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Everything posted by darthbator

  1. Netrunner!

    I just bought netrunner the other day [face_thumbsup] Been meaning to get in on this hot card action for a while now!
  2. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    So I pretty much quit antichamber the other day. I just got to a point where the catharsis of uncovering a new opaque puzzle mechanic was simply outweighed by how frustrating looking for it was. It just wasn't fun anymore.
  3. Keiji Inafune's Mighty No.9

    I beat Mega Man 2. It must be insane the amount of free time you have as a kid. I remember it took me FOREVER to get decent enough to do that.
  4. Keiji Inafune's Mighty No.9

    Thanks Idle forums for yet another kickstarter thing you showed me that I just NEEDED to back...
  5. Schools of criticism

    You particular chosen example is even stranger IMO because GTA has undergone a few complete shifts where their "low core" mechanics changed a lot. Everything from car physics, to actor motion, to gun play cursor changed greatly between GTA games (even when using the same engine). There might be other commonalities that you're keying onto (how tight are the feedback loops, how great is the second order motion). Or simply stylistic presentation differences that push one over another.
  6. Project Godus: Don't believe his lies

    Maybe if you drove out there you could give him the valuable feed back that if they don't put in god guns no one will buy this game!
  7. Saltybet

    Maybe it's because I'm not generally compelled to gamble but I don't really see the appeal outside of how ridiculous this is...
  8. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    I played almost 40 hours of the first Witcher and feel like I got almost nowhere at all. There's a lot of cool stuff in that game but I think the combat feels awful and it's grindy as all hell!
  9. Gone Home from The Fullbright Company

    I played this game and enjoyed it. I think this one if going to be extremely polarizing. I've showed it to a few people and gotten responses all over the map.I figured this would be very popular with basically anyone who was into 30 flights. I was apparently incorrect.
  10. DOTA 2

    IDK if i posted in here earlier but I'm usually good for 1-2 games on a standard week night. I would LOVE to be a part of the guild. I'm spoiled rotten and generally won't play without a 5 stack. The idlethumbs chat is often kind of dead so tend to only play with dudes from the GiantBomb guild and channel. While that is awesome I need to get some DoTA in with some thumbs!
  11. Oculus rift

    I haven't been around for a while I've had a lot going on... But I did make an occulus game for MolyJam 2013! http://www.twitch.tv/molyjamla/c/2542112 ^There's our "showcase" presentation in the LA space. I'm the tired bearded looking fellow wearing the Insomniac Games shirt. I just ordered my actual dev kit the other day. Just like UDK integration into Unity is DEAD simple. Occulus actually provides a cameraController prefab that has a script loadout that will read all the sensors! I'm starting to wonder how long it'll be before we see a retail unit. I am assuming sometime in 2014. I actually don't have the newest build of our "game" I'll try and find the newest version so I can compile a build and post it here in case anyone wants to try it! Also I'll try to post more!
  12. DOTA 2

    darthbator! Invite me too!!
  13. PL4YST4TION 4

    I don't really understand how they're really "mega PCs". They have some interesting built in hardware (I am sure both of them have hardware video encoders, also unified memory access is nifty). However as was said earlier current high end PC hardware is already able to outclass it. Meaning the high end of 1-2 years from now will be EXTREMELY upspec (then again with how high res monitors are becoming we might need it!).
  14. Unity

    I'd love to make it! Unfortunately I just started at a new studio about a month ago and I am knee deep in kinda figuring everything out there. Podcasting is something I have only the smallest amount of experience with so that would be yet another new thing to learn. Hopefully by the end of the month I'll be feeling comfortable enough at work to start working on putting the podcast together. I'm still kinda trying to figure out a format. I think it's short and more "inside baseball" then most of the other stuff I am into. I think there are a lot of podcasts out there that give insight into design, narrative and etc. But I don't think there are many that are more concentrated on the nuts and bolts of the craft itself. I would be really into that. I also think if it's done correctly it could also shed some light on some of the extremely hard working people inside this industry.
  15. Unity

    Most people just use the built in PhysX model and and then constrain the bodies Z motion. I've actually wanted to start a podcast focusing more on the nuts and bolts of indie development. Kinda talking to different people about the methods they've used to solve various issues. If you want to do 2D anything in Unity you should really just suck it up and buy http://www.unikronsoftware.com/2dtoolkit/'>2D Toolkit and save yourself hundreds of hours of agony. Even a lot of 3D games leverage 2D toolkit for stuff. That particular plugin is almost as uniquitus as the famous http://www.tasharen.com/?page_id=140'>NGUI. Those particular add ons are so good that they should honestly be part of the base product. I know Unity has actually hired the main developer of NGUI to retool their GUI system (which is currently a horrid abortion).
  16. Unity

    Unity actually hired Will Goldstone who made most of the training materials I used when I learned Unity. He's running all the stuff on their official site now and it's actually REALLY good. There's free http://unity3d.com/learn/live-training/'>live training as well as IMO really good http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules'>tutorials. I actually learned Unity initially by working through Will Goldstones learning Unity book for Unity 3. I'm not sure if he ever released a Unity 4 version of the book...
  17. Unity

    I've worked quite a bit in Unity. What was said earlier is super true. Much of Unity's learning curve is learning the "unity method" of doing things. It's not like lots of other game engine scripting languages. Learning the component system, which is basically how objects can most efficiently communicate is certainly different then other engines. However once you get the hang of it I really do think it's an excellent tool. It's totally viable to use the free version of unity through most of your development and then only upgrading to pro when you're shaping it for release and are worried about profiling performance and adding more nifty graphical effects. Unity is also now offering a 75/mo sub service to pro (with a 1 year commit). So if you can't pony up 1500 all at once you can still get in on pro use.
  18. Dota Today 1: QOP Top and POTM Bottom

    What in game channel are we all gunna idle in (see what I did there?)? Are we keepin it in the thumbs channel or breakin out!?
  19. Computer games of all kinds are just awesome.

    There are computer games that aren't dota? I'm super confused guys!
  20. Curiosity – What's Inside the Cube?

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watchmaker_analogy Really all possible outcomes say something hilarious about the conventional vision of god...
  21. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits

    Kinda reminds me of dark stalkers art in some ways. The whole boobs thing is just... http://www.unwinnable.com/2013/04/26/tits-or-gtfo/
  22. Diablo III

    D3 is easily the most forgettable modern blizzard game. However having said that I don't think the exection (aside from their auction house bullshit) was poor. I think the game actually looked cool and played well. I actually just think that D3 shows the age of the core concept or traditional click to kill dungeon crawlers more then anything else.
  23. http://drop.notch.net/ Discuss