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Everything posted by osmosisch

  1. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    Shame Shock didn't work out - it's kind of interesting to me that I happily played through Shock 2 multiple times and count it as one of my favourite games of all time, but quite Thief for exactly the same reasons Ben did.
  2. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    It's been quite some time since I played through but I think I almost never had to take on more than 1 zombie at a time in the early game, mostly by virtue of being sneaky. But any concrete advice is going to be filtered through a mist of time & nostalgia. I'd be disappointed if this doesn't work out for you Ben, I have very fond memories of Shock 2.
  3. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    You're supposed to dance in and out of range, timing it so that you step in as their swing has missed you (if you're talking about the zombies). If you're wrenching them. Otherwise, headshots and sneaking.
  4. [DevLog] Sèance

    Stupid nitpick but your accent on the e is pointing the wrong way.
  5. Recently completed video games

    Stop being intentionally obtuse.
  6. WIZARD JAM 2016 // Welcome Thread

    Looks really cool Stack Smashing. I tried to get a JS thing off the ground during the winter jam, but got sick and didn't finish, now it's on the backburner (https://github.com/DanielReid/beast-tamers). Also, I didn't try to use a realtime thing because I wanted to make something turnbased anyway. I may try my hand at something realtime this round if I can find the time. I'll see if I can follow along.
  7. Like I said, it's also a great stream so see what's to hate
  8. I believe it's weighted so that you get more invaders if you're rolling with some coop phantoms, at least my frequency of invasions goes way up whenever I'm with someone.
  9. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    Agreed to some extent but for me that's honestly more of an indictment of the PS4 and its horrific Plus BS. Still, it's the Soulslike that I've wanted to go back to the least so far. I bought the DLC and lost interest while trying to find how to actually access it.
  10. That looks absolutely gorgeous but holy moly that gameplay is *NOT* my cup of tea. Sportsball, ugh.
  11. Idle Thumbs Streams

    After staying up to watch the last stream I learned my lesson and caught this one on archive - 4.30 AM is not a good time to go to bed on a functionally weekday evening. I'm getting a bit anxious about your alcohol intake though guys, please don't feel you have to keep the getting hammered part up on my account at least. I'd rather just have more of these cool streams!
  12. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    I think it's because there's so much less to discuss, at least at the surface level. You need to invest a stupendous amount of time in this in comparison to Braid to start getting at the same kind of holistic appreciation of the puzzle systems.
  13. Share Exceptional Articles You Have Read

    Great response! Lansbury, would be nice if your Sanders axe remained unground in this thread.
  14. Idle Cook Club - Veggie Feeds-me: My Body Is Ready

    Heyyyyy time to whip out this classic
  15. They clearly want the board to matter more than it does - but I'm afraid that would lead to exactly the situation you describe where comebacks become much harder, because having an established board would then make it easier to stay ahead. We'll see.
  16. Share Exceptional Articles You Have Read

    This shit's bananas http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/foreigners/2016/04/what_caused_haiti_s_cholera_epidemic_the_cdc_s_museum_knows_but_won_t_say.html
  17. The Next President

    I thought this was a cool piece: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2016/04/bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton-dnc-primary-moderates/
  18. I think the latest Idle Thumbs stream is a wonderful demonstration of both what's to love and what's to hate about Souls games. Nick's elation on beating bosses is just amazing.
  19. Saturday Morning Streams

    Thanks so much guys, it was lovely even though it kept me up wayyyy past my bedtime. Such a perfect ending. I also think I now know what people like Gorm must feel when watching the CK2 streams, my goodness.
  20. It was almost enough to make me return the PS4 I got for bloodborne. What a gyp.
  21. Phones

    I've got a Fairphone 2 which i'm pretty happy with both from a performance and ethical/fixability standpoint.
  22. Yo. I'm like Bjorn though, blind as possible, I didn't even watch the trailers. Death count from last night's hour I could play before really needing to sleep is close to 10, first boss really was not friendly to me.
  23. Had a peek but I'm on win64 and not really familiar with building C++ on win platforms anyway, sorry
  24. The Division's mechanics and the way they combine with the setting and several artistic choices are dehumanising and cruel. This is the type of criticism that I want because it means I don't want to buy or play the game. A so-called "objective" review would be useless to me because that sort of thing would be left out.
  25. Extremely unlikely. The skills these games teach are transferable.