Professor Video Games

Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Professor Video Games

  1. Mass Effect Andromeda - Thumb Drive Engaged!

    Bjorn post incoming...
  2. I Had A Random Thought...

    I wanna hear more about the people they use for the non-celebrity molds.
  3. Kentucky Route Zero

    This will be the fourth of five acts.
  4. The Witcher 3: What Geralt Wants

    At the point I'm at, the biggest pain in the ass is people with Monster decks where they can pull out all cards with the same name. That can get out of hand (lol) very quickly.
  5. The Witcher 3: What Geralt Wants

    I'm in the middle of the main Novigrad questline right now and instead of progressing through that I've spent a decent chunk of time recently just playing Gwent. Once you get a semi-decent deck going it's pretty fun! Still feel like a big dummy for spending my time on it, but it's too late to turn back now. Also, and this is real dumb, I get a real kick out of the faces people make when you ask them to play. They never verbally agree, just give these goofy half-smiles and just cracks me up.
  6. Kentucky Route Zero

    Act IV is "almost done" according to the devs Twitter. I could not be more hyped.
  7. Free To Play - This Topic Is Not Post To Win

    What if I pay $20, can I win the topic then?
  8. I Had A Random Thought...
  9. I Had A Random Thought...

    You throw your pants in the wash after a single use?
  10. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    What I was saying is that I doubt they'd ever see F2P as honest no matter how it was executed. It's a perception of being manipulated that makes people uneasy. You're right, but then I'd say people being hostile about this sort of business practice isn't actually new either. Being "nickle and dimed" isn't exactly a new expression.
  11. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    For one thing I think the idea of microtransactions has been tainted by the bad actors. Also I think the lack of ceiling on dollars spent makes people distrustful. The developers are incentivized to get as much out of the consumer as possible and even if everything is totally on the level, there's a perception that people are going to be manipulated to spend and spend and spend. It makes for a bad environment and can make people hostile towards the whole thing. A single upfront payment comes across as more honest.
  12. Destiny

    Witcher 3 is really good!
  13. I Had A Random Thought...

    Still pretty much like that...
  14. Backlog Busters

    Yeah, backlog is generally games you've already bought, but whatever...we'll save that for the pedantry thread On the topic of your actual list, I would recommend skipping Paper Mario and going straight to Thousand Year Door. The games are very similar narratively and mechanically, but TYD is an improvement in pretty much every aspect (plus they are both kinda long). Maybe it's because I played TYD first, but it's something to consider.
  15. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    So though we aren't reviewers, I can understand the desire to finish games before GOTY time. Generally speaking, the discussions on a game happen around when they are released and then during end of the year GOTY talks. If you want to be able to engage in those conversations, either with friends, or on forums, or by reading/listening to the games press, then you'll want to have played them, especially games you know you'll enjoy. For the most part, once GOTY happens, discussions on any given game stop. It won't diminish the experience of the game itself, but you definitely miss out on something. Personally, the only pressure or guilt I feel when it comes to a backlog is that I really want to play all these games and I'm not...there's a reason I bought those things. It's not like I feel obligated to play them but I want to and seeing all these (hopefully) great games just sit there makes me feel sad.
  16. Backlog Busters

    Yes! I played a bit of the first one many years ago and really liked it, but lost my progress due to a hard drive crash and didn't want to go through the puzzles again at the time. Now I have forgotten everything, so the time is right!
  17. Backlog Busters

    Since I'm shelving Destiny to attack the backlog, I guess I should post it here. Publicly airing it will hopefully motivate me to make it happen? These are theoretically in the order I'll play them...
  18. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    I thought they were all alright. I don't remember having issues with controls, but it's been a while. It's basically competent third person shooting plus increasingly crazy set-pieces plus a knockoff Indiana Jones plot (not necessarily a complaint...more a matter of personal taste). Two things that bothered me in those games were that there were too many shooting sections and it got tedious, and that Drake is portrayed as a Regular Dude but he's a fucking superhero killing machine which they try to hide it by making him grunt with effort when he does anything.
  19. Destiny

    The past few weeks I've been too busy to play pretty much anything, and in that time I've taken a hard look at my poor backlog and realized something must be done and it's pretty clear what's gotta go (it's Destiny). Which is tough because it's still fun and there are many Cool Guns I don't have, but I think I'd really rather put my limited free time into other stuff for a while. If any of the regulars from here really need one more to fill out a roster for some activity and I'm online, feel free to shoot me an invite, but I'm not gonna actively play until I put at least a sizable dent in this damned backlog (or the next expansion comes out, obviously).
  20. Backlog Busters

    This is too many games. It is literally years worth of content. You have to thin the herd...the weak must be sacrificed for the greater good.
  21. Destiny

    Yeah, I was considering the same thing. Could probably do it tonight or tomorrow if you want to set something up. I've been avoiding collecting most of the patrol ones so I could just get them all in one run. The next several weekends are tied up for me, so although I want to, I probably won't be able to do a weekend King's Fall run for a good while.
  22. Idle Thumbs 233: World of Blanks

    They left out Far Cry: Instincts
  23. Destiny

    She didn't even ask me for banana bucks! Edit: You get a 300 artifact for finishing all of the Eris questline, whatever that's called (35 Calcified Fragments not required). Hadium Flakes aren't too bad. Just run some laps in the Mausoleum and open the chests there. Also, if you don't want to schedule something, I'm sure you can just send out a msg asking for help to any folks from here that are online. I've found people are generally willing to help out even on things they've done already.
  24. Destiny

    Well I was on last night and the next step didn't appear. I'm guessing it'll take a weekly reset before I can do the "Kill Minotaurs" or whatever it is step Also, I'm at the "Essential Elements" step of the exotic sword. Farm a rare planetary material plus 500 solar kills. *barf*
  25. Destiny

    I'll probably be at that point this weekend. That Paradox mission was fun...I really like the secret extra stuff they've worked into these missions.