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Everything posted by TychoCelchuuu

  1. Okay that explains why yesterday I loaded up the stream and nothing was happening even though I could swear I got an email notification that something was happening not too long ago.
  2. Movie/TV recommendations

    That's the impression you'd get from watching the movie, but Jiro was not even the only sushi chef with a Michelin 3 star rating in the movie. Hachiro Mizutani, the former disciple of Jiro, was interviewed in the movie as the owner of his own sushi restaurant, which itself had three stars. (It later went down to two and then closed about a month ago.) There are lots of other 3 star sushi places. The documentary, perhaps understandably for dramatic purposes, tries to make Jiro seem really special, but it's worth thinking about whether that's the fact of the matter or whether the documentary makers just realized that things would be more interesting if they made Jiro out to be more impressive than everyone else to a degree that might not really be supported by the facts.
  3. https://clips.twitch.tv/idlethumbs/CalmBisonCmonBruh


    uh.... more of a sale.
  6. Idle Cook Club - Veggie Feeds-me: My Body Is Ready

    What did everyone make for Thanksgiving? I made bread, cornbread stuffing, mashed sweet potatoes, scalloped potatoes, normal stuffing, and green bean casserole (all pictured below, with mashed potatoes made by a friend) plus cranberry sauce and spicy cranberry sauce and gravy (not pictured) and apple pie and blueberry pie (not pictured). It was all delicious and I'm still eating leftovers. All vegan, too!

    Some day I want to buy this for PC but I have Overwatch and BF1 right now so I'm waiting for a bit of a sale at least.
  8. Idle Thumbs Streams

    People at the time had the same reaction but later I went and watched on YouTube what would've happened if Chris had let it play out and honestly it wasn't exactly something I felt bad about missing. I feel like the setup was a good one for something pretty comical, but the route they went with it was about as boring as Chris's solution.
  9. The Next President

    ...no. I mean, let's not sugarcoat it, most people don't really know lots of relevant stuff. This isn't just limited to people who vote for Trump, of course, but it definitely applies to people who vote for Trump, and especially when we look to them to explain their votes, they fair pretty badly there, because you add in the normal amount of ignorance (which is pretty high) plus the additional issue that Trump is a horrible candidate who is terrible along any line of reasoning that you could use and still sound reasonable (even if you're mistaken in that line of reasoning) and thus they're making the additional mistake of thinking Trump matches up with what they want.
  10. Recently completed video games

    I also recently completed the main quest in The Witcher 3, although I'm playing the GOTY edition so I still have Blood & Wine to get through. I've definitely been enjoying the game, although the main plot kind of fell apart in a couple places for me and the ending seemed somewhat anticlimactic. Funnily enough I think I sort of miss a feature that was heavier in the first two Witcher games, which was how the games tried really really hard to pound the whole "this is a morally ambiguous world, there's not always one right choice, sometimes things turn out bad, look how horrible everything is, etc." and although there's still some of that in TW3, it seems like it has been both pushed to the margins and also drowned in the massive sea that is the rest of the game. For every "hey look someone's being racist at an elf" there are like ten quests about a wyvern that's eating cows or something,and the whole Geralt + Ciri vs. the Wild Hunt has literally zero moral ambiguity there, it's just the two good guys versus a cartoonishly evil cadre of dipshits. I started this paragraph with the phrase "funnily enough," and that's because even though the Witcher series is pretty well written as RPGs go, it's not exactly sophisticated stuff, so you might think the whole moral ambiguity thing would only work with a defter hand, but I guess I don't mind my narratives broad and obvious sometimes because again, like I said, it turns out I'm sort of missing all that.
  11. Recently completed video games

    Yeah I mean it mostly made no sense, but I'm not sure I agree that most of the people were open supporters of the usurper, right? Nobody knew the Lord Regent was a usurper - you were framed for the murder and as far as anyone could tell, Corvo murdered the Empress and then started murdering lots of other important people too.
  12. Recently completed video games

    I replayed Dishonored in preparation for Dishonored 2. That game is still just as great as I remember it. It really does feel like a great, more violent followup to Thief, especially since this time I went high chaos/lots of combat: the oppressive atmosphere, the well-conceived fantasy world that's new and fresh and exciting, the great touches of characterization scattered all around the world, the sneaking... plus Dishonored has tremendous graphics (I just love the painterly style, the design, and the awesome faces everyone has) and some really fun movement mechanics.

    I mean, this isn't very helpful now, but if you're sick of this shit one option is just to wait until the game comes out, and then either buy it once it's fixed or don't buy it if people have technical issues.
  14. Recently completed video games

    Classic Mafia!
  15. Rimworld

    It's also an interesting insight into what a Gamergater sees as the essential dimensions of human interaction. It's no accident that the ideologies shake out this way. Funny how a concern for ethics in games journalism just happens to match up with an under-informed, ostensibly scientific, misogynistic heterosexist habitual acceptance of a perceived status quo that is taken to be eternal, objective, and unchanging. It's almost like he's in the habit of assuming that reality objectively conforms to all his preconceived biases and that if (just pulling an example at random out of a hat) a game review disagrees with him, it must be because the reviewer has some sort of vile SJW agenda. Especially if the reviewer is, say, a woman.
  16. The part of the cast where they imagined what life must be like in Gilgamesh's city almost made me cry, I was laughing so hard. I found Idle Thumbs because I heard BLENDO Games was making a new game for the Kickstarter, and that made me inerested in the podcast, but not super interested, and then Steve Gaynor livestreamed... something (BioShock 1, I think) and a lot of people chatting in the livestream were making Thumbs references that I didn't understand, and since I like both BLENDO Games and Steve Gaynor I decided Idle Thumbs must be pretty neat, so then I started listening and it is indeed pretty neat.
  17. Movie/TV recommendations

    I haven't tried it in a few weeks but when I tried out FilmStruck in the beta, the image quality was perfect, but it would pause/get choppy/drop frames every once in a while, even though my connection is totally fine. I'll try it again at some point I htink but it made the movie unwatchable.
  18. Rimworld

    I would venture a guess that this may be something that Sylvester doesn't know. I'm fairly certain the "research" he did on this topic consisted of looking for stuff that confirmed his preexisting biases and stopping once he'd found it - all unconsciously, because he doesn't thnk of them as preexisting biases, he just thinks of them as correct apprehensions of the pure objective reality that others fail to see at their peril because they're blinded by leftist ideology and they can't face up to the bare facts about life that he, Sylvester, can face up to. As you point out in another post, it's a trap "smart" people fall into fairly easily, because stuff like privilege and other sorts of biases cloak themselves in ways that make them more or less impossible to discover if your mode of inquiry is "read science, assimilate science, learn knowledge." It takes a real fundamental shift in the way one thinks about the world to realize that figuring stuff out isn't always as easy as just Googling for some academic papers.
  19. Battlerite : A teamfight only Lords Manager

    I really really like this game. My Battlerite name is the same as my forum name. One nice thing about this is that it's so fast. You don't need to devote 10 years to a match if you want to play.
  20. Battlefield 1

    Okay I figured out what was up with medals: you have to do each of the things in order. I thought most of them were resetting but in fact they weren't counting up. That makes not a lot of sense but at least now I understand why it didn't seem like I was making any progress.
  21. Battlefield 1

    That's all I've played so far and it doesn't seem too weird to me. In some of the games I played the vehicles helped the defenders much more than the attackers. I also wouldn't call them over-powered, but maybe I need more experience.
  22. Battlefield 1

    Ah, that's interesting. Maybe there's hope for my support medal yet!
  23. Battlefield 1

    The medals have to be completed in a single match, right? It seems like progress doesn't carry over. I bought the game yesterday and when I started it up I decided to track the "Support" medal because why not, but it quickly became clear that there was no way it was going to happen unless I focused on completing the medal rather than winning, and that's just honestly not a way that I'm capable of playing a team game. I know that 99% of my teammates don't give a flying fuck about anything other than filling up their XP bar or flying their airplane or earning their medals or whatever, but I just can't turn a multiplayer game into my own single player quest for achievements if that means hurting my team at all. That's just not something I find fun. I'm hoping the medals give you fuck all, because I can't really see a situation where I ever earn a medal. The closest I can come to this is (in BF4) using a gun I haven't used much and which I think might not be my favorite gun in order to unlock attachments, but even that's only because I want to make sure that the gun actually is one I don't prefer, especially once it's got the attachments I want, rather than because I just want to unlock things for the sake of unlocking things. In general I really don't like it when competitive games add meta-objectives that distract people from the ostensible objective. I know the Battlefield games are in a large part about fucking around and having fun, but it's just kind of weird to me to have all these objectives you're supposed to be capturing or whatever and then instead of doing that I've got a teammate on voice chat being like "don't shoot that guy, I need one more headshot for my medal." I mean come on we gotta shoot that guy, he's on the flag!
  24. Battlefield 1

    What is the point of getting medals?