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Everything posted by osmosisch

  1. Life

    It used to be pretty normal for my parent's subset (ie. Dutch flower power parents) to sit around smoking the special cigs but a lot of them grew out of it before their kids hit the teens.
  2. Video Games With Dynamic Music

    In Rocksmith the music changes a lot depending on what I do.
  3. Life

    Oh that's where the N came from? Haha, I should have checked I guess, sorry. Anyway, I'm kind of holding out for something like Polygon to come out for the Dutch market, but I guess it's too small to sustain that kind of quality. Gaming is global anyway these days.
  4. Life

    It's sad to see it go under just at the moment when Dutch game development seems to bemore influential/booming than ever (vlambeer, triumph, ronimo. abbey games).
  5. Life

    In my case it's neither, I just don't like closed platforms that don't offer anything in compensation. So the DS has portability and battery life, making it worth it, whereas TV-based consoles offer me nothing over my PC.
  6. Curiosity – What's Inside the Cube?

    Yeah, this is actually a million times better than anything I expected. Good job, 22cans.
  7. Life

    That sounds cool. I never took Dutch gaming magazines seriously ever since trying to get through a Power Unlimited. The console part is just weird to me. None of my friends (except one who very kindly let me play throught Demon's Souls on his PS3) uses consoles for games except very occasionally to do party stuff with friends on the Wii.
  8. Books, books, books...

    Fry's endings are always interesting but feel oddly rushed in my opinion. The same holds for Hippopotamus, The Liar and Making History at least.
  9. Steam Trading Card

    It is a system that appears to be quite clearly engineered to extract a lot of money from compulsively-minded individuals. That could be seen as unethical.
  10. i individually love each of the giantbomb guys but don't really care for their group dynamic somehow, which is why I don't listen to their show. I watched and adored their Persona Let's Play though.
  11. Life

    Things won't get worse until 35 at least (they haven't for me anyway)
  12. Life

    Cool! Sounds like a similar partnership to the Vlambeer guys, that can only mean good things. Amsterdam's quite a trip from here so I shan't be dropping by any time soon but I hope you enjoy the country!
  13. Life

    Yeah, this.
  14. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits

    In this very thread people have claimed things like 'oh the men are sexualised too' and 'that barbarian isn't sexualised at all' so it seems to me that there's no agreement at all. Further, if this doesn't get brought up as a negative about a game, it will never change. If it's not made perfectly clear again and again that this type of thing is Not OK and Not Actually Normal it's always going to be like this, which is just a too-depressing thought.
  15. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits

    That is not actually what is going on.
  16. Goons

  17. Is this about your junk again
  18. Movie/TV recommendations

    Any excuse to post this picture
  19. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits

    This one's pretty good too http://psdo.tumblr.com/post/49951742582
  20. Recently completed video games

    Nope, I'm still working on it I really like it so far. A linear counterpart to STALKER with at least as good atmosphere. Too bad the gunplay isn't better, but you can't have everything.
  21. Meeting people from the internet is weird

    Doh, forgot about you. It's the Y instead of IJ that throws me.
  22. Coraline Questions and Spoilers

    It's based on a book by Neil Gaiman so 'too smart or deep' need not necessarily apply.
  23. Steam Trading Card

    That's me all out btw, sorry folks!
  24. Steam Trading Card

    I still have an invite, id's in my profile.