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Everything posted by Sententia

  1. Starcraft 2

    If you're looking for ways to improve your play I'd recommend this guide by CecilSunkure, How to Improve Efficiently. It has some sections about mindset that are very useful in getting over ladder anxiety.
  2. Starcraft II

    Exactly! I tried to get into competitive chess and even went to some tournaments, but playing online feels too weird to me and there wasn't anyone in the neighborhood with an even skill level. With Starcraft 2 I get the same competitive 1v1 feeling I got from chess and tennis, but there's a structured ladder that's built really well for competition unlike the of Starcraft 1.

    If you haven't already backed it the kickstarter is over, but if you did you can talk to them and they'll handle it on a case-by-case basis if you want to donate more and move up a tier. Once the new stuff is all ready there will be a way for you to donate directly to support Idle Thumbs, I don't know when that will come about but I assume soon.
  4. Life

    What About Bob references! One of my three favorite Christmas classics, the other two being Die Hard and Night Before Christmas.Good luck moving, the one time I tried it the renting deal I had fell through because the guy got a different roomie during my bus ride there. I was very sad to arrive in town and find I didn't have a place to sleep. Since then I've decided moving isn't for me.
  5. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Yeah he's really bad at starcraft and rages a lot, but I don't hold that against him. Laddering is a stressful thing and causes people to react emotionally in ways they normally wouldn't. Even being gay myself I'm not offended by that stuff because it's not indicative of actual hatred or malice, and he does good things with the money from the stream. Watching him be terrible at the game and then do really poor analysis afterwards is kind of funny in a schadenfreude way
  6. New people: Read this, say hi.

    TotalBiscuit is a british guy that does general gaming coverage to pay his way, and also does a lot of starcraft 2 casting as a passion project. Him and dApollo are a really well-known casting duo in the SC2 world. I really respect his opinion, and he knows a lot about the business side of gaming and speaks openly.
  7. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Found out about the podcast through TB praising the Idle Thumbs and mentioning that the kickstarter was a huge success, quickly became addicted and ran through all the casts, finished the last one a week ago and decided on a whim to register for the forums. Looking forward to being a member and hopefully gaining some new friends to game with!
  8. Starcraft II

    Sententia.180 NA Feel free to friend me! I'm always up for some team games and prefer to chat on Skype while playing.