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Everything posted by osmosisch

  1. Life

  2. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits

    Well I disagree what with the jiggling chest and derriere, but at least we understand each other now.
  3. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits

    I said: The exaggerated parts of the women are the sexual characteristics, so people complaining about creepy sexism is hardly unwarranted. Then you said: On one out of six characters is that actually true. It doesn't apply to the barbarian lady. I mean c'mon, for real here, c'mon. Again, I have no idea how else to read that. But whatever, I cannot see past the witch tits. I have failed the thread challenge.
  4. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits

    I can't read your last couple posts as meaning something else than that the witch is the only female character with exaggerated sexual traits.
  5. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits

    Are you for real? Those T&A seem normal to you?
  6. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits

    The exaggerated parts of the women are the sexual characteristics, so people complaining about creepy sexism is hardly unwarranted.
  7. Things That Improve Your Life

    Well, I was intending to intoxicate you.
  8. Things That Improve Your Life

    It's in my trunk.
  9. Steam Trading Card

    I am not the target demographic for this, so basically: meh.
  10. Meeting people from the internet is weird

    Precisely. Anyway, I'm not so mobile what with the young'uns at the moment but if a thumb is ever in my town I'll buy them a beer and they can come play Weinhandler at my place.
  11. Meeting people from the internet is weird

    I'm glad I got my awkwardness about meeting internet people out of the way in the nineties via IRC meetups. These days it's just saying hi to someone I already know, just not in the flesh. The future....is now. e: I think the only Thumbs in Dutchlandia are Elmuerte and Rodi and they're both in the South, so not much risk of meeting Thumbs unfortunately
  12. Metro: Last Light

    Tom chick gave it 5/5 which means I'm definitely going to pick it up once I have some spare time. His tastes and opinions tend to align with mine.
  13. From the tournaments I've watched lately the opposite is actually true.
  14. That's an overly simplistic view of lane control as regards League. You can do plenty of stuff like draw creep aggro and tank creeps just outside of tower range. My personal least favourite thing to discover about Dota was attacking your own creeps to make a tower dorp aggro from you (wtf)
  15. I'm on an ARAM spree lately, you're welcome to join (username same as here, on EU-W)
  16. Back when I had more time than games I used to sort the Steam store by metacritic to see whether there was something good I might have missed/be missing. It's definitely a metric that I considered.
  17. It's not literature exactly, but I found the Metro 2033 novel to be very interesting. The Night/Day Watch books by Lukyanenko are also fun to read. There's just something alien about Russian fiction that fascinates me.
  18. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

    Oh, I find the characters eminently understandable, but that doesn't un-break them or make them (to me) more interesting. I think I'm just more in the mood for uplifting material these days. I find it quite interesting that this book would not be dated at all if it wasn't for the jargon. There's broken self-destructive people in all ages.
  19. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

    I did not like this book. Broken characters, headed nowhere and having the same conversation over and over again. I get that it's supposed to be a commentary on a generation, but that only makes it worse. The parallels with Gatsby are interesting. At least there the prose was enjoyable to me.
  20. Life

    Well see here's the thing: in the world we live in, children are always going to be introduced to religion one way or another. I'd rather that it happens in an environment that I deem safe, and at a rate where I can explain to her what people believe, and why I personally think it's not true. From the sound of it, this, nor the specific church my parents go to, really fits your situation. I'm unsure I should even have used that particular example because it's such a hot-button issue, but then so is vegetarianism to a lot of meat-eaters. I'm sorry to hear you had such an unpleasant experience. That sort of thing is why I'd prefer to do things gently. See it as an inoculation. e: I love having this conversation sandwiched in between posts about smileys btw, it just makes it better somehow.
  21. Life

    I bet speedydesiato never has this problem. Sensible chap.
  22. Life

    It hasn't really come up yet; the eldest is only 2 years and 3 months so she mostly takes the way things are as a given. The 'why' stage is still coming up (hoping it's less irritating than the 'no' stage). I do think it is a moral choice to entirely deprive a child of a particular avenue of experience that is so fundamental to a great majority of both current and historical humanity. Along these lines, I also don't object when my parents want to take her to church (as long as she's not forced to stay in there against her will, meaning she gets bored and is out there within ten minutes anyway). Basically, my view on parenting is: restrict only where necessary (for safety or one's own sanity), explain everything, and let the rest sort itself out. A Hippocratic parenting oath, if you will.
  23. Metro: Last Light

    Dishonored Metro.