
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by cyrix

  1. Hey guys, just wanted to touch base, I may not be able to make it again tomorrow, im gonna try, but I promised my mom I'd help her with some stuff around her house. Also for anyone here who has OA there is this really cool mod called "Day Z" It's post zombie apocalypse survival with a semi persistent world, you spawn where ever you logged out last time, you have to scavenge supplies and weapons which respawn in certain locations when there are no players around, there are no rules, no one can be trusted, etc. The only problem is that coverage on this mod has BLOWN UP in the last week, I saw it near the front page of Reddit today, and finding a spot on a server is getting more difficult. This also means a lot of, for lack of a better term, casual players who don't seem to really grasp what makes this game cool, last time i played there where a bunch of people whining (and i mean WHINING) about some guy who was camping at an airport killing anyone who got near and stealing their gear. That being said they have more than doubled the server count since i started playing about a week and a half ago. it's still pretty early, but it's a really neat experience.
  2. alright, I was just wondering, cause if we could open up the black hole of mods there's a lot more gameplay out there. Also just wanted to let you guys know i probably wont make it this sunday got some extended family coming into town, there's a chance i might be there but im guessing it wont happen.
  3. well, today was fun if unsuccessful. praise be to laggy, also damn him. Just out of curiosity how many of us are playing on arma free? Edit: also just a reminder, arma 2 combined operations is still on sale on amazon for 9.99.
  4. If you can't, be sure to go dressed in a Star Trek uniform and act like you've just landed on some strange planet that resembles medieval earth.
  5. hey guys, just wanted to know if we were gonna have another get together tomorrow, i'll be free all day, but it's still nice to know.
  6. OMG guys, if you didn't roll your own characters make sure to check your characters traits on their stats page, turns out the Minotaur has a trait that gives him a boost to attack for every skull he's carrying, I had found a few skull but my fighter was carrying them, i just got an extra 9 base attack power!:tup:
  7. Operation Lojack III (6 players, for when people start petering out ) Bloody Mondays (12 players) Operation Firefly (14 players) Deadly deal (10 players) I really only put this one here because of the one sentence description: "Eliminating the government of Russia." O.o
  8. You have the choice of using the default team or making your own, I think my mage had a fire spell too, it seems that if your magic stat is high enough you can discover a spell by experimenting (the default mage can cast fireburst but you dont start with the scroll, at least I didn't.), but you will find the scrolls lying around. I think it happens if you failed your last cast because you were out of energy, or if you input the runes but close the "rune window" without casting, it could be kinda handy for storing a spell for fast use.
  9. Oh god yes, this has saved my ass more times in level 4 than I care to admit, especially when the enemies are doing status effects. Another tip, always try out your spells in an open space, if you are up against a wall or grate/gate it will hit your party, also I didn't realize for like the entirety of level 3 that the ice spike from the floor spell I found actually traveled along the floor and could hit multiple enemies.
  10. Been playing this for like 5 straight hours, there are some usability things I would appreciate, in particular a diablo like alt weapon set with a hotkey toggle would be a godsend, trying to switch weapons in battle is a nightmare... but in a way that's kinda cool. I just cleared out level 4 but I'm trying to figure my way to a secret I can see before moving on. also the spell casting seems a little cumbersome to me, but im getting better at it, the ability to assign a particular spell to one of your mages hands would be welcome. those are my first impressions at least, time to get back to it.
  11. could we get a list of the scenarios currently on the server, then the rest of us can do a little digging as well without pulling up a bunch of duplicates.
  12. im still pissed that helicopter didn't explode. but aside from that i had a great time and i hope we can do it again!
  13. alrighty, lemme just see here... AHH! 30MINS I JUST WOKE UP! Wait what time zone are we talking here?
  14. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    I have been watching this for months, and im so happy the PC version is real. I only have a 360 and I don't have/want gold, but the multiplayer stuff was one of the most intriguing parts. I am prepared to die!
  15. GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! Wait I'm not using that right, I actually have good news. I left the amazon downloader going again while I slept last night AND IT WORKED! Game on bitches. Also, does our little group have a name? Because I would like to suggest ThumbTac. Also do we have a set time we are supposed to be on tomorrow?
  16. that sounds great, but for the life of me I can't find a way to do it.
  17. remember that unforeseen nonsense i was talking about? I can't seem to download ArmA2 from amazon (sadly the keys don't activate on steam) the downloader keeps throwing errors about corruption, i have a email in to CS and im downloading the ArmA2 free thing, but still. Nonsense. Computers and Cars man... Hopefully I'll be up and running by Sunday. P.S. Operation Arrowhead downloaded and installed fine...
  18. Legend of Grimrock

    Just picked this up, really excited to give it a whirl. I wasn't around for the games that inspired it, but I love the methodical looking game play. come to think of it i have played a game with at least a similar movement mechanic in SMT: Strange Journey, though I didn't get very far into that. Edit: okay maybe not methodical, I don't know why I thought the game was turn based, still excited for it though!
  19. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Hello world. How is everyone?
  20. I just thought this thread should know that ArmA2: Combined Operations (ArmA2 and OA) is 10 bucks on amazon digital right now. this sale lasts through the 15th I believe. That said I'll now be seeing you guys on Sunday, barring any unforeseen nonsense of course.