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Posts posted by TychoCelchuuu

  1. 1 hour ago, Problem Machine said:

    I like most movies okay and it's normalizing my rankings. Even if I haven't given many ranks below 70, that doesn't mean I think 70 is bad!

    I think part of what's going on is that you like most movies okay so most rankings assume you'll like the movie okay. The ranking system shouldn't have a lower bound based on your rankings unless the people who rate things similar to you have a lower bound. It's calculating scores with the scores of people with similar taste to you, not something else, so there should be no problem with crummy movies getting crummy scores.

  2. Criticker is probably one of my favorite websites in the entire world. You rate a bunch of movies and then it calculates what rating you'd give to movies you haven't seen by finding people whose tastes are similar to yours and using their rankings to estimate your ranking. I've rated 1048 movies and by this point it's eerily accurate, and it has been for a while. You can customize the numbers that you use, but I use a 1-100 ranking system, and it's rarely more than about 5 points off from what I actually rank a film once I've seen it. It's super helpful in terms of finding new stuff to watch, deciding what to add to my Netflix queue, etc.


    That's really just the beginning, though. There's a bunch of other cool stuff it can do. So for instance I can search through the database, find all the movies from the 1950s that I haven't seen, rank them according to how much I'll probably enjoy them, filter them by genre, etc. I can see a list of every director who I've seen more than 3 movies by, or more than 4 movies by, or more than 5 movies by, or whatever, and see them all ranked according to how much I enjoyed their movies. I can search through my own rankings and find my favorite movies released in 1993 or my favorite romance movies or my favorite actin movies from the 80s or anything like that.


    It has lots of user created lists, too, so for instance here are all the lists I've made:




    Notice how I can see that I've seen 31 of the 91 films in the "They Shoot Pictures Neo-Noir" list, 4 of Rian Johnson's top 10 Criterion Collection films, ZERO of Steve Buscemi's top 10 Criterion Collection films, etc. All these lists are viewable by everyone, so in addition to all these lists there are plenty of lists by other users that I keep my eye on, like a list of every film by a female director or Martin Scorcese's 85 films you need to see to know anything about movies.


    You can show your profile to other people, so that they can for instance see all your rankings.


    Anyways, it's pretty cool. Ranking stuff is fairly easy, once you get a ranking system you like: the default is 1-100 I think, but you can change it to basically anything, like 1-5, by going to your profile, scrolling to near the bottom, and clicking "Manually control the colors & quips applied to your rankings with this tool."

  3. 41 minutes ago, Remerbr said:


    Honestly I just enjoy the video game discussion. You can talk about video game news and just talk about the games you play as you naturally play them. For instance I'm playing the new Resident Evil and I'd love to hear how you guys feel about the switch to first person, etc... You don't necessarily have to play it to have an opinion on it. And then if you do play it you can either reinforce that original perception or update your thoughts. And if you do decide to keep the tangents (which I still enjoy immensely) then at least change the opening theme from "Videooo gAAAAaaaaaaAAAmes" to "Randomm ConversaaaaAAAAtion".

    FWIW there was a stretch of time when a lot of the stuff they talked about was games they hadn't played, and although I still enjoyed the podcast, I definitely didn't enjoy it much for its video game content, because mostly it was the Thumbs speculating about how they thought stuff worked and in most cases they were wrong, and it's like "if you had played this for 10 seconds all your questions would have been answered." I didn't mind it because I'd listen to the Thumbs say pretty much anything, but I know a lot of other people got pretty frustrated listening to the podcast at about that time, because if they wanted to hear people who didn't know what they were talking about speculate about a bunch of stuff, they could listen to basically any other video game podcast.


    Anyways, I think the solution for all of this is for Chris to commit to only ever talking about Diablo II. Like, he wouldn't have to play it or anything, but that would just be the game he talks about each week. He's not allowed to talk about any other game. No pressure to play games, but we still get the game discussion. Problem solved.

  4. 6 hours ago, Jake said:

    you've been well served for years, let's be honest here.

    Right, so my request is EMINENTLY REASONABLE and I will feel JUSTLY SLIGHTED if a game is ever discussed except in the context of how Jake hasn't played it or any other game. I will also make an exception for Far Cry 2, which is less of a game and more of a religion at this point.

  5. DS1:




































  6. There was about a tenth of a second's hesitation in my mind when the other spy got shot because I wasn't sure if a Stormtrooper or Diego shot him, but then I realized Diego shot him via various context clues, which I will now list from the most important to least important:


    1. We didn't cut to Stormtroopers shooting at Diego or anything like that, so cinematically, the shot read as coming from Diego, albeit surreptitiously (a good touch, IMHO - the camera was surreptitious to match a surreptitious action, albeit at the cost of momentary confusion).


    2. Whether or not we cut to them, the Stormtroopers clearly aren't still shooting, so obviously Diego and the other guy are not being shot at.


    3. Diego starts climbing away, so now we have his motive: this is so he could escape without that other guy getting caught.


    4. Diego's acting shifty.


    I agree that it wasn't super clear, and I can imagine another world in which it would have been very unclear, but I actually thought it was kind of a cool effect. It was more than explicit enough for me, and I think making it super explicit would have been much less interesting than what we got in the film. When a film tries to make something less than obvious, it walks a very fine line, because people tend to miss things, and I was not expecting a massive Disney blockbuster to try anything quite that subtle (which is not to say I found it super subtle, but then again you missed it, so maybe it was pretty subtle) so I ended up really liking it.

  7. 3 hours ago, Badfinger said:

    I don't remember any particular difficulty spikes from MoH:AA, but I am literally humming the music to it. It does get tougher towards the end. I remember the sniper level, and of course Tiger Town.


    Are you going to play the first Call of Duty? It's a different take on a campaign from the same developers. I remember moving almost seamlessly from one to the next.

    He's only going to play the fourth Call of Duty.

  8. For the list in the OP: I don't have a schedule, and pretty much all I stream is RTS shoutcasts (gameplay commentary), mostly for CoH 2 (Company of Heroes 2).


    I'm not worried about having a successful channel because I already have a successful YouTube channel and Twitch is just a place for people to watch me record those videos live, but I do get the sense that having a schedule makes it easier on your viewers (I've only streamed like, 3 times and people have already asked me what my schedule is like). I think it helps to have at least a vague schedule (I stream these days) or to have at least one committed time per week (I stream Saturdays at X GMT) even if you don't have a rigorous schedule or anything like that. But then again I am not an expert at this.

  9. 3 hours ago, Ben X said:


    I just watched this and loved it. Technically it's very impressive, the way it captures so many FPS mechanics and tropes is hilarious, and yeah Sharlto Copley is great in it.

    I watched it a while ago. I wasn't super thrilled with it, although it's an interesting gimmick and yes, Copley is da man. The fact that nobody else could act and that aside from the gimmick the movie didn't have much going for it artistically were kind of downers, and really it wouldn't have hurt it if it had had, like, a good story? Or even a passable one? I'm also a little confused about when it's supposed to take place and what the technology of that world is like but whatever, that's probably my most minor concern.