
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by TheLastBaron

  1. Pokemon

    Not exactly sure what you mean, are you saying like it's a fire pokemon, and all fire pokemon are reskins because they have similar move pools? Or are you saying they look similar in appearance? If you mean the former, in the original game pokemon only had one type, in all the newer games they can have two, which makes a HUGE difference. Also based on their stats they can be very different. If you mean the latter, fair enough, they all basically look the same. I'm in the very, very small minority when it comes to Pokemon games in that I really like them, but also only for competitive battling. Well I haven't played much since Gen V came out (Black and White), but I played a TON of D/P/Pt and also spent a lot of time on Shoddy Battle (it's a program where you just import the team you want with all the stats and items and then you battle people online). For me the main game is kind of just a fun little part you have to play through and then it's about training and battling people. I don't know why I didn't get into black and white, I really wanted to get a team on it since it basically has a matchmaking server (it will match you up with random people to battle which is huge, before you had to know the people or use Shoddy). I think I had picked it up again a few months ago, but my neighbor had come over at some point and my dad let him borrow my DS and I'm never getting it back so the DS in general is now dead to me. Anyways, for me, this is what Pokemon is about That being said, Gen 1&2 (Red/Blue/Yellow & Gold/Silver/Crystal) I played and loved for the normal reasons that kids played Pokemon games, and I watched the show and was into the cards and all that. A year ago I checked and I could name all 151 original Pokemon off the top of my head (it was an online test, and I think it was also timed so it had to be done in 12 minutes or less). I was big into Pokemon.
  2. A Song Of Ice And Fire

    I don't think a Robert Jordan situation is likely to happen. He's fiiiiiiine, it's not like he's a obese, old..... ...godspeed , my friend, godspeed.
  3. Team Fortress 2 Co-op! Mann vs. Machine

    Yeah, my first game I played as a pyro and figured I'd max damage and burn time on my flamethrower since it's huge groups of bots so lots of AoE should be good, but I ended up maxing my air blast asap.
  4. Movie/TV recommendations

    Just the Tintin picture ruining Daniel Craig for me.
  5. Movie/TV recommendations

    Whelp, time to get a new Bond. I was excited that Mendes was directing it, but now I'm going to pass.
  6. Team Fortress 2 Co-op! Mann vs. Machine

    By invested in the game I think you mean want cosmetic items. I just think of Mann Up Mode as a key for a chest/crate. You can still play the game (albeit with queues. I haven't experienced them myself as I just played on the Rock Paper Shotgun server with a bunch of guys from the steam group chat).
  7. I think then it's just considered ganking, unless in this situation your whole team is there and they need you to initiate to know to attack 5v1, which is probably not unlikely in some games.
  8. Team Fortress 2 Co-op! Mann vs. Machine

    Sooooooo broken! Don't know if it's just me, or if Valve did 0 testing and this is really as buggy as it seems. Played two different games of this on two different maps and each time this is what happened. If the bomb got to our base and went off we would lose the round and restart only the area would stay exploded/ a gaping hole, and wolking near the hole would make you die automatically, with the same going for all the robots as well. Then if a bomb got to the area and went off, it would say that we failed the round, and then a couple seconds later say round complete. Rinse/repeat, and you win the game. On the last wave of the last round it even popped up the blue "You Lose" screen and then 10 seconds later it changed to us winning. So yeah, this appears to be broken.
  9. I guess Valve because they list him as one. Though, a lot of the roles they give heroes are questionable
  10. Sleeping Dogs

    Is it one of the games that's better with a pad? I played JC2 with a 360 controller and get the feeling that this is probably going to be the same. Also my friend who's been playing said that the only thing he doesn't like about the game so far is that running and vaulting or whatever are bound to the same key and can't be separated, so quite often you'll run and automatically jump over a ledge or something on accident. Does this happen a lot, or is he just bad?
  11. Oh, my bad we were dealing with plural. I assumed he was just shortening barracks to racks, which is correct, though an extra letter than rax. Yeah it would be racks' or raxes.
  12. Half-Life 3

    Half Life 1 is probably in my top 5 games of all time. HL2 I liked a lot less, though I still thought it was good, but honestly I've never gotten why people get so worked up over HL3, I don't really care if Valve ever make it and when they do I won't get excited for it, though I will still play it at some point. I'd much rather Valve keeps making new stuff that isn't Half Life, they've been doing a good job at it.
  13. Non-video games

    Wow have played so much Waterdeep the past couple days. I'm visiting my sister and her boyfriend in Portland and there's an awesome board game store here where they have a bunch of games you can just play either inside or there's a small garden in the back, and there's a bunch of games you can rent ($5/3 days) which is cool cause it's a ton of work for the guy who runs the shop since he counts all the pieces each time to make sure there's none missing for the next person. So ya we rented LoW, and it's great. We also played Village at the store and the owner helped teach us how to play, and then the second game he played with us. It was super fun too.
  14. You could always try recycling them, I don't know what the chances of success are though (obviously super low), but worst case scenario you just delete all the items for a hero you don't play.
  15. Have you ever tried to make a game?

    I've messed around in UDK but mostly with audio stuff, and I've used audio middleware programs like FMOD and Wwise. That's about it though
  16. Audio books

    The Douglas Adams books that are narrated by Douglas Adams are fantastic, as in imo better than just reading them normally. So is Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman read by Lenny Henry.
  17. Non-video games

    Like with random people? Isn't that a large part of what makes it fun?
  18. Chris Crawford kickstarts a new game

    Wizard. That is all.
  19. Non-video games

    Chances of me every playing D&D are 0, there is a zero percent chance I could get my friends to play it. It makes me sad.
  20. Obligatory Comical YouTube Thread II: The Fall of YouTube

    First youtube video Ive seen in a while that's made me laugh out loud.
  21. Anyone else been having client problems? ever since the last patch every single game at least once at some pint ive lagged out for ~30 seconds and when I come back all the other teams towers aren't there, like it looks like we've cleared all their buildings including the ancient. I've also noticed other people dc'ing in my games a lot more frequently.
  22. V The Elder Scrolls

    Would buy that so fast. SO FAST.
  23. Ready Player One

    I listened to the aduio book, read by Wil Wheaton, so it was basically like readong the book, but with one more layer of what the book was all about.
  24. Well by best hero for beginners I figured what was being asked was what hero to play to learn the game, not what hero can you play if you don't know the game and still be successful. We've already address that obviously supports are the best for beginners because you aren't farm dependent, but just playing supports will only get you so far, and when you have to play a carry SK is one of the easiest. When you have a semi spammable 2 second stun, a lifesteal aura, and a free aegis, not to mention being less farm dependent than other carries, you have a lot more wiggle room compared to other carries. I would also say that CM is easier than Tide because landing a great Tide ult is a lot harder than playing CM, especially is you keep dying and can't get a blink, not to say that Tide isn't a good hero for a beginner. Also one thing about playing a carry vs a support as a beginner, you'll get a lot better idea of how well you are actually doing. With a support where you may be super under-leveled and have 0 farm and items and keep dying and feel like you're doing something wrong though you don't know what, but in reality a lot of the times you'll be doing fine, or at least as good as can be expected given the situation in that game. Knowing what you're doing wrong or what you can improve on is a huge factor in learning the game, or anything. The main factor, however, is still just playing the game. Edit: I also wouldn't agree with Drow as she is a very farm dependent carry, and BM in general is not a great hero for a beginner.