
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. Movie/TV recommendations

    born 14 years after its first release, almost to the date. I haven't avoided it, it's just one of those things.
  2. Movie/TV recommendations

    I'm not boring!! screw you! I think I'm going to go see Jaws at the cinema today, I have not seen it before.
  3. Movie/TV recommendations

    The Hughes brothers made one of my favourite films ever, so I sort of feel like I owe it to them to find the good stuff it everything they make. What parts of it fell on the great side for you?
  4. Anyone Remember?

    Does anyone know the episode that talked about sean inventing mickey mouse? Or he might have talked about being at Disney at the start of epic mickey, I forget which.
  5. Movie/TV recommendations

    I found that some of the base plot and character development to have some super odd class issues that were then steam rolled over by the film, not only not explained, but I felt the film seemingly never saw them as problems. Again, saw it when I was drunk and sleepy so I'm happy to be told the film needs a re-watch. Edit. Ehh, maybe shamelss isn't the right word. I think that the film did some very cliche things that many other films do (primarily ones that get labeled award bait) to get an emotional reaction, but in service of telling a story that needed a slower and more careful eye.
  6. Movie/TV recommendations

    I saw this earlier this year on the dvds found it fairly fucking shameless, though I was watching it in a drunken haze and nodded off a few times.
  7. Books, books, books...

    I like The City & the City and Embassytown quite a lot, and while I'm less enthusiastic about the Bas-Lag books, I have to respect Iron Council for being the Trotiest thing I have ever fucking read.
  8. Books, books, books...

    Why be tactful about it? How much of his work do you think of as earlier? 80s stuff? I think of LtW back as basically one block of work. You picked exactly the right adjectives to describe CP, it's a book that's beautiful, I think, not just because of how well it describes place and tone, but the fucking range it delivers, glass temples and boats and beaches and space trucker fights, it is all over the place, and perhaps not better for it, but certainly more unique because of it. Also what's your favourite ship names?
  9. The Electronic Three: 2012

    I'm actually ok with The last of us and Farcry 3, well I wasn't when watching it but that's the point, in fact even if I was being silly when the ubisoft demo was playing, I felt it was still pretty obvious the tone Farcry 3 was going for. There's a bigger problem with Splintercell's (apparent) torture sequences and the fucking shameless death to america bad guys. Also Medal of Honour showing robocop mowing down men with rusty weapons and flip-flops weirded me out. Oh, watching the first person perspective of a stationary sniper shooting people hiding under cars and stuff in Black Ops 2 was also odd.
  10. Movie/TV recommendations

    Its out in the uk
  11. Books, books, books...

    I tied listening to Hegemony or Survival as an audiobook while going for walks, which is my usual way to listen to podcasts, but I gave up after it felt like every 30 seconds I was getting distracted by a bee and loosing track of what he was going on about.
  12. Books, books, books...

    It's interesting that you caught Flaubert here, in one of his most romantic texts, I think if you go forward or back with his work, the focus and tone would be fairly notably different. I'm pretty sure there's a piece by Foucault talking about his previous book, The Temptation of Saint Anthony, being one of the first pieces of lit so interested in texts themselves - essentially one of the first modernist texts, a point in time I'd kind of say that type of writing you talk about here, infused with religion, or belief, or whatever, changes. Obviously work on or about religion has not ended, but that very romantic style, in which whatever they wrote about was so steeped in that mode of thought about belief is uncommon in western contemporary lit. Also, I'm still reading The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, I've had no time to properly get through it recently, and I can't wait for when I do. It's odd, but I find Toru Okada such an wonderfully pleasant person to be around, I could fucking read about this guy doing pretty much anything.
  13. Movie/TV recommendations

    still an absolutely unbelievable film. The very end, like the last 30 seconds before the credits, with Ford's turn, lift doors close, Vangelis' bwaaaaaaaaaa....Danananana, is a perfect moment.
  14. Infinite Jest

    This was true for me until the last quarter, I think after I finished the book in two more sittings. I don't think anyone can match Wallace. As Dave Eggers says in the foreword, the fact that it was written in three years by a writer under thirty-five is painful to think about.
  15. Movie/TV recommendations

    I think I'm right in saying his last film without documentary/interviewing real people/whatever you call it elements was the Ali G film, which was bad, so there seems to be a pretty clear pattern.
  16. Movie/TV recommendations

    The was a neat piece in the grauniad the other day by a trans woman who auditioned for the role, she talked to actress who ended up playing the part. Edit. Found it, my mistake, she didn't actually speak to Chloë Sevigny.
  17. Binary Domain

    The game is £11 on intkeys at the moment Which is low enough for me to grab considering the weirdly positive stuff I keep hearing. Like there's a Robot?! And he's French?!?
  18. Movie/TV recommendations

    While that track choice is my least favourite part of the Gunsby trailer, I don't think using modern music in a period piece always lazy, I think using music unbelievably literally (as in madworld) is a more usual and bigger problem. Also, Man, if the same music is used in the film itself, there could be some fucking fun readings to be done on how the film creates an opinion on Gasby without him being anywhere in the narrative. Edit- I apparently posted this 4 times in a row, is hiding the same as deleting?
  19. Movie/TV recommendations

    That trailer is pretty much exactly what a film version of Gatsby should be. Whoever gave it to Baz Luhrmann needs to be in charge of more things.
  20. Infinite Jest

    There is now a whole thread to talk about Infinite Jest. Who wants to talk about Infinite Jest, I want to talk about Infinite Jest. Whenever I think about the book nowadays, (not having re-read it in a year or so), what I end up daydreaming over is the really fucking beautifully specific images it creates. I guess it's obvious that a book that interested in film would leave images like that, but man, being able to picture so clearly is what I end up liking most. That said, right after reading it the first time, or at a dozen different times, I would maybe point to something else being the best thing. I will however likely die still being able to see E: Oh yeah I should spoiler this stuff.
  21. Diablo III BattleTags

    Scipio#2849 Just started, Monk at normal act 1, also EU.
  22. The Electronic Three: 2012

    ecffZBdhAUU That is all.
  23. Books, books, books...

    I've started reading The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, really enjoying it. The questions about what is happening /going to happen are great at drawing me in, and it's got some really vivid descriptions of place. I was trying to remember what it was reminding me of, considering I've not read a lot of Japanese novels, then I realised it was 'On the carpet of leaves illuminated by the moon' in If on a winters night a traveler - crazy how well Calvino recreated the style of translated Japanese fiction.
  24. Infinite Jest

    Idle Thumbs presents the return of the Infinite Summer?!?