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Everything posted by osmosisch

  1. The threat of Big Dog

    Hey, that could have been an eyeball.
  2. I don't know enough about actually playing go to be able to appreciate the games themselves but I'm more and more in awe of the system.
  3. Discordia: Turn-Based Tactics for PC

    Looks very pretty and I love seeing projects from outside the usual hotbeds. Backed. I do hope the animations get a bit less floaty but I'm sure you'll fix that.
  4. Grim Dawn

    PoE's expansion basically made me put this on ice for a while.
  5. Very nice post Hangdog, I really like & agree with your reading and thoughts. Kath's limited perspective is I think crucial to the book.
  6. Gunpoint

    He's on record as saying that Gunpoint's done so well for him that it's basically eliminated work for him as a concept for the foreseeable future. e: found it http://www.pentadact.com/2013-06-18-gunpoint-recoups-development-costs-in-64-seconds/
  7. Creativity

    Really nice Applecider. The only thing I'd change is the outline of the guy, instead trying to separate him from the background more subtly.
  8. Grim Dawn

    It's horribly optimised, yeah.
  9. Grim Dawn

    It's scratching my aRPG itch at the moment, but all your criticisms are valid. It's no Path of Exile. Titan Quest never really clicked with me, and I doubt this will either.
  10. Movie/TV recommendations

    Yes, by a mile. I've told most people to just skip S1. They're still finding their feet trying to get out of the shadow of the Office.
  11. The Happy Thread

    I'm not sure what just happened here. I'm just so happy for both of you! About six months ago I was graduating from university and freaking out about not being able to get a job. I ended up actually getting the job, on a three month contract. Three months later, they said I was doing great and offered me another three month contract. Three months later, we're in the present and I've been offered a permanent position, which means a pay rise and benefits. Most importantly, being permanent means I can convince a rental agency to let me rent a flat instead of having to live with my Mum. I am so excited about being completely independent for the first time in my life.
  12. Movie/TV recommendations

    Yeah, that's how it came up.
  13. Movie/TV recommendations

    Dexter! That's the one, thanks. HArd to remember because the Cartoon Network show has occupied that title in my mind.
  14. Movie/TV recommendations

    Just binged through all of Bojack Horseman. I enjoyed it a lot. It pushes a lot of the buttons that Duckman and Archer did for me, but explores enough newish ground that it felt really with watching. Also my favourite intro sequence since that serial killer killing serial killers thing, the name escapes me.
  15. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    Oh man, I felt such an amazing holy shit response when I (credits spoilers)
  16. Oh man, I got Pokemon Moon Moon

    I thought it was a cool joke, if a bit manipulative. Wonderful game. One of the best things I've kickstarted.
  18. Marginalgloss, great post. The interpretation of the donors as cogs in the capitalist machine is one that also occurred to me, and I think it works.
  19. Firewatch Spoiler Thread | Henry Two Hats

    I strongly relate to Alec's experience. Lovely piece. I quite like the parallel of Henry's escape with the common idea of games as escapism.
  20. Life

    Secret Asian Baby! Congrats!
  21. I don't read that post as writing off, but rather as disappointment, which is understandable if you're looking forward to a specific subject coming up. No need to start calling people myopic over that.
  22. You guys aren't taking comments from the threads anymore?
  23. Holy (Hell)Diver - Now Coming to PC!

    Just got this to have an evening of fun with a friend and boy did it deliver. Coolcool Video game. I don't anticipate ever getting fast enough at the calldown stuff to make things like the airstrike useful but maybe I just haven't run into the right situation yet. Difficulty 4 was giving us trouble already, for reference.
  24. Just finished this. I found this to be an extremely powerful book. At its core I think it is about the unfairness of life, and people's acceptance thereof, for whatever reason. You can then make parallels from this to various situations in the world as it is, for example TychoC's bio-industry story (which rings true to me though I doubt it's what the author intended). When I finished the book I was more angry than sad (though I was plenty sad), with the unjustness of it all, and the frustrating realisation that even if there's nothing precisely like situation in the book, there's plenty of situations that are similar enough, and that the world portrayed in the book is entirely believable. The dehumanisation of the other as soon as we need them for something is one of humanity's most terrible abilities, and it's demonstrated to full extent here. An amazing morality tale, especially through its lack of an overt moral. To me the lack of an oppressive state or any authority figure really made the whole thing more powerful because it meant the book never had to get bogged down in arguing about the situation, rather letting the reader draw their own conclusions. e: Another application I like of the story is that of the human condition itself, as Tycho also said: we get born, we lose the use of our organs and we die. That's unfair, but what's to be done?