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Everything posted by Sententia

  1. Life

    Yay living in Holland! That sounds exactly like the experience I had moving from my hometown to a new city. It was a 20 hour bus ride where I felt crushed and nightmarishly frightened and sad and confused, for no reason at all, and when I heard the driver announce my destination it all went away immediately.
  2. I Had A Random Thought...

    I've got the same teeth grinding problem, my solution is letting my jaw slack a little so my mouth is slightly open. Worked with my mom in the local farmer's market selling independently produced farmers' products and lemonade, I've realized another aspect of myself. You know the thing where the people who know you, see you in a particular light that you're absolutely aware of and subconsciously or consciously try to fit into? Like how you act different around your family than your friends or lover/s. Upon being introduced to people (the customers walking the market) in a way where I should be socially forward and drive the conversation, I discovered a talkative, funny, gesticular me, very different from my usual quietness and small presence.
  3. Omni

    holy shit that's a crazy thing! Talking mechanically we've never had precise movement of the player character in games before. The mouse can translate actions perfectly but can't be used for movement really. We've got analog sticks, arcade sticks, WASD, I guess the closest I can think of to perfectly translated movement is a flight stick, but that's really only useful for games with 3D movement. The Omni might open up a whole new field of depth and skill for First and Third person games, like the mouse does for shooters. I can imagine a fencing game maybe, or a proper tennis game. This is assuming it gets supported, seems to me unlike the Oculus where you can apply some visual tweaks to already existing graphics, to support the increased articulation of the Omni a game would have to have its entire movement system be created with the expectation of allowing that.
  4. Starcraft 2

    Ah that's awesome rodi, I wish I could go to a big live event. Hopefully next summer now that I finally have a job and can save up some cash. edit: just saw the two big recent changes. Some cosmetic ladder changes, whatevs, and Spawning is back in! sweet I can put off buying HotS for a while.
  5. Life

    Really happy for your brother merus! Tell him a bunch of people from this random forum he doesn't know about wish him well
  6. I Had A Random Thought...

    Just discovered Tim Minchin and holy shit is he funny it's also really affirming for me to see this comedian-musician where all he does is mock religion and he has a huge following. I've always been slightly self-conscious about my thoughts on the absurdity of religions, feels good to have someone sane agree with me. Here's two of my favorite songs so far, beware religious folk you may be very offended:
  7. I Had A Random Thought...

    I just recently found out there's an insect called a water boatman, the size of a flea, that chirps a sound as loud as a lawnmower by rubbing its penis against its stomach. What an inspiration to all guys!
  8. I Had A Random Thought...

    Listened to an episode of a highly-ranked religious podcast on iTunes to see what the religious peoples are all about these days. The episode happened to be about avoiding pornography by taking measures like removing the TV from your hotel room, putting a towel over the computer monitor at night, etc. I had to rewind 5 minutes because I got distracted browsing trap porn comics. Pretty sure I missed the point.
  9. Life

    I'll share with you an incredible recipe for pancakes for your fancy celebration breakfast! My sister graduated from the Culinary Institue of America, coincidentally known as the CIA, one of the top cooking schools in the world and she taught me how to perfectly immitate this recipe, so these are literally world-class pancakes. 1. use milk instead of water, plus one egg per person cooking for 2. once the mix is at the right consistency, add copious amounts of vanilla extract and ground cinnamon 3. if you want, throw some frozen blueberries onto the pan in the spot you pour the pancake mix, before you put the mix down 4. put the mix in and keep a careful eye, cook on medium or lower depending how hot your stove's medium is 5. when finished, pour syrup all over the top of the pancake, spread it in with a knife, pour more, repeat this step as you like 6. spray whipped cream, covering the entire top of the pancake 7. sprinkle chocolate shavings on top of the whipped cream It's not super expensive, you can find all this stuff in a usual grocery store and you can create the chocolate shavings yourself.
  10. Dragon's Crown: Gaze past the giant witch tits

    Sounds like he was just drunkenly trying to flirt with your friend, nothing too weird going on. Personally I don't mind people being explicit to me in public, I love the attention and if I'm not feeling like getting together I'll just say no after some teasing, but I understand it could be different for a girl. It's been a decade since I played Gauntlet a bunch, back when I had a version on my PS2 I'd do all-nighters with my friend. If this is like Gauntlet I'll have a sick multiplayer game to play with my roommates when I move into the dorms, alongside smash which I assume everyone in college still plays
  11. Weird Medical Shit

    You're ok lacabra, it's a safe space here. If you said you pulled out a half-eaten rotten scrap of flesh that you forgot you stored in there for later, I wouldn't even vomit. much.
  12. Starcraft 2

    I just did a couple hours of what amounts to basically lessons with a silver/gold player. We played some games and talked extensively about them afterwards each time, it's really incredible to see and be a part of someone actively learning in real-time right in front of you! Not sure why I'm posting this, but it was a really affecting moment for me. I've spent thousands of hours watching professional Starcraft 1 and 2, and many hundreds exploring educational content like the Day[9] Daily, written guides on improving/builds/the metagame, etc. It's incredibly fulfilling to be putting all of that into action and really helping someone out a lot. Man I really need to buy HotS.
  13. I Had A Random Thought...

    I had a sex ed class in high school as well, but it was basically just all about STDs and how you need to use a condom. Not saying that's a bad thing, it's very good to have that knowledge, but there's no required or even optional classes about how to have sex, what to expect from your partner, the anatomy/psychology of pleasure or anything. All the available education isn't taught or even talked about at school or at home, there are short, independent classes about handjobs, anal, cunnilingus, etc, that are available in way too few places, there's a good amount of writing on the subject but nowhere near as much science as we should have, and none of it is ever presented to youths. Even myself growing up in a really sex-positive family had no idea how much was out there until I was 16, got The Sex Talk from my dad, and got referred to She Comes First by Ian Keller. From there I followed the trails and found out there's a very sizable bank of knowledge on this subject which has logarithmically improved my romantic and sex life, but in our culture where anything sexual is taboo, especially from adults to kids, it's very easy to just happen not to realize all this stuff exists.
  14. Starcraft 2

    Oh for sure, me too. I really loved I think it was game 3, where Stephano got caught by the 2-base all-in but still had the fucking crazy balls to start 2-2 right as the attack hit him. He defended every battle and drop just barely, the game was on a knife-edge for like 5 minutes, and then he just didn't scout for MVP's third and hadn't realized the extent to which MVP was all-inning and lost to a mediocre engagement because hellbats kill the shit out of lings and never die.
  15. Same deal here but I'm usually not on, I don't use Steam for anything really right now. I'd like to get into playing Dota 2 but it's been so long since I played DotA, I'm probably really bad and definitely forgot everything, and also my headset is still broken. Still, send me a friend invite if you're willing to trudge along with my heavy corpse and two left feet flopping all over the place. On steam I'm SententiaSC, same on Skype. Oh hi Dosed, didn't realize you'd already sent me an invite
  16. Starcraft 2

    I'm crushed D: they really need to region-lock WCS for next year.
  17. Books, books, books...

    Soon I Will Be Invincible by Austin Grossman is great if you're into comics. I'm trying to describe it in a weird way so it's not coming out exactly right, but it's like how you would imagine a comic being properly ported into the new format of being a full size novel-ass novel, if it still did a lot of things that make comics comiccy. Definitely recommend. Max Ernst I clicked through your blog (or blog-like thing? I couldn't tell what it was), enjoyed the art but I don't understand tumblr at all, and then there was a half-naked cute twink boy with a cat mask. Overall I don't know what the hell is going on, but keep it up.
  18. Starcraft 2

    Sitting here at the start of the WCS EU finals, watching this alongside 120,000+ other people! Go Stephanooo!
  19. Curiosity – What's Inside the Cube?

    To be honest I doubt it will play out in quite a cool way. The fact is however many people play Godus, it will be way way more even than the Great Bryan Henderson can keep track of, so the vast majority of players won't have direct interaction with him, it'll just be weather changes or something probably. In order to have interaction with a higher power be a regular part of gameplay they'd have to make a many-tiered system where each group of 5-20 Gods reports to a God Manager, and each group of 5-20 God Managers reports to their Royal Regional Diety, and etc etc up the chain of command to Bryan Henderson. I mean this is all speculation, but the way it's apparently laid out right now it seems interesting but I don't think it'll actually play out very differently for each individual player of Godus than if there was an AI changing the weather or moving things around or whatever.
  20. Curiosity – What's Inside the Cube?

    I guess it still goes with the theme of Curiosity, being an experiment in itself. I don't know what I was hoping for but I'm slightly disappointed.
  21. Life

    Your mention of time-limit paperwork reminds me I still have to finish getting my driver's license. I passed the test months ago but haven't actually paid the 50 bucks yet, at this point I'm wondering if I can hold off on owning a car until the Google self-drive thing comes to affordable fruition. Congrats Teagan! Yay for having food.
  22. I Had A Random Thought...

    Country music stars might own a ranch, but even if they had livestock they'd be gentlemen farmers not cowboys, because they're not doing the ground-level work themselves. I worked on a farm in Kentucky and taking care of cows was one of my duties, so I guess I'm an ex-cowboy, in which case all the cowboys became bi and moved into cities. I think everyone would agree this is the best use of cowboys. I've been watching the daily news show the PDF which, and maybe this reflects poorly on me, is pretty much my only consistent link to world events. Lately I've been thinking about finding an additional news source, but everything I've seen is ridiculously dragged out so a bunch of ads can be played.
  23. Life

    The whole weed debate goes over my head pretty much. I've honestly never smoked and can't stand alcohol at all. It's weird considering that I grew up partly in Detroit and organized parties weekly for my close friends all through middle school and high school, but I've never actually done drugs of any kind.
  24. Life

    650 plus utilities seems pretty expensive for one person, if it's big enough you could consider talking to your landlord about getting a roommate to split the cost.
  25. I Had A Random Thought...

    I wonder how widespread OKC is, I assumed it was a pretty small userbase but people on these forums even mentioned having an account. I've used it as well but not for very long. I'm also curious how many people listen to sex-educational podcasts, seems like both of these things are growing, at least in America.