about Unity is the "singleton" design pattern. I don't know if it's utility is immediately evident but one day (like me) you'll find a place where it simplifies like in an amazing way.


    So you may notice that all unity classes inherit from Monobehavior. If you want your script to participate in the scene this is necessary. Unfortunately this means it's a PAIN to have a static class that also participates in the scene. You certainly could properly scope all your variables as static (the ones you wanted to have as static). But really what fun is that when you can do something fast, easy, and dangerous like this!.


    Basically this gives you a static reference to all public members of the class you create the singleton in. This is real useful in various manager scripts that you want to exist in an instance in the scene but also want to be able to access via static ref (to not have to always get components). You should be careful because you are copying data in memory so this can hurt your performance if you abuse it. However it can make many things MUCH simpler. This is only really useful in an instance where you would normally make an entire class static (meaning that only one object instances of the class will ever exist in the environment). In the case above all classes could access the bullShit property as SomeClass.instance.bullShit. 


    I'll also add that coroutines can actually yield other coroutines. I find this to be EXTREMELY useful. You literally just 


    yield return StartCoroutine(secondRoutine);


    This will halt the first coroutine until the second coroutine finishes execution.You can go real deep with this kind of thing. I think it's extremely useful anytime you're enforcing a ridgid order of events. In this case you can simply start a "CoRoutine chain" leading through the events.


    I've actually been working with Unity for about 3 years now and would be more then happy to try and answer any questions anyone might have. 

  3. Valve is another studio that seems less-than-healthy these days. The Steam & F2P bundles of money has led to (and in some sense, disguised) a total lack of creative vision. At this point, they should be considered less as a game studio, and more as a tech company like Google or Facebook—with expected behavior set accordingly.


    That's how they see themselves these days. Just look at their jobs page or their steam dev days talks. I think they consider themselves much more of a platform developer and technology company then they do a "game developer". I actually think that has happened at valve is SUPER exciting. They've basically become the worlds foremost "video game technology" company. I think that's something that the space badly needs and it's good that they're providing it. We have a lot of amazing game developers but valve stands among the few technical innovators in our space. 


    At this stage I view the official valve games more as vehicles to test new monetization strategies or deployment technologies. I tend to expect innovative tech not innovative gameplay from modern valve. 

  4. I think you're right, and I think it's a genuine force of good too.


    I don't think this is a force for good. Most of the same people I personally know who white knighting all over the internet crusading against perceived wrongs are the same people who are telling people to eat shotgun shells or jump off bridges. It's just another facet of the faceless internet user lashing out. Sure it's often more reasonable then the homicidal screaming at the creator of flappy bird. But I think it's an extremely dangerous road to tread down where basically everything can be interpreted as racism or sexism or some other ism. 

  5. It looks like they implemented a lot of LoMA esq gameplay elements that really look like they keep a player engaged. I don't think I have gotten really into a multiplayer shooter since Call of Duty 4. I'm really excited that there's a hyped MP shooter coming out that isn't just modern army man shooting terrorists. I'll be playing for sure.


    From what I have seen so far I am extremely impressed with how the are presenting notifications to the user. All the dumb almost unreal tournament level shit "KILL STREAK! MULTI KILL! DOMINATION!" has been pretty clearly ensconded in the the fiction of the universe. I'm very impressed by that element of the game.

  6. I think a lot of people move here thinking they're going to get rich and famous and then end up super depressed when they wind up working at a Starbucks and paying high rents. Those are the only people who I really know who seem to express hate for LA. Anyone not from here has this strangely warped idea of LA like the entire city is some kind of super vain combination of Venice/Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and West Hollywood when in reality you'll only really find those types of people in those specific west side neighborhoods. 


    LA Noire also goes to a super amazing length to recreate the city. Back in that time period the bottom floor of the building across the street from me was a somewhat well known drug store called "Owl Drug". I was completely floored when I saw that they actually modeled Owl to look basically just like it did in all the historical record photos I had seen even though it played no part in the main game. There are touches of that kind of stuff EVERYWHERE in that game. They did an incredible job nailing historical locations that I feel like only longtime LA locals would know or care about.

  7. I'm not sure if it's at pure 60. It runs in step with the physics system not the rendering system, I remember that being it's key component. It's generally used for physics operations. 


    There's also LateUpdate, which is rad and few people seem to use! (but is kind of orthoginal to the conversation at hand...). I love Unity a whole lot :wub:

  8. I do have to admit they did an absolutely stunning job of recreating LA. The mountains you're talking about are actually a super prominent geographical feature of Los Angeles. In real life the high desert is actually buffered from LA by another valley it's not just right there. But all of that "dead space" up in the mountains is actually pretty true to how this city is built. It's not a popular opinion but I love LA the way some people love San Francisco :wub:



  9. You're interfacing with the same API. You are correct at the begging level you're only going to notice syntax difference (typed versus untyped). Actually there might not be many functional differences now. You used to not get some of the datatypes (like generics) using unity script. I think you can get those now (you're just getting the .net version of them which is actually even stranger to me). I just think it's wise to go with the defacto standard. It's extremely jarring to have classes written in both lnguages IMO and using Unity Script will put you in the extreme minority.

  10. man ain't nobody knows what a quaternion is


    There is a fucking 300+ page book sitting on a coworkers desk called "understanding the quaternion". No one wants any of that shit. Thankfully unity provides you a bunch of methods to interact with them like Euler angles. From my understanding they're usually just used cause they're super fast.


    DO NOT USE UNITY SCRIPT (what they for some reason call javascript). I mean you can use it, especially if you're working totally solo. However EVERYONE uses C# (also typed languages are fucking rad). So if you end up working with other people you're going to be seeing code written in C# basically all the time. 

  11. Maybe have a few projects? I actually find that coordinating effectively is the hardest thing for remote groups of hobbyists. As the group size increases and increases it will likely become harder and harder to manage. Honestly managing the various workflows and "pipelines" of getting content into the actual project is a challenge for even professional developers all sitting in one room. Unity certainly simplifies this but there are a lot of other considerations as well. 

  12. I don't think you can really use words like "bad" and "good" in that kind of scenario. Free to play isn't "bad" there is a lot of data that shows that F2P whales tend to only buy things in game that they perceive to have high value. That means that the players who spend money and continue to do so actually feel like they're getting a good value for their money. If you follow that particular thread there's not anything exploitative about it. The people making the purchase are getting what they feel is adequate value. No one is really being taken advantage of. The problem is the precedent of "this isn't how video games work". 


    I can agree that I don't want to games to work that way. But I don't think there is anything inherently evil or exploitative about it. I think it's true negative effects are in how it hurts the core design in many cases. 

  13. I actually don't have a lot of negative things to say about the story and presentation in GTAV. That's actually what worked best for me. They still convey a fantastic sense of place (they even modeled my apartment building in fake DTLS!). I just think GTA plays like garbage. There isn't a lot of mission variety and all the controls feel AWFUL. It's like you're doing everything in mud. They compensate for this by using this horrible snap to target auto aiming that makes combat a complete boring chore. I actually probably would have played a lot more GTA5 if the experience of interacting with it wasn't just an absolute nightmare.