
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by Cleinhun

  1. I'll be that person who complains about the Life is Strange spoilers. I skipped ahead a couple of times and thought I'd gotten past the Life is Strange discussion, but heard a minor spoiler, and decided to just shut off the episode. Don't really care about the spoiler I heard, I'm more bummed I didn't get to hear the rest of the cast. Oh well, such is life.

    Did you skip forward before they said when to skip forward to? Because they did actually put in a "skip to xx:xx" this time.

  2. Yesterday morning I saw that the subreddit r/fatpeoplehate was banned, which seemed like a reasonable move to me. But I wasn't surprised that there were a couple posts on or near the front page complaining about how this was censorship or something, since reddit is usually kinda shitty like that. I assumed it would blow over by the end of the day like usual.


    Then when I got home from work at the end of the day, I saw that 23 of the 25 posts on the front page were complaining about the ban. And by that I mostly mean posting pictures of reddit ceo ellen pao and saying how much they hate her and how she is ruining everything, or sometimes pictures of fat people and complaining about how much they hate fat people and how they are ruining everything. The most common argument seemed to be "but there are subreddits about hating black people, therefore we should be allowed to make subreddits about hating fat people" which is a fucking crazy argument on it's own, but the thing that was most distressing to me was that this is the basically most organized reddit has ever been. The thing that caused the largest number of reddit users I've seen to unite under a single cause was taking away their ability to make fun of fat people.


    I don't think I'm going to be reading reddit anymore

  3. I generally enjoyed Brothers, disliked the female representation and was pretty unengaged with the emotion of it. But I thought the basic and plain level design was fine as just a nice space to walk through and the whole climax was a solid demonstration of mechanics as story even if it didn't hook me.

    This is almost exactly how I feel about it as well. The environments are impossibly pretty, even the standard fantasy village is well realized. The mechanics are functional but maybe not as interesting as the control scheme would suggest. And then the characters are the most generic younger/older brother combo you could imagine.


    You mean to tell me the younger brother is energetic and easily distracted and likes joking around? And the older brother is serious and protective? And one of them dies at the end because this is the sort of story where a character dies at the end? Because that would make it SAD?

  4. Here's a weird thing:


    Jim Crawford, creator of Frog Fractions and co-host of Video Games Hot Dog, has started his own podcast, Train Hot Dog, and it is probably the strangest podcast I've ever heard. He records it while riding BART home after recording VGHD, and it sounds like it's recorded on a phone. I could only understand about half of the things he said because BART trains are loud, and the content of the show seems to consist entirely of Jim reading IMDB and wikipedia aloud and occasionally mumbling something about how this wasn't the page he was looking for.


    I'm worried that jokes about things being Frog Fractions 2 are at risk of being played out, but of all the things that might be Frog Fractions 2, this is the most likely.


    Also, it's a .cool

  5.  My only niggles are a couple of clumsy PG-13ifying cuts and pans that I'm hoping will be corrected for the home release.


    I'm not sure what specifically you are referring to, but I would assume they were deliberate choices considering the movie is rated R anyway.

  6. I really did not think Earle's disguises would get more ridiculous than last episode's horse costume, but now we's dressed up like the log lady for some reason, so that's And I guess Cooper loves him some strained chess metaphors. something like "this chess game contains more pieces that we ever imagined"? Buh, why.


    This episode is not very good.

  7. Homestuck is frustrating, because when it's good, it's probably my favorite comic on the internet, but the good more than balanced out by the crazy nonsense. In theory I'm ok with all the new characters that get added, since characters interacting with each other is by far the author's greatest strength. The problem is, so many of the characters are basically single jokes that wear out their welcome immediately and then never leave. The thing that is most frustrating to me, though, is that the stakes only ever go up and the plot only ever get more complicated. If you ever thing you are starting to get a sense of what the fuck is going on, he adds a new layer of confusing bullshit.