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Everything posted by Shibboleth

  1. The Idle Thumbs 10th Anniversary Committee

    Blambo and Atte, those are both glorious. I'm likely missing out on something obvious, but is Cyber Scoops a reference to something in particular? In any case, I'll probably end up buying prints of one or two or all of these myself.
  2. Dota Today 9: The Dazzle In Question

    I think allowing a unanimous surrender option in non-ranked games would be great and I don't really see any negatives. Maybe only allowing a surrender after twenty minutes would help relieve people's concerns? I'd like to see it expand to ranked matches too, but it would likely be more pragmatic to see how it impacts the casual games first.
  3. The Idle Thumbs 10th Anniversary Committee

    BigJKO that's going to be amazing, really. Also I don't think anything can top Blambo's Breckon.
  4. The Idle Thumbs 10th Anniversary Committee

    If there is another painting can it it please include Kotick and Allard?
  5. Spelunky!

    Well, I just died because I fell on top of an alter due to a misjudged jump. I was in the process of running away from a snake that appeared from inside a broken vase that startled me. Kali thanked me though, and gave me a compass.
  6. Idle Thumbs 10th Anniversary

    Thanks for linking that, it was fun to read and the E3 2005 outtakes video is wonderful. I started listening to Idle Thumbs during their Kickstarter and I had no idea about the history of the community or the cast.
  7. Has anyone else run into fatigue with this game? I managed to cram in 904 games this past year or so (spanning part of my junior and senior years in college), and if anyone asked me what my favorite game is I'd instantly reply with Dota 2. But recently I haven't felt the urge to play. I still appreciate the game for all it has, I still have a lot of fun when I do play, but something has led me astray. I have even more free time now than when I did when I was in college, and I recently got out of a long-term relationship, so this whole situation isn't making much sense. Perhaps it's me subconsciously pushing the game away for whatever personal reason, or maybe I just played too much of this game in such a short period of time. Actually -- now that I think about this more, it has a lot to do with the community (or at least my perception of the community as someone who mostly plays alone). In one of my recent games in Captains Draft someone repeatedly said "pick me drow" at the start of the draft. Of course we all made fun of this person for demanding that his or her need to play a particular hero outweighed the needs of the group as a whole... and also because Drow was the requested hero. The player responds with "ok I'm going to feed all game." And against my wishes the captain gives in to the demands. Well, that wasn't enough to satisfy our Drow. He or she went on to feed the entire game and basically ruined thirty minutes of everyone's time just because we wanted to form a good team composition. This type of experience doesn't happen every game, but it happens enough (especially in solo queue) to make me want to avoid playing the game for a good while. Also when I experience some of the community outside the game, through r/Dota2 for example, the amount of sexism, racism, and jokes about privilege isn't trivial. Now, instead of playing Dota 2 I'm loading up The Wolf Among Us, Bastion, or of all things Madden 25 for the Xbox One. Do I actually enjoy the Madden single-player experience right now more than I enjoy Dota? Well, maybe, but I can't give you a reason why from a pure game play perspective. From an objective stance the game isn't even good. The controls don't respond well, the announcers are repetitive after two minutes, and there are so many infuriating bugs such as the clock occasionally not stopping when a receiver or runner goes out of bounds. The one thing that I do I enjoy about the game is that it's void of community (at least it is for how I play the game), and it doesn't have the potential to ravage a good part of my day. Does anyone else have a similar experience? Did the community eventually push you away from the game?
  8. Dota Today 1: QOP Top and POTM Bottom

    It took me a while to find this... mostly because of what I consider horrible UX in the new iTunes. So you'll want to click the top left button in the newest iTunes, the one that is a half-filled box. Once you are there click Show Menu Bar and then go to File -> Subscribe to Podcast.