
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by TheLastBaron

  1. I can vouch for Cryptozoic Man. It's pretty ace and messed up. Probably the best thing there, but I haven't read the others, and I'm a TESD fan so I guess my opinion is heavily skewed? I had a glance at the others and they're either really fanservicey or they're like a crappy pun of another comic or something (like 'fluffy'). It kinda feels really cheap in a way. Also is this the best Dynamite Entertainment has to offer? It seems like a weak offering? I'm not well versed at all on their back catalogue, as I've only really started getting into comics over the last couple of months, thanks to the excellent humbe image comics bundle that was going a couple of months back.


    I also just noticed that you can get Vampirella vol 1 & 2, and then vol 4 for extra money... But where's volume 3? seems silly to me. :/

    I would say that this isn't the best they have to offer (they're probably/hopefully saving that for when they add more stuff to the bundle), I think The Boys is probably the best book they do, but I read pretty much nothing by Dynamite outside of Garth Ennis stuff and while I think his stuff is incredibly good, it's not for everyone and especially for his war stuff.  Basically if people who read his Marvel MAX stuff like Fury and liked it will most likely like Battlefields and The Boys and such. 

  2. currently has a massive bundle going on for Dynamite's 10th anniversary with tons of books that I have never read.  I'm assuming that there isn't anyone here that would fall into Dynamite Entertainment's target audience and I don't see anything that interests me personally (nothing by Garth Ennis), but maybe someone else is more keen on these kind of books and they're going to be adding more to the bundle in the future (hopefully some of the stuff Garth Ennis has done for them like Battlefields or The Boys). 


    If you're a fan of Alex Ross there's a big art book by him for $15.  I personally don't much care for digital art books since I like to flip around in them a lot, but if they added either their Howard Chaykin or Sean Phillips books to this bundle I would pick it up immediately.

  3. Jesus, everywhere I've lived in the UK has been £7 - £12  (US $12 - $20). It's usually the indie theatres that are cheaper, everywhere else is not only expensive, but has lots of advertising and dickheads playing with their phones in the front rows.

    yeah $12-$20 is about what everything is here, and even the one indie theater around here is super expensive (it's in this super expensive area with a  bunch of luxury apartments and like Gucci and Burberry stores, I think there's a Tesla store there too now).  It's nice in the sense that they play old movies I like that I could never see in a theater normally (Metropolis, Raging Bull, The Godfather, ect.) and stuff like Wes Anderson movies that start with limited releases they get way ahead of other theaters, but tickets aren't any cheaper than other places.  I think when I saw Grand Budapest it was $10 and that was a matinee, though it was one of I think 4 theaters that premiered it so I don't know if that factored into their price. 


    I don't mind most things at movies like the long/copious ads or the people, but the price definitely makes me think about if I really care about seeing certain movies and a lot of the times I decide that I don't.

  4. I pretty much agree with everyone on Edge of Tomorrow in that it was a good movie, but I thought it didn't stick the landing at the end.  I enjoyed it though, and I went to a cheap theater this time so it was only $5 (all the other theaters around her are $12 for a movie and that's not even counting 3D or XD or anything).

  5. I know how to play and used to play with some friends that played it a lot and it was a pretty miserable experience because they were all basically these guys


    I was just so much slower than everyone, like I cant even lift up the wall at once, and when I draw a tile I have to think for a few seconds what to do versus they instantly know if they're going to keep it or throw it away.  I don't think they actually cared, but I felt so out of place.  Btw this wasn't riichi mahjong, it was just the standard version I guess (Chinese?).

    It doesn't seem popular at all in Europe. How about in the US? I remember watching a Modern Family episode and seeing a bunch of grannies play it. Which surprised me.

    Well Where I live (Bay Area) it's really popular because there's such a large Asian population.  Other places it's probably not very big.  When I was in middle school every Friday me and a bunch of friends would go hang out at the mall and my friend's mom would drop us off on the way to mahjong and pick us up after, and I think it was a pretty big social thing.

  6. I'm down to participate in this, if only because the idea of having people watch Crumb makes me happy.  I actually don't know if I would even pick that movie, there's so many Criterion movies and scrolling through the list is taking a while, so I revise my previous statement to the idea of people picking movies for me makes me happy.

  7. Yeah I really liked Incognito. I'm interested to see what their new series is like (the fade out), I think they said it's going to be closer to Criminal than any of their other stuff has been. They currently have a five year contract with Image where they can do whatever they want so they're probably going to be putting out a bunch of good stuff.

  8. As far as the term rat Dota I think there's a difference between that and split pushing, at least at the pro level (outside of that, yeah, it's pretty much people in pubs complaining that they lost to a team with a split pusher). Rat Dota isn't just having someone on your team split push, it's completely avoiding any team fights at all and just running away from anyone that shows up (hence the rat part). It's been a while since I saw the game with Fnatic vs VP where the term was coined, but from what I remember Fnatic basically had a total global line up with Furion, Meepo, Kotl, Naix, and someone I don't remember. There were basically zero team fights in the entire hour long game. Fnatic would just push lanes and as soon as they saw someone from VP they would tp out. They didn't even defend their own towers, when VP went all five mid Fnatic let then and just went top and bottom and took two towers for every one VP got and when VP would tp back Fnatic would just run away. Even Fnatics carry, naix, was just pushing by infesting meepo so that VP would have to completely back off and defend as 5.

    Basically what annoyed people I think was just how non-confrontational the game was. It wasn't just a game where one team has a lycan pushing down towers with a necrobook, it was a game where nothing happened for an hour and then VP finally just went for a push instead of defending and lost a base race.

  9. So I just got an email to design my house and sigil and such and man it's too much pressure.  I can't think of a motto or anything.  I bet other people are going to come out with really good stuff too and I won't even want to play as my own house when the game ships.


    Edit: Yup, I checked the DF forums and people are super creative with how they use the tool.

  10. From Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, the new CCO at Archie:

    “The new Sabrina series is most definitely not a comedy,” he warns. “It really riffs on the fact that Sabrina’s father was a warlock, that she’s the youngest member of a dynasty of witches. That she’s got one foot in the mortal world, of high school and cheerleading, and the other in this…crazy coven. We’re going to explore Greendale’s dark, bloody history. We’re going to give Sabrina an arch-nemesis -- a couple of them, actually. If Afterlife is our homage to The Evil Dead, then Sabrina is our homage to Rosemary’s Baby, The Exorcist, Carrie and The Little Girl Who Lived Down the Lane.”

    I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a spinoff or if it's its own thing, but the next issue of Afterlife is about Sabrina so I'm excited for when that comes out.


  11. I would argue that The Simpsons is not a very good TV show since at this point the ratio of bad to good episodes is now about 3:2.

    I would argue that the first 9 seasons and especially the first 5 or so are as good if not better than anything that has ever been on television.