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About devilscurls

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  1. Plants vs Zombies 2: It's About Time

    I agree toblix. I bought the first game for my Mac, then on iPhone and iPad, so I don't have a problem paying for it, but $3 for a plant just seems silly. If the had a $20 for the lot pack I might be tempted, but there is a reasonable chance that some of the plants would make the game substantially easier (like the potato and torchwood), which means I would be paying to make a game that is already too easy even less challenging. I feel like Valve got it right with DotA2 being free to play and then charging for cosmetic tweaks, but PvZ2 just left me feeling a bit dirty.
  2. DOTA 2

    I played a few years of WC3 DotA back at Uni on a LAN around 2006, we all knew each other so the games were generally great (you couldn't leave or you didn't get in the next game). Playing online with WC3 was pretty painful, so I quit. I decided to start playing DotA2 a week or so ago. So far I can't help but feel the winner is decided by whoever has the 'least bad' worst player on their team. I think this has an even bigger role than leavers, which is frustrating. It might get better once my MMR is set/improves but at the moment I feel like I am becoming one of those angry people typing "please don't feed" all the time and screaming at my display. So I was wondering, do the games evolve to be less frustrating as you play longer? Does playing more All Random or less Limited Heroes help? Any other tips to get the most out of it? Still having a great time though...
  3. DotA 2 Key

    It appears I have upset the locals... Sorry, it wasn't my intention. Listening to the podcast brought back memories of the many nights I spent at Uni/College playing DotA on a LAN. I didn't enjoy playing all that much given the problems of lag, leavers and the unfriendliness of a lot of players, but I figure it is time to give DotA 2 a go. Anyway, ended up going to and filling out the survey. Probably would have been wise to google for that first.... Thanks for the help anyway, if anyone would like to purchase the clandestine fake goods that I clearly came here to market, please let me know...
  4. DotA 2 Key

    What is the best way to obtain a DotA 2 key? Alternatively, if anyone has a spare, it would be greatly appreciated!
  5. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Long time listener, KickStarter backer, but only now joining the forum... I remember something about an area for the KickStarter backers, would anyone like to point me in the right direction?