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Everything posted by osmosisch

  1. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    Yeah, but it takes forever, and when you slip up you have to restart. A cool idea for sure, but it just outstayed its welcome with me really quickly. I think that went with most of the gimmicks.
  2. Dota Today 2: The Lord's Pitch

    It was mentioned on the podcast, but I find this to be very good: http://www.purgegamers.com/welcome-to-dota-you-suck Also, don't play vs the bots if you can help it because they are actually way nastier than human opponents will be - they coordinate their stuns very well.
  3. Recently completed video games

    Gosh, you are pretty much the first person I've heard who thought Dishonored was too long. I wanted more, not less.
  4. LoL (League of Legends (Lords))

    Holee shit I would love that sivir skin.
  5. Waking Mars

  6. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    Haha, I came here to post that exact thing about Thomas. Especially the ones with the reversed-gravity guy have been vexing so far. Very tedious.
  7. Dota Today 1: QOP Top and POTM Bottom

    Like someone else said, this version of this discussion has been relatively civil, but still rather unpleasant. This is a good forum, but some things are beyond even this place.
  8. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    Glad to hear it. I found the very end to be quite interesting, be a shame to miss it.
  9. Dota Today 1: QOP Top and POTM Bottom

    Frankly I wish LoL had never been brought up because this tribalist bullshit is just the worst.
  10. Dota Today 1: QOP Top and POTM Bottom

    Those are some very good posts Pepyri. I agree 100%.
  11. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    Halid zoa (the first one you get) will keep spitting out seeds as long as they get eaten. They only stop if two (or three when composted) of their seeds are extant either in your inventory or the game world. So if you herd some of the phyta (the crablike things) to a spot where their seeds commonly land you're pretty much set.
  12. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    Er, in pretty much every room with gatherers there are also plants/patches that let you create plants that will fire seeds indefinitely. Unless you pick those seeds up yourself. This makes it trivial to increase biomass.
  13. Dota Today 1: QOP Top and POTM Bottom

    That's like saying Quake and Duke Nukem are the same game.
  14. Starcraft 2

    Man, I dunno, people dressing up like Pikachu is just something I don't associate with this country, similar to wearing spurred cowboy boots or swimming in holes in the ice.
  15. Starcraft 2

    It Has Come To This!?
  16. Dear Esther

    Somehow I managed to miss this game until the latest Humble Bundle came along. Man, what a trip! Gorgeous environments, a beautiful story about loss with striking visual metaphors - all my thumbs up.
  17. Dota Today 1: QOP Top and POTM Bottom

    They just put out a new map (ARAM/Murderbridge/Howling Fjord) and showcased another one at the Allstars event for 1v1/2v2 play. They definitely don't seem to be ignoring the non-base game. Not much of it shows up in the esports part, true, but that's not necessarily bad. I prefer not having to learn a new map every time I watch a tournament. Tangentially, I find League's graphics so much more legible it's not even funny. I know what all the stuff in Dota2 looks like, and it definitely is a more beautiful game but the clarity leaves something to be desired.
  18. Dota Today 1: QOP Top and POTM Bottom

    I find it really cool that you can adapt your toolbox going into the game to your intended role. There's a lot of cool counterpicking that goes on with this at the pro level, with things like Froggen taking AD runes on a lot of his AP mid champions for early harass because most mids wil forgo armour runes in favour of MR. Stuff like that.
  19. Double Fine - Kickstarter - MASSIVE CHALICE

    Adventure games are not as reliant on their mechanics as turn-based strategy. Tim has a proven track record of fun adventures. I don't find the two kickstarters to be equally 'safe bets' if you will.
  20. Double Fine - Kickstarter - MASSIVE CHALICE

    If this had literally anything involving gameplay I'd be all over it but as it stands I'm holding off.
  21. Favorite Game Of All Time

    I can't pick a favourite, sorry. I don't have favourite food or drink either, just things I enjoy a lot.
  22. Dota Today 1: QOP Top and POTM Bottom

    Yyyyeah, he's not the cone coming off as an asshole here.
  23. Dota Today 1: QOP Top and POTM Bottom

    What's to bitch and moan about? Cool stories/discussions are such no matter which game.
  24. Life

    God I unironically love it when people are obstructive like that. Good job toblix!
  25. Dota Today 1: QOP Top and POTM Bottom

    I am all in favour of this. Awesome!