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Everything posted by osmosisch

  1. Firewatch Spoiler Thread | Henry Two Hats

    Tom is in my reading not being prescriptive, he's just saying that in this specific instance, the game did not succeed for him because of its conflict between the story it's telling and being a game. Note that he brings up Gone Home as a very similar game that does succeed. It's not about saying what games shouldn't try to do, it's about highlighting how this particular game failed at doing something as well as it's been done before.
  2. Idle Fiction Jam - Rumours and Hearsay

    Poo'p w'ater R'lyeh ftaghn!
  3. Destiny

    Ha, mine is even worse: https://secret-scrubland-31430.herokuapp.com/2/osmotich
  4. Other podcasts

    I listen to podcasts during my commute (30 mins each way) and while cooking/cleaning/shopping.
  5. PL4YST4TION 4

    I had quite a bit of fun in Destiny but the online-only aspect really irritated me after a while. Now that I've let my Plus lapse Sony has also effectively removed a game from my library that I paid for.
  6. Idle Thumbs Streams

    well the internalisation stands for rum and/or boss weapons usually so yeah
  7. Idle Thumbs Streams

    I would love to have nick go through Izalith, some cool shit down there.
  8. Other podcasts

    Yesssss I mean "yeah, totally". Looking forward to listening to this.
  9. Other podcasts

    I adore it. C&C, IT and Video Games Hot Dog are my favourite casts at the moment.
  10. Silicon Valley

    To be honest, part of its charm to me is how everyone is basically an asshole on some level.
  11. Silicon Valley

    I've meandered through life a bit but am currently working in a small academic tech project. I know some of the stuff like scrum/agile and general tech stuff, but I'm not as deep in as some. For what it's worth, my wife also loves the show and she's not all that tech-savvy. They do a good job of putting jokes in at all levels of in-jokiness. I'll say reading the somethingawful thread after every episode definitely helps my enjoyment because there's some full-on techlords posting there that catch a lot of cool references and winks to things that really happened. From that, one of my favourite things about Silicon Valley is that whenever something happens that makes you go "that's just unbelievable" it is actually based on a real-world event, like this one:
  12. Idle Thumbs Streams

    It's at least entirely possible still to just make games with friends, so worst (best!) case would be a thumbs-only game, or a game with viewers included.
  13. Idle Weekend May 6, 2016: Top This

    As a parent, Dark Souls 3 has pretty much hit the sweet spot as regards ability to stop playing in case of emergency for me with the instant homeward bones and 100% opt-in invasions (the little health boost from being human is not all that relevant to my playstyle). I also think it's an important point to make that in some quite real ways the Souls games are indeed a lot more forgiving than most old-fashioned console games that had a lives/checkpoints system.
  14. Idle Thumbs Streams

    Presented without further comment
  15. Idle Weekend May 6, 2016: Top This

    I love that I could listen to this episode and then know that I would already find some wonderfully reasoned rephrasings of my objections to the Souls discussion waiting in the thread. Thanks, community <3
  16. Silicon Valley

    Silicon Valley has started its third season and it's quite the corker so far. I'm loving it.
  17. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    Basically the development process had to be rushed for that part of the game due to money constraints, which is why there's not much to the areas.
  18. Yeah even epicnamebro took pretty long on that fight. I summoned for it, making it pretty doable.
  19. It felt about 'right' up until lower irithyll for me where I briefly got extremely frustrated with the pontiff knights -> fire witch sequence, to the point that I had some phantoms take me through it (and all the way through the boss as it turns out, very cool).
  20. The more I think about it, the more I want to contrast this book with Michael Chabon's The Yiddish Policemen's Union. I haven't read that one recently enough though. Placing this here mostly as a memo to myself.
  21. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    Dium, it's wonderful to take your time and really let the world seep its way into your bones. That's how I've always approached the Souls games, and I love it. The sense of place only becomes stronger.
  22. I think this is the first of the book club books to not raise much of any sort of emotion in me. A fascinating read to be sure, and I love the things like the linguistic touches others have already commented on. A very cool book, but just so clinical somehow. I could have done without the I-Ching stuff, though it worked OK as a framing device I guess.
  23. Hex: Shards of Fate: a lot like Magic: The Gathering

    I kickstarted this and bounced off the beta so hard I never came back. Maybe I should revisit when (if) I have some time.
  24. "Cars sucks." - A Pixar Thread

    I think I've said it before but Wall-E is one of the few films where the post-film credits sequence just ruined it for me. The feasibility of what happened there was so low it just made me angry.