
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Synnah

  1. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    It's funny how many people in the comments accused him of slandering thunderf00t with that section, in spite of that disclaimer! Kind of proving his point about how easily they will believe conspiracy theories.
  2. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    is well-made and interesting. Also gives a bit of insight into the main guys that are orchestrating these theories; I've tried watching their videos, but I usually don't last much longer than about 30 seconds. His next video is going to be about Christina Hoff Sommers' 'Sexism Doesn't Exist, Everything is Fine!' video, which should be great.
  3. I Had A Random Thought...

    Ah jesus, that's horrible.. I guess that's who Zoe Quinn was talking about earlier. Man.
  4. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I wrote to them as well. Has anyone received any replies yet? Considering the volume of emails they must be receiving, I'd guess not.
  5. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I was confused by the title of that imgur page; 'Games Industry Attacks #GamerGate'? At first I thought it was made by a Gater, but when I started reading it I assumed it had to be ironic, because that's absolute opposite of what was happening in it. But you pointing out that only that guy's name was redacted brought it how that he was the one who posted it. It's bewildering how he invents all of these so-called attacks on him; He says he's being accused of rape, when all Greg said was that #GamerGate made rape threats against certain women (Provably true). And god, his reaction to Leigh is disgusting. And there are so many factual inaccuracies in his massive screed that I just want to make a big list of them, but what would even be the point?
  6. Kenta Cho's games were kind of my first exposure to modern indie development, outside of old freeware and shareware stuff (although I guess maybe Pixelships came first. Remember Pixelships?). rRootage and Noiz2sa I remember being particularly good, and Tumiki Fighters was a lot of fun, if flawed. Seems like he's still making about 4 games a month, which is awesome! Other Japanese indie devs from around that period include Omega, who made Every Extend (Later picked up by Q Entertainment), and Hikoza, who made the fantastic Warning Forever. His site seems to be broken, for some reason. Oh, and then there was Ikiki, who made Nikujin. Again, his site seems to have gone down. Can anyone think of any others I might be forgetting?
  7. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    More comedy gold from this guy: "We need #GamerGate because if girl sleeps with drunk/high guy it's not rape in California. If it's other way around. It's rape." Is that what GamerGate's actually been about this whole time?
  8. Ryan North had a go at rationalising the delayed effects of changes in the timeline in his review of the BttF novelisation; I don't remember whereabouts it is in that blog, or much about his hypothesis other than that the effects of things that Marty changed gradually rippled forwards through time to 1985, which seems like a pretty obvious assumption to make. I'm pretty sure it was more clever than that! Anyway, I strongly recommend reading that whole thing (It's also available as an eBook), because it's brilliantly funny. I always thought I preferred the second movie as a kid, because it had future stuff in it, but going back to it as an adult, I realised that it's kind of a mess. Fun, but much goofier than the first movie, and with some mega-clumsy exposition. The first movie, however, is so tight, and everything is so purposeful.
  9. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    When I checked yesterday, the contributor in position 9 was called 'Supporting #GamerGate', and the one in position 10 was 'Take That #GamerGate'. So I guess they're beating us whichever way you look at it Well that's a bunch of old bullshit. Is he really comparing Gaters to people who suffer from racial oppression, and the press/developers they've been shouting at for the past month to 'the establishing elite'? He fucking is! He basically just compared #GamerGate to Ferguson, with Gaters as the people of Ferguson. Good work, EA Man.
  10. The Shittiest Kongs. Jesus, Candy Kong is fucking awful. And she never got any better!
  11. Mention of the both console port of Diablo 3 and the new Gauntlet in the episode made me want to email in about the similarities between the two; it would probably be a pretty tedious email to read out, however, so I'll air them here instead. I've never played the PC version of Diablo 3 (But I was super into Diablo 2), so I can't really speak of the specific changes they made for the console port. Since I started playing the 360 version (And more recently the Xbone port of Reaper of Souls), however, the similarities with with the original Gauntlet have been at the forefront of my mind, mostly because of the vast swathes of enemies you come up against. The way the controls have been adapted for gamepads, the way same-screen co-op works, the way the loot system has been seriously streamlined, the speed with which you now level up, it all makes the game feel way more arcadey than I imagine the PC release was. And it's a really great couch co-op game. Watching the new Gauntlet trailer, it seems like they went in a pretty similar direction, although with less focus on you being able to just stand there and take a bunch of hits. My initial reaction to it was 'why do we need this, when the console versions of Diablo 3 exist', but maybe that focus on more precise combat will set it apart. This made me really quite angry. The original release of La-Mulana comes from the same period of Japanese indie development as Cave Story, and had a pretty similar following on places like TIGSource. For some reason I never got around to playing it, though!
  12. Feminism

    Three thumbs up! Autotune is generally grating, and it's not even particularly well Autotuned, but it's a thorough rebuttal, and otherwise well-produced.
  13. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I have no idea what he's even trying to say in that quoted piece. It reads like, "Video games cause violence! But they don't cause rape. But they do cause rape! But who cares because games are all bullshit anyway." How does someone who can't form a coherent thought like that become a journalist in the first place?
  14. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Milo is a real piece of work. I'd heard of him before GamerGate, due to people I follow on Twitter being generally disgusted by him. If I saw him giving his backing to a cause I was part of, I would be out of there SO hard.
  15. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I made this, for some reason.
  16. Feminism

