Professor Video Games

Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Professor Video Games

  1. Idle Thumbs 208: Buds are Out, Keys are In

    Do you guys now feel pressure to make the episode names jam-worthy?
  2. Twin Peaks Rewatch 27: Variations on Relations

    Note: Zane died on the way to his home planet.
  3. P.T (Playable Teaser for Silent Hills)

    Man what in the world went down between Konami and Kojima.
  4. Destiny

    I'm not playing much right now, but I'd be interested. We did one raid here in the early VoG days and it was pretty fun.
  5. I beat the 1st boss last night. I was having issues for longer than I should have because I insisted on staying locked onto it, which I think in this case actually makes dodging and attacking more difficult (and definitely makes the camera act like garbage). I'm spoilering my cheesy winning strat: So now it's on to the next thing that will destroy me.
  6. I Had A Random Thought...

    Same. I unsubscribed and probably won't use the site again. I just wanted to support a local radio station guys, so just take it down a notch please?
  7. Well, the guns in Bloodborne don't seem to do much damage. Is that ever explained? I don't think it would be hard to rationalize in a sci-fi setting.
  8. Idle Thumbs 207: Buble Bloodborne Bloodbeef

    Agree on Spaff, but he has yet to be added to the canonical about page, so for the moment I suppose he's still in Guest Host territory.
  9. The Business Side of Video (Space) Games EXCLUSIVELY ON IDLE THUMBS

    Apparently modders only get 25% of the sales. Hardly encouraging.
  10. Life

    I think it's when they power down a reactor to do maintenance and maybe switch out fuel rods? Definitely the most likely time for a superhero to be created.
  11. Destiny

    Bungie apparently announced a bunch of news for the House of Wolves expansion on a stream today. Lots of good stuff: -Upgrade any legendary or exotic weapon to the new max attack or armor to the new max light level using some new material that drops mostly in the expansion content but also more rarely in Nightfalls (for those w/out the expansion). So now you won't see everyone wearing the exact same endgame gear and old weapons won't become obsolete. Also the upgrade does NOT reset your xp progress, which was a shitty move they pulled for the previous expansion. -Ability to exchange materials (ie ascendant shards <-> energy) or even buy those mats with Motes of Light via the Speaker. -Ability to reroll perks on legendary weapons via the gunsmith. These are all really good and smart updates. Now let's just hope the new content is good as well.
  12. So instead of fighting those two wolves I tried going down into some sewer area I had found. It seemed doable but I have a real problem with backing off when an enemy gets a hit in. I mentally go to this place where I think "if I just spam attacks maybe I can kill it before it kills me." This never works. Losing the echoes doesn't bother me as much as the time it takes to get there. On the bright side, I found that if you do the transformation move (L1) after a basic attack you get this combo that pretty regularly stuns dudes and knocks them out of their attack animation, so that's good at least (I'm using the axe). Not much luck with parrying though. In conclusion I'm terrible and this game is terrible.
  13. I haven't been parrying at all. Doesn't help that the game hardly explains its existence. I'll have to mess around with it tonight. Has there been any word on when that patch that reduces load times will drop?
  14. Ok yeah I had found that other path, but it seemed like it was leading into a new area so I went back to face the wolves/die. Should have realized I was being told something there.
  15. I started this today and put in a few hours. Total Souls newbie. I managed to get to those two big wolves on a bridge three or four times, but every time they wrecked me completely. I was never able to pull away just one and as soon as the second got in the mix I was done. I haven't tried going back and spending echoes instead (I didn't even realize there was gear for sale yet until I skimmed this thread). Is that helpful/necessary to get past them? Or do I just need to get good? At the start I didn't realize how to actually equip the starting weapons (I kept trying to select them from the inventory screen), so I tried several times to take on the few first enemies bare handed. Not advisable.
  16. Star Wars VII - Open spoilers

    I'll never forget how pumped I was for The Matrix Reloaded after seeing its trailer. Some wounds never heal...
  17. the Talos Principle

    Mystery solved.
  18. Who did you hook up with? (Mass-Effect series)

    ME1: Nobody (they are all terrible). ME2 & 3: Garrus, all day every day. Why? Because he's the best . In ME3 you can tango with him and it keeps presenting the option to switch dance partners, which is insane why would you choose anyone else. I also love that when you start talking about getting down and dirty, neither character is exactly sure how it will physically work and they need to do research first. Being able to romance Garrus is one of the many reasons playing as female Shepard is the best.
  19. Recently completed video games

    I played/finished Super Win the Game over the weekend. It's an expanded You Have to Win the Game (A retro 2d platformer with metroid style ability collection. Also it's free) now with a Zelda II style overworld added in. It's charming and has a great CRT emulation look going on. If you like the original I think it's worth checking out.
  20. PL4YST4TION 4

    The arena mode definitely has potential. Plus that Osiris gear looks awesome (mainly that Anubis helmet).
  21. Deus Ex Universe

    They do this exact thing with Paul Denton in Deus Ex 1->2. It's not that bad.
  22. A Dedicated Thread For Talking About Star Trek Episodes

    Yeah the Amazon Prime ones are HD transfers and definitely better than what's on Netflix.
  23. Damn it, but computers have become really complicated

    True on so many levels.
  24. Sports

    Seriously what are the Phillies even doing