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Everything posted by osmosisch

  1. wrong thread

  2. DOOM

    Doom is Good.
  3. General Video Game Deals Thread

    The sale phenomenon as something worth talking about has definitely passed on I'd say. There's nothing interesting there except saving money anymore which as a topic of discussion leaves something to be desired.
  4. I wouldn't call that merciless ragging, nor do I think it's bad to revive threads that have a specific subject if you've got something to say about it. As far as other works by Ishiguro go, I've only read Remains of the Day and found it far less interesting and poignant/effective than this book. I'm pretty immune to stories about emotionless Brits though.
  5. Infinite Jest

    I actually think that comparison does hold on many, many levels, though I'd say IJ is a much better and effective work of art for me at least.
  6. Infinite Jest

    I hate hate hate the mythos around this book as being hard. All it asks of you is to pay some attention and be willing to be puzzled for a while, knowing it will eventually pay off and tell you everything you need to know. Compared to actually inscrutable books like Gravity's Rainbow and Ulysses, Infinite Jest is a fountain of clarity, and funny and moving to boot.
  7. Life

    I'm sorry to hear you're in a bad place Gormongous. The way you tell it it indeed sounds like she's got some serious issues to work on. The upside might be that if she's really going to see a therapist things could still work out for the best, though it's not sounding likely. Have you sent her a message similar to what you've posted here? It might help to have things so clear for her as well, though obviously I don't know her well enough to estimate how she'd take it.

    No-kill, no-spot Emily playthrough : done. That was wonderful. Now let's see if I can stomach some murder as Dad.

    I love love love this game, but it's driving me absolutely bananas that you can't as far as I can see restart a level easily, while at the same time limiting the amount of savegames you can make. I mean, what?
  10. Films of Wes Anderson

    TRT is by far my least favourite of his films. It's, as you say, just so incohesive and pointless, without much of the charm that makes that sort of thing bearable in his other works that do it.
  11. You have not explained anything, only made vague statements. You've also failed to address sunstantially any objection people had to your views.
  12. Idle Thumbs Interference ARG?!

    pretend i took the effort to highlight h a l f l i f e 3
  13. So you use a lot of labels interchangeably as regards the left wing of US politics. I don't think that makes discussion any easier, but whatever. You have yet to show proof of the existence of a cartel of either liberal or progressive or whatever you want to call it media.
  14. I feel like this is where the burden of proof falls on you to demonstrate the 'cartel' accusation; furthermore you've shifted your goalposts from progressive to centre liberal which are pretty different beasts.
  15. The Idle Book Club 21: The Sellout

    Just read this randomly, cool to see it's being picked up. What a weird, wonderful book. I think not being from the US and not having much personal experience with race relations really takes the edge off this book for me in a lot of ways, but still, living in an ex-colonial power a lot of the themes of racism and exploitation and "legally but not socially equal" resonate. This seems to me to be satire at its best, saying the unsayable and making one laugh but also consider. It noodled about a bit too much for me to give it top marks, but still, wow. It reminded me a lot of Catch 22.
  16. As an European and as someone with family in Poland, the idea that Trump will be better for us is just laughable. Anything that lets the Russian kleptocracy spread its claws westwards is just awful. Not to mention the abominable cryptofascist movements they're funding on my home turf. And the crypto doesn't really even need to be there anymore.
  17. I'm aware of one real media cartel, ie. Murdoch's and that's not exactly liberal.
  18. To me the most baffling thing is to believe a single word that leaves Trump's mouth. How is it possible to feel he will serve anyone's interests except his own? From the students at Trump 'university' to the contractors on his various building projects that he stiffed if they were too small to sue him, there's a trail of people used and abused by him. Why give such a person your vote? Is it really just the utter need for something to change? Is Hillary really that bad?
  19. To be fair a significant part of DkS3 was Kyir ratatouilling Nick through things.
  20. Still newer forum!

    Juvenal, a fairly simple workaround is to go to the forums overview and click the speech bubbles next to a subforum whose threads you're not interested in. It marks all posts in there as read so they don't show up in the unread content stream anymore. It's not ideal, but better than nothing.
  21. Yeah, thanks R&D for the great discussion. Also I can't believe multiple people actually took the time to go deep on that shitpost. This community never fails to exceed my expectations.

    It runs fine on my GTX 970M for whatever that's worth. I'm not an fps counter though.

    Runs like a dream on my laptop. Mmmmmmmm, more Dishonored.
  24. Pixel Daily with Me

    Nice cloth. The top of the head under the hood needs some shading imo.