Frenetic Pony

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Everything posted by Frenetic Pony

  1. Life

    I'm talking about the above picture, "correct" typing positions and all that.
  2. Life

    Actually typing seems to have shit all to due with Carpel Tunnel, much as it seemed like it did. From a study on it, can't be bothered to spend half an hour on google to find it (several years old). Still, aase in point, the hundred million people that spend all day on a computer typing thanks their jobs. If typing DID cause it then it would be a plague on mankind, but it's not of course.
  3. This is the new (console) shit!

    Huh, 16 bit, hell yeah! That seems to refer to the CPU? I suppose we're up to 64bit processors now, if you told that to someone in 1989 (gods, was that when the Genesis was released?) they'd have been like "Far freakin out man!" Because the 60's and 80's are so old they're interchangeable right? Also, Blu Ray isn't going to be added to the 360, I'm surprised it's on the Durango or whatever. They could have skipped the licensing fees and gone with their own format. Discs are less dead than they deserve to be, but they're getting there. Even my parents have skipped straight past blu ray to a Roku, not too mention the last physical game I bought (given the choice of digital) was... shite I don't even remember. Company of Heroes or Sins of a Solar Empire (the first one) which ever came out later. But discs are pretty close to the walking dead of technology so far as I can see, propped up only a few more years by any number of dying factors. I was thinking about someone (the odd man out) in the middle of Africa buying a game. Odds are it might well be easier to go to an internet cafe and download it than get a legitimate disc.
  4. The Hobbit...

    Is vastly overly bloated with brilliance shining through the cracks: So does agree most of the reviews. Which is exactly what I was afraid of. Jackson is horrible, terrible, at cutting a film. He was brilliant back when Fellowship came out, and just got worse and worse. He's no sense of pacing or any idea that you can just toss out entire scenes without harm. The 3 movies are going to run 450 minutes or more together. Yet I write movie scripts, I've adapted a book before, I know how long a movie should translate from a book. The Hobbit, tied for my favorite book ever, is a 4 hour film. 240 minutes. Maybe give an hour the extra stuff filmed and what Gandalf was doing the entire time. Which means the runtime is 1/3 entirely unnecessary bloat. Sad. Still going to see it... but yeesh. Someone needs to forcibly remove Jackson from the cutting room.
  5. This is the new (console) shit!

    Are you singing, oh Vienna are you swinging, Oh Vienna, we were happy like the shape of May, when you got carried away...
  6. Uncharted 3: the Uncharteningest

    I would enjoy a good send off for Drake, but one with more time and polish than 3. If they can finally get the puzzles right, maybe make the platforming a bit more interactive and challenging it could be great. But the biggest thing I can think of is, it would be really neat to see campaign co-op. Even if it's non linear, like you get split up from your partner in large sections somehow. It would still be great, as most of the Uncharted levels are sort of co-op as it is, putting another player in control of Sully or something doesn't seem that much of a stretch.
  7. This is the new (console) shit!

    Actually... While both the cpu's of the 360 and PS3 were disappointing, when the 360 came out it had a GPU more advanced than anything you could actually buy on the market. Essentially an ATI x1800xl, modified with EDram, access to 512mb of ram, and advancement beyond DX 9.0c. CPU aside it was equal to the best, top tier PCs you could buy in many ways. With a better GPU. On the other hand, the claimed specs for the PS4 should easily be beaten by a top of the line PC. I wouldn't be surprised to see a GTX 780 with 4gigs of ram in and of itself, not too mention whatever system RAM you have. Combined with top of the line Intel CPUs no doubt absolutely crushing the console CPU performance; As Intel has done reliably for years now versus AMD, ARM, and specialty shops like Oracle and IBM alike, it overall means a top of the line PC will still be far and away a higher performer. Especially if you get into ridiculous stuff like triple SLI/Crossfire cards and high performance SSDs. Also, I'd no idea there were pressure sensitive face buttons on the Xbox! Huh, guess developers really couldn't find any use for them.
  8. This is the new (console) shit!

    Perfection, but old: Razer's version of the 360 gamepad. But that being said it does feel old. And while I'd love to see advancement, I can think of a thousand things I'd rather have than a separate touchscreen. From what I've gathered of the Wii-U the absolute ONLY actual advancement the extra tablet like screen has offered so far is that you can switch off the TV and play your game on there. Where's our biometric sensors, pressure sensitive face buttons, improved haptic feedback? Imagine directional forcefeedback, knowing which wheel is going off the track or where you're getting shot at from just by feel alone? I'm sure there's other stuff out there to do besides trying to force players to multitask between 2 screens at once.
  9. Books, books, books...

    Tried it, and found it fascinating and utterly boring at the same time. Author reveled in saying "hey, there's something weird and odd about this world, but nevermind I'm not going to bring it up for another hundred pages." And the narrator is so TOO self aggrandizing. I did really enjoy it at times, when it's being clever and you can see the self congratulatory auto biography of it all. It's also extremely well written, almost poetic at times, but I found it rather severely uneven. The thoughts of a horny 12 year old torturer aren't really that fascinating to me. Thanks for the suggestions all, and since "noir" was mentioned I remembered a book that's getting a movie "Inherent Vice". Don't know why I picked that specifically, based solely on me enjoying the cover art and a small comparison to The Big Lebowski, but so far it's interesting.
  10. Books, books, books...

    Interesting characters. That's something I've finally realized I've been into lately. Read the Riyria (just try pronouncing that!) Revelations part 1, and I rather enjoyed it thanks to the two main characters being very well written and somewhat amoral thieves. Part 2 starts off with them immediately having doubts about the whole amoral thief thing, and I immediately put it down. I also recently watched Les Miserables in theaters (out of boredom) and the most interesting character to me was Jevier, the misguided antagonist. The others leads were dull as dirt righteous and upstanding and "do the right thing and fall in love and" etc. sorts. Dull. So here's my question, what novels feature really great characters that are, perhaps, sort of evil or at least might considered "bad"? Or amoral, or etc. Point is not the average person fixing their conundrum to put the world back the way it was, or a meditation on how relationships work or etc. Something about how they don't work, or someone very very oddball or off their rocker or etc.. E.G. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, A Clockwork Orange (the movie is actually better than the book, thank you Kubrick for cutting the lame, moralist ending off), Fight Club, The Dark Tower (the first book, he goes all "morale" as the series continues) etc.
  11. Cyberpunk 2077

    Since you liked those, and to anyone else who did, by all means go read Snow Crash!
  12. Cyberpunk 2077

    This is what all "art" discussion sounds like to me. Didn't mean to "interpret" anything for anyone. Just "Hey look, violence and half naked hot chick, OK!" Which is why I suppose I'm disappointed that they DID go art on it. Just say it's violence and a half naked hot chick, I'm good with that, I don't need any explanation for that.
  13. 2013

    I can see a technology, Miracast, replacing smart Tv's utterly soon. Miracast is a standards based, direct video/audio streaming through wifi. In other words, everything can use it, and you almost already have it. Why have 10 devices when you can have one that slings appropriate video to whatever screen/speakers you want?
  14. Cyberpunk 2077

    This is a reason I love CD Projekt Red "You're pandering with all the sex stuff?" them "So?" Also, I sometimes forget that there are people turned off by fictional violence. I always found it weird, I know it's fictional, what do I care? There's no link between playing video violent video games and violence, so I guess it's something else. But it's odd to come to a website full of people that have played video games for years and see violence being put down, when it's 90% of the games out there. Really, what's the difference between fictional violence against some android made to look cool, and killing a thousand dudes in a video game made to look cool? Heck, you're fictionalizing violence against a mostly robot lady here, and that's you're problem? Not the hundreds of guys you might murder in the game?
  15. Life

    The hospital wreaked of obsessive sterility, the smell of disinfectant wafted about like cologne in a cheap nightclub. Even the lighting was sterile, a soulless brightness under which one could do nothing but inspect every inch and corner, looking for disease. You didn't need to look hard to find it, as underneath the meticulously scrubbed veneer you could feel it in the bones of the place, death and piss and shit, the end of life stained everywhere no matter how hard they tried to scrub it away. Welcome to the land of dead, orderly, bright, and well mannered. Did it give comfort, as those souls faded away under the keen gaze and white lights, to know that everyone could so easily watch them go?
  16. Life

    That's one of the best parts, hospital beds are the worst! Hope you had an awesome night's sleep.
  17. Idle Thumbs 89: The Ship Economy

    Meh, I'm pretty sure Borderlands 2 was just making fun of all those "knowing" games. That beginning thing "these guys had friends, and family, and lives and... I'm just kidding, fuck those guys!" Was just making fun of all those self knowing games, and I love that! It's an ultra violent game, knows it, and doesn't care.
  18. This is the new (console) shit!

    .net? No, but just like all MS products it does use DirectX. But no, console games are designed to run specifically on the exact hardware they're designed for. It's not going to help whatsoever really.
  19. The Hobbit...

    I'm pretty sure the lackluster response for HFR was from critics and not audiences. Not too say that I've seen many singing HFR's praises, but I've not seen anyone besides melodramatic media people whine about it either. Besides, Cameron will do whatever he wants. He still holds 2 of the top 5 highest grossing movie of all time spots, no one's going to contradict him.
  20. This is the new (console) shit!

    I don't think the SteamBox is for you, or any of us. I think it's for the person that buys an iPhone because it's the iPhone! It's for the person that isn't technically competent or well informed. Newell even said something to that affect, calling it a "Turnkey solution" for those who wanted one. I.E. they might not even have a Steam account yet. And with Linux support suddenly a big thing for many triple A publishers lack of games, or rather new games, might not be a problem. If you want backwards compatibility, buy your own PC and hook it up to the TV yourself. SteamBox is for the type of person that's not going to do that to begin with.
  21. This is the new (console) shit!

    Honestly? I don't give a damn about this. I know a lot of people do, but I've sold almost all my 360 and PS3 games and been happy about it. None of them feel "classic, I'm so going to play this 5 years from now!" like Nintendo's Gamecube stuff or etc. I enjoyed them for what they were, I don't regret buying most of them, but I'm happy to move on.
  22. Recently completed video games

    I just "completed" DOTA 2 by uninstalling it. 51 hours of playtime, most of that in the past 10 days. There was an arc to the whole thing. Learning in the beginning, interested in all the strategies and playing a random Lord just about every time. Then about when I hit level 2 I was having fun being good at the game. Figured out I liked to play fast "gankers" and "carries", because being powerful by the end of the game was so much better than being good at the beginning. Then, well that was about it. Had a handful of great, very close games. But I began to play more because I was in the habit of playing than having fun. There was nothing more to learn, at least not a whole lot; and once I had learned I recognized that the game was extremely simplistic and repetitive in its own way. There were always phases, the beginning where you stay in your lane pushing back and forth with your opposite(s). Then when levels were gained and items bought things would start to go towards grouping up to gank the enemies, this going back and forth with lanes being pushed in between team battles. And then the game would end one way or another. It was always sort of the same. Always sitting there, waiting to level up your abilities so things could get interesting. If you were playing a Lord with any abilities to speak of that is. "Spirit Breaker" might have stuff to do, but others like Sven practically played themselves with only minimal loops you went through. Push your lane push your lane push your lane, try to help gank/save someone if they were close enough, that was it, that's the entire "game" there was. The game got utterly boring and predictable, and I could tell which side was going to win a few minutes 90% of the time. I uninstalled it after several matches of sheer, mind numbing boredom that I kept coming back too out of addictive habit. The other game I've got is Dragon's Dogma. And while I love some of the ideas and gameplay, it feels severely lacking. Not just in polish, but in sheer playability. I've got several quests now that I don't know what to do with. The descriptions don't tell me where to go or what it is I'm doing exactly, and I can't find where I'm supposed to go on the fiddly map no matter how long I try to figure it out. I'm supposed to follow some duded somewhere, but where's the dude? Which is too bad. I like the pawns, and I like fighting giant monsters. I wish there was a way to reliably do that. I figure there's the main quest to do, but I've even lost where to go to do that! I tried finding things on the map for half an hour, wandered around in the dark towards one quest, realized I'd gone the wrong way for half an hour because the map sucks, backtracked, tried to find where another quest was, failed, and then quit. Ugh.
  23. Life

    Forgot to file something for the patent, trying to figure out which Application Cover Data Sheet it is I need. You know what? Bureaucrats are the most evil people on the planet. Who made sure all those wars happened? Bureaucrats, they ran all the little things to support the war and see it happen at all. Someone needed to keep track of drafts and enlistments, someone needed to make sure people got paid and fed and armed. All bureaucrats. And sure, Hitler ORDERED the Jews and bunch of other exterminated. But who got it done quickly and efficiently without question? Bureaucrats. Stalin killed even more people than Hitler, and how? Because he had more bureaucrats at his disposal. If you want something done, no matter how horrifying and awful and universe ending it may be, a bureaucrat is there to help you do it. And they have there own language, one designed to be utterly indecipherable, even by the other bureaucrats. It's designed specifically to be as vague, indistinct, and unhelpful as possible. Hermes Conrad was secretly more awful than Bender and Evil Bender combined I say!
  24. I need to start playing with ya'll, because most pub games are getting boring. I know 99% of the basics, and have played almost every carry out there (most non carries are boring I've found). But getting into a game where everyone is silent, and there's no teamwork is getting tiresome. Oh sure, I once played a fantastic pub game. Literally down to the second win, as creeps battened down our Ancient while we battened down there's. But for every game like that there's a dozen that's "oh, were going to lose/win because they/we are so much better than the other team and there's almost zero chance of a rally or changing teamwork or etc." Also, I've got 5 god damned copies of DOTA 2 in my inventory. What do I do with them? My brother plays Lol, what friends I have don't play video games that often, or wouldn't play DOTA 2 if they do. I've no one to give them too.
  25. 2013

    Star War 1313, first Star Wars game I've looked forward to since KOTOR 2. Almost a decade, probably will be a decade if it (quite possibly) get's delayed. But who cares, it's friggen Uncharted in SPAAAAAAAACE! Oh, and the weird Xbox rumors are true, there's new consoles a comin! I just wonder when they'll reveal them. Too early and your dampen the last sales of current gen stuff (God of War whatever, Last of Us, Bioshock Infinite, Gears X, GTA V). But too late and you're left without enough hype, hell they're already pushing it by keeping mum to get one last holiday season of profits out of it. Probably a good call though by the sales numbers I saw.