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Everything posted by voxn

  1. treat builds like learning any other skill. You imitate experts until you've built up a solid enough foundation of knowledge to start experimenting on your own. The fact that poe's mechanics have enough depth to support this is an unequivocal positive, dudes!
  2. I'm Going to Make a Game

    yes. your ideal game design sounds concrete in your head, but that's the quiet + immense power of conceptualization. @_@ In strictly logical terms (ie. designing & programming a set of systems) it's basically meaningless. Which is why you need to - as quickly as you can - start actually making a game. Like, mspaint a sprite and background in 5 minutes, get them displaying, then get a dialog window to pop up and display text when you click the sprite. These are the absolute basics, and I guarantee it will take WAY longer then you expect (because making video games is hard). if you need help just post! I started messing with gamemaker a couple months ago myself. I'm still mega rookie, but can probably field even rookie-er questions (maybe) edit; a great resource is http://www.youtube.com/user/999Greyfox/videos'>Shaun Spalding's youtube channel. He puts together a bunch of basic demos and walks though his making of them.
  3. Spelunky!

    its just video /video in brackets ! I'd suggest using ropes (up) or bombs (down, in a pinch) to trigger traps, but your method of superhumanly whipping the arrow out of the air was way more badass
  4. Spelunky!

    Camtasia for video and Audacity for voice. Audacity is stellar because a quick Effect > Noise Removal gets rid of the ambient static that plagues pretty much every amateur voice recording.
  5. Spelunky!

    having watched many dailies I decided to try spelunking for myself I learned that bomb frogs are diffused into your bog standard blue frog by immersion in water! (the most worthless spelunky knowledge)
  6. Gone Home from The Fullbright Company

    good video game steven
  7. Saltybet

    all my streamwatching time has been devoured by the International, but the bit of this I watched the other day lived up to expectations. The most legit match was, hilariously, a low rez leela vs winnie the pooh that went down to the final round (winnie choked) twitch chat is also 100% hilarious which is practically unprecidented
  8. Recently completed video games

    beat Dragons Crown (on normal)! Fantastic game, though a flawed gem. The touch aspects designed for vita went unchanged into the ps3 version and are unsurprisingly really clunky. I'm also convinced some classes are more fun then others. It might equalize later on as you expand their skills, but starting out I found mana management on both witch+wizard slowed the pace of the game down to a crawl. Whirling around and learning the quirks of invincibly frames on dwarf+amazon is a lot more intense, and my buddy liked the game a lot more after swapping witch for elf its a real shame this game got absolutely dogpiled for its character design, and the idlethumbs thread - like all the others - dissolved into an embarrassing mess of sexism anecdotes. This game has more depth the deeper I go, and a gorgeous 2d game that isn't spritework is such a rarity these days; let alone a gorgeous 2d multiplayer loot-driven ~cooking-sim~ brawler onward to Hard difficulty >:-O
  9. how long does a game typically last? I've been chuggin along on the stream archive & it looks like they'e taken ~17 hours to play 76 years.
  10. Shadowrun Kickstarter

    man this games art is a prime example of the wrong guy for the job. The solid clean painterly look would improve 90% of the games out there but is completely at odds with this games setting & tone.
  11. chris (in a tone of polite interest): "hm, so should we just kill our shitty son?"
  12. Let's Draw Video Games

    sure! And ya, photoshop + tablet. Started by dropping the levels so that they ran the range from almost-black to pure white. You can use a solid black layer set to 'saturation' to easily keep tabs on your values while you paint: if you want an absolute master class in b&w value stuff check out https://www.google.com/search?q=dota+2+concept+art&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS451US451&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=0U3nUZKDEY-FqQHe7IC4CA&biw=1920&bih=979&sei=0k3nUY6BNISergGq4IA4#um=1&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS451US451&hl=en&tbs=ic:gray&tbm=isch&oq=dota+2+official+concept+art+&gs_l=img.3...15745.18404.4.18559.,or.r_qf.&cad=b&bvm=pv.xjs.s.en_US.c75bKy5EQ0A.O'>valves concept artists or http://www.livestream.com/robotpencil'>anthony jones' livestream who has a huge archive of commentated drawing that he starts (mostly) in b&w next I chopped the walls down (both because they are not that high in the game and to make the demon look bigger), and added lines to suggest stone. Made the walls fade into fog to add depth/push demon more into focus. Keeping it simple is good, but the demon blended too much into the background to make a striking image. If somethings going to be faded that much by atmospheric fog it has to be really really big / far away. got rid of the glow. Glow is one of those extremely powerful digital tools that can look amazing, but is easy to use incorrectly or go overboard with similarly, redid the fire spell to fit with the aesthetic of solid shapes + strokes (which is really rad) started messing with colors using Color Balance. You wanted to stick to a simplistic color scheme (good), but your colors all fall into the same narrow band of red-orange (bad). Complementary colors are best, which are typically a warm and cool color (orange/blue, red/green, etc) opposite each other on the color wheel. I went with blue/yellow the http://media.steampowered.com/apps/dota2/workshop/Dota2CharacterArtGuide.pdf'>dota 2 art guide pdf goes fairly in-depth into color, among many other things. I made the demons body a gradient as is also discussed in this guide, pulling focus to his head + axe. Redid shadows. The sky is way brighter then a tiny fire, and if the sun was casting the pyromancers shadow behind her the demons shadow would stretch the same way. So I just took the easy route & dropped a shadow under both of them. Redrew demons head a bit & added glowing eyes as a focal point, though it looks pretty cool without them Added castle towers in the background for several reasons: adding visual interest to the top of the picture, to intersect the demons body (intersections are good, lead your eye around & show depth) and to balance the picture a little more from the huge axe head on the left. Oh, and there are towers in the game! :B rim lights from fire + sky to pull figures off background used the darkest blue for a gradient at the bottom to guide focus to the middle, and a very very light(like 5%) yellow gradient from the top for light
  13. Let's Draw Video Games

    cute! this is cool & has a lot of strong points. osmosisch was spot on with the crits. I'd take it somewhere like this if you wanna piece of dat sotc vibe
  14. That viscera stream was rad! and street fighter was hilarious after watching evo all weekend. I would briefly wonder why one player was jumping in from half screen or not fadc'ing uppercuts before my senses caught up. who cares how far he gets? Being good at a game has nothing to do with how entertaining it is to watch/play (see: every other idle thumbs stream)
  15. Let's Draw Video Games

    ya your rendering needs work hehe. The biggest problem is the sense of light+value. