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Posts posted by BobbyBesar

  1. Any thoughts on the DLC?

    The two free tracks were pretty mediocre, and the Adachi track seems kind of boring, but the extra Rise and Marie songs seem like they might be OK.

    I also don't know the songs from the anime at all. Anything essential in there?

    BTW, if people haven't looked, there's a number of free costume sets on the DLC store, which are pretty fun.

  2. My wife likes War in the Pocket a lot.

    Although, she's specifically stated that it's the only Gundam movie she's seen that she got anything out of at all, since mecha qua mecha doesn't really do anything for her. So I suspect her tastes are pretty much diametrically opposed to that of most Gundam fans.

  3. I'm a little disappointed that it doesn't integrate with an existing P4G save in any way. I don't need much, but a couple of free unlocks or an acknowledgement that Yukiko is my soulmate would be nice.

    In general, the game's insistence that you may not have played Persona 4 so we have to explain everything to you is mystifying. I can't imagine who is buying this that didn't play P4.

    On the other hand, the story mode is basically a rhythm action visual novel, which is a hilarious thing to exist.

  4. I watched a bunch of retro anime because a friend of mine provided me with a bunch of fansubs for stuff that I mostly haven't seen or thought much about since high school.


    The only really notable thing is that I learned that I've only seen about half of the You're Under Arrest that exists, whereas at the time I watched it, I'd seen all of it (i.e. I watched the entire first series but wasn't aware there was a second or third series. I watched a couple random episodes from the newer series, and it's interesting to see the changes to that series over time, many of which probably track to general trends in anime. Aside from the obvious visual elements (which I assume are related to a transition to digital art), the extent to which the characters are sexualized has gradually increased the more recent series.


    Also, the internet tells me that Aoi is now officially considered transgendered rather than simply a transvestite, which is kind of interesting, I guess. Aoi's first episode is pretty interesting from a modern perspective, because it's arguably handled awkwardly, but at the same time, the tone of the show is such that everybody is actually super supportive right from the beginning (modulo a little bit of juvenile sexuality).


    Anyways, I watched a bunch of it because it's pure cotton candy viewing where everybody is super loving and supportive of everybody else and nothing ever changes. It's kind of like Archie, I guess, with occasional car chases. Also, all the music is still good. If I was being honest, I'd probably say it's my favorite anime, irrespective of any objective quality it might possess.


    I also watched the last Ranma thing put to film (an OAV screened at a con in 2008 or so), because I was curious what a Ranma fanservice victory lap looks like, and yup, it sure was that. It was kind of interesting seeing that in a modern style as well.


    Also, I realize that those retro-revivals are themselves almost 10 years old now.

  5. The Atlanic has an article on microagressions and victimhood culture


    I don't really have an issue with what that article is describing, as a descriptive framework of social interactions. However, it makes a couple significant mis-steps:


    - Calling is "victimization culture" is pretty charged language

    - It seems to conflate the language of social justice with victimization culture, in a way that probably isn't really appropriate. You could use the same structure of interaction, appeal to 3rd parties, etc, to describe many kinds of interaction, and using the migro-aggression example, while convenient for illustration, implies that they're intertwined in a way that may or may not be true. The article calls this out at the end, but the damage, I think, has already been done.

    - I think the description of social conditions is interesting. There are a lot of unspoken questions about why these emerged recently as opposed to historically (some ideas: higher levels of college enrollment vs. trades / apprenticeships / family businesses, weaker family bonds, etc.)


    Some of the responses for that may be in the actual paper, which I haven't read yet.

  6. Starfish-killing robot close to trials on Great Barrier Reef
    "The Cotsbot robot, which has a vision system, is designed to seek out starfish and give them a lethal injection."


    That's pretty neat, although to an extent I wonder if that's really the most efficient way to handle this, i.e. what the actual cost / starfish is for eradication in this manner. Obviously lower than using human divers, but I wonder if there are other alternatives.

  7. I haven't really been keeping track: is the justification for Quiet photo-synthetic energy? For some reason, I thought it was heat dissipation.


    Oh, it looks like it's a grab-bag all-of-the-above situation:

    Due to her injuries, the parasites compensated for her burned epidermis, giving her the ability to "breathe" through her skin rather than her lungs, negating any problems that could come from sway that could be the result of breathing too much while sniping, but also requiring her to wear as little clothes as possible, as covering her skin would suffocate her. As additional aid, the parasites compensated for the digestive organs she lost from her burns, enabling her to "drink" through her skin when showering so long as she did not move too much while in fresh water (saltwater burning her instead), as well as receiving carbohydrates through photosynthesis, much like The End.

  8. Part of this is that, as I mentioned before, available evidence seems to suggest that these videos being out there increase sales, and thus there is already a profit motive for developers, so asking for a cut on top of that is double-dipping. Part of what complicates the issue is that the awareness boosting effect of these videos is likely diminished for something like Nintendo properties, where awareness is already high, but Nintendo also doesn't need the money from youtube views.

    One thing I think we always need to keep in mind in this conversation iss that there's a difference between legal rights and bad business. Even if a youtuber's content and endorsement I'd a net positive on sales, it doesn't change the legality of the use.

  9. I've never really played a mega man game before, so this is a real joy to play. What's even more surprising is how insanely playable it still is, as well as really tight with the controls.


    I've just finished MM2, and the last boss was the most insane, goofy ending. I can't wait to delve into the 3rd one.


    MM2 is the best game. (Not just best Mega Man game: the best game). It's one of the few games from that era that I can consistently replay and enjoy.


    I think that it holds a place for me that the original Super Mario Bros. does for some people. To be honest, I never really loved SMB, but Mega Man 2 just clicks for me. It also has pretty much the best music on the Nintendo.


    Feel free to post detailed impressions as a first timer. I'm curious to see what the experience looks like for a new player today.

  10. In order to invest, you have to be an Accredited Investor as well as investing a minimum of $1000.  I assume it's taxable, kind of like selling stock.  Don't know about other countries.

    I don't know if anybody cares about this, but: (as per a securities lawyer I mentioned this to) the difference between an accredited investor and non-accredited investors mostly just has to do with disclosure agreements.


    If you're an accredited investor, you can be solicited directly, and you're expected to do various investigations as to the worthiness of the company, etc yourself.


    If you aren't an accredited investor, any kind of solicitation is legally required to be accompanied by various disclosures about the prospects and worth of the company.


    So, that requirement makes some sense for Fig projects, if they don't want to require those disclosures from the projects they're working with.

  11. I'm not completely sure this is the right thread for this, but:


    I enjoy going to the Renaissance Faire. 


    The Renaissance Faire is a total shit-show from a cultural sensitivity perspective, and I have a lot of trouble with it.


    As somebody with Chinese ancestry, I feel very self-conscious trying to engage in fantasy of European Medieval times. Also, I'm acutely aware of the fact that dressing up in European-style or even Fantasy-style armor is problematic, and that I am fundamentally incapable of looking appropriate in that attire..


    Then, I think about wearing a period-appropriate costume that fits my ethnicity (armor, Mandarin robes, etc). But then I worry that that's even worse, because I'm weirdly token-izing myself. And what's more, anything that I do do along those lines inevitably collides with anime culture, and people saying I should dress up like a ninja or samurai or something, which is not actually offensive to me, but which I feel maybe it actually is a little bit.


    And I'm also very aware that this is all simply an open space for play, and that nobody gives a shit about cultural authenticity which is why there are people dressed as pirates next to Robin Hood next to the Green Lantern and Jon Snow. So, it's stupid for me to even care at all, and I should just put on a freaking kilt or something, but how stupid does a Chinese guy look in a kilt, but then why do I even care what other people think and maybe this is all just something I need higher self-confidence for.


    So, I guess what I'm trying to say is: the ability to un-self-consciously enjoy a Renaissance Fair is part of white privilege.


    Also, that I want to open a Chinese themed competing Ren Fair called "The Three Kingdoms".

  12. Yeah, I've been struggling with how surprisingly regressive some of his ideas about sex and sexuality are, for a man who is otherwise incredibly thoughtful and intelligent. 


    I once had a conversation with my in-laws about how Feminism was bad for women because now women have to work and don't get doors held open for them. It was a strange night.


    The only actual advice I have for how to approach this: avoid labels entirely. Never let on that you're trying to talk about Feminism. Start with the points that you think he will be able to agree with, the ones that correspond with bible teachings that he's familiar with, or that match up with other positive beliefs that he's shared with you in the past. Don't push it too hard. If you can get your foot in the door with some things that he agrees with, then say "well, that's largely what people mean when they talk about Feminism these days."


    This is assuming that you're trying to identify common ground and build from it. If there are things that he flat out disagrees with, you're probably not going to ever succeed. People just don't like other people changing them, and confrontation generally just makes people dig in their heels. The best you can do is to lay down the framework, so that he has all the tools he needs to take the next step himself.


    Hope there's something helpful in there.

  13. Sooooo, anyone have any advice on talking Feminism 101 with a very patriarchal old christian man?  Like, angles or avenues to try and get some ideas through?


    My guess is that you might need to start with what modern Feminism is actually about, rather than the straw-man version of it that he may have constructed in his head.

  14. Helpful hint for anybody going to that link: CoI = Conflict of Interest, because the last letter is an i, not an L. I spent a couple minutes reading that wondering if it stood for column, or what.


    Also, it seems like those guys might be more upset about Wardell's treatment than Wardell was.

  15. Voting systems in general are super interesting! ( ) Basically it's impossible to design a voting system that doesn't leave something to be desired, and therefore you have to intelligently pick which weaknesses you think fit for your particular problem!

    I took a class in college that was crosslisted between the PoliSci department & the Math department that was all about the mathematics of voting systems & elections that was super cool, and talked about things like this a lot, and what's the best way to discourage people from gaming the system.


    Hmm...fundamentally non-optimizable system? Sounds like a board game.


    Each player controls a suite of nominees, and tries to convince the group to settle on voting / nomination rules for that round. A round of voting based on that system is run, and each player receives points for election. After each election, amendments to the voting process are presented and evaluated. Repeat for n rounds.


    Sorry, I'll stop posting now.

  16. I can't find a good link that explains the 4/6 proposal, but it's basically what you said: people can nominate a maximum of four works for a final slate of six. The formal proposal for the much more complex "E Pluribus Hugo" system is here: There aren't many good plain-language explanations of it, but I'll keep looking.

    Actually, that's pretty decent. From a high level:


    a. You have one nomination “point” for each category that will be divided equally among the works you choose to nominate in that category. So, if you nominate two works in a category, each will get half a point; if you nominate three works, each will get one-third of a point, and so on.


    They gradually drop out the least popular option, and re-calculates all the ballots assuming that's been removed. So if my initial ballot is for X, Y, and Z, my vote is really:

    1/3 X, 1/3 Y, 1/3 Z


    Nobody else voted for Z, so it gets eliminated, and my vote is now:

    1/2 X, 1/2 Y.


    Repeat until there's only 5 left.



    Edit: Also:

    4. How does this system eliminate slate or bloc voting?

    It doesn’t, exactly, nor should a work be automatically eliminated just because it appears on a slate. On the other hand, any slate which nominates a full set of five works will find that each of its nominations only count 1/5 as much. With “non-slate” nominating, some of your works will be slowly eliminated, so your remaining works get more and more of your support. Since slate works tend to live or die together, they tend to eliminate each other until, in general, only one slate work remains. With a large enough support behind the slate (five times as much), the slate may still sweep a category; however, if that many voters support the slate, they arguably deserve to win, and no fair and unbiased system of nomination will prevent that. The answer in that case is, simply, to increase the general pool of voters. Regardless, with SDV-LPE, slates will never receive a disproportionate share of the final ballot, as occurred in the 2015 Hugos.


    Basically, if there are (made up numbers) 20 rounds, during rounds 1-15, the slate votes will only have 1/5 value per voter, whereas non-slate votes may concentrate up to have their full point go to their one remaining nominee. Towards the end, either the full slate passes, or things on the slate start dropping off because each individually has less value.

  17. Voting systems in general are super interesting! ( ) Basically it's impossible to design a voting system that doesn't leave something to be desired, and therefore you have to intelligently pick which weaknesses you think fit for your particular problem!

    I took a class in college that was crosslisted between the PoliSci department & the Math department that was all about the mathematics of voting systems & elections that was super cool, and talked about things like this a lot, and what's the best way to discourage people from gaming the system.


    True, but the Arrow's Impossibility Theorem requirements aren't the source of the issues in this particular case.  The Hugos aren't in a mathematical quandry, just a bad design spot.

  18. I'm not fully down on how the nomination process works (actually, I am now), but it does seem like you could (and should) tweak the process to sidestep slate-voting. For instance, if each member can nominate 5 works, make the final voting draw from the top 8 works, so that no single ballot can drown out all alternatives (If you're worried about fragmentation in the final vote, I'd probably just do 4 nominees, 6 final). It looks like a relatively simply change like that would be possible (there's a quorom requirement of 25% of votes cast, but that wouldn't need to change).


    They amended the constitution to add best podcast, so it's not like they don't make changes. And even though it's impetus is somewhat political, I feel like this would be a relatively apolitical change. Still probably game-able, but I only thought about it for 5 minutes, so I'm sure they could come up with improvements.