    Re: ANTVGM64 Most of the points I wanted to raise in response to your post have been covered by the smart folks above, but I've got a few things that I want to say, regarding feminism and what it is. Because a lot of what I've been reading by the anti-feminist proponents of GamerGate seems to bely a lack of understanding of the movement, and what its intentions are. Feminism, as the majority of the movement exists these days, isn't about making people feel bad about enjoying things that are sexist, or have sexist content, but instead making them think about why that content is sexist, and what kind of societal pressures created that sexist content. It's about self-reflection, which is surely something that you've done before; maybe a friend told you that something you said upset them in some way, and rather than telling them, "Fuck you, I do what I want", you thought about why you said it, and maybe resolved to try to avoid saying it in the future. Feminism is about getting society to do that, basically; in the case of intersectional feminism not just about issues that affect women, but those that affect people of colour, people with disabilities, and so on. Because if people start questioning the power structures that cause those issues, those power structures become easier to dismantle. It sounds like idealism, but it's kind of a nice thought, yeah? Towards the end of your post you ask what sexism is several times, and seem to be unclear on the subject. When you say, "Is a 'strong female character' one who has strong qualities? Is rich in characterization, including flaws and in many cases relatable stereotypes", the answer is basically yes. When someone like Anita Sarkeesian is asking for better representation for women in games, this is the kind of thing she's asking for, and you'd probably be surprised at how rarely it actually happens. That's the whole purpose of her Tropes vs. Women series; to shed light on the various ways women are represented in games (And media in general), and to highlight why none of them qualify as 'strong characterisation'. As JonCole said, Lara Croft is in no way a feminist hero, because of the way the story treats her. It's less about her strength of character, and more about her suffering. Also, if you're concerned that Lara is just a male character reskinned as a woman, is about that very thing. I don't think that's particularly what's problematic about her, but it's certainly an element of it. So yeah, you're kind of on the right track, but there's confusion in a lot of your statements. It's worth reading up on a lot of this stuff. It's fun to learn!
  17. Feminism

    I'd heard Gaters talking Sommers up, but sort of dismissed her as someone who talks a load of crap after a perfunctory glance at what she's about. That video is a pretty cringe-y watch, and my opinion of her stands. God, why did I read the comments. I'm going to go to bed in a bad mood now.
  18. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Yeah, I guess it could be read that way. 'The pattern of censorship & cronyism they see' could be taken as agreement that it's something that actually exists, or the suggestion that they've just imagined it. I'm not actually sure what Assange's stance on GG is, or whether he even has one; someone brought it up in his Reddit AMA, but the question was just about censorship on Reddit, so his answer was just about censorship in social media. It's weird that WikiLeaks would tweet about it at all, then.
  19. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    So uh, Wikileaks made an appeal to GamerGate... Except it seems like they were using the hashtag to get more people to read Wikileaks? I don't know.
  20. Feminism

    Maybe I was generalising about ads on RPS. I'm pretty sure I've looked at them and been disappointed in the past, but the worst ads I can find when I sit and refresh the page are things like, "If You Have Gmail, You Need This Trick". Which isn't bad at all, really.
  21. Feminism

    It depresses me to see 'From Around The Web' adverts like that on RPS, but it just seems to be the form that most advertising on the internet takes now. 'Look at these tits!' 'Here is a thing you should never eat!' 'Is it a woman? Is it a foot? Who knows?!'. Being annoyed about this kind of thing is nothing new, obviously, but there's a sexist, sensationalist streak to them that I wish would just go away. Are there no less-shitty alternatives?
  22. Feminism

    He's got a lot of weird ideas, but the crux of that whole conversation for me is when he asks you, "Can you tell me a single demographic who is less guilty than nerds of anything?". Which is kind of an insane thing to say. Like you told him (And he completely ignored it), nerds have a tendency to pass on the mistreatment of them that was common in the '80s and '90s, even though that's no longer really the norm. The hostility of nerd culture towards women is well-documented, culminating in the Fake Gamer Girl fiasco from a couple of years ago. But he also doesn't seem to grasp that 'nerd' doesn't have to be your entire identity. Considering my interests as a child, I definitely consider myself a nerd, but I'm a whole bunch of other things too. That's what makes people fascinating. And saying that Leigh Alexander can't identify as a nerd because of her criticism of nerd culture just typifies the tribalism that results in the hostility that I just mentioned. So yeah, dude's kind of a textbook case, and as you say it's a form of extremism, which is a term that gets thrown at SJWs a lot by Gaters. But the social justice movement is anything but extreme; it's mostly built on intersectional feminism, which isn't even a radical branch of feminism.
  23. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    So GamerGate targets and forces out some of the best writers in the industry, and these guys want to replace them with people who can sort of write, kind of? Ugh. Good work, you tools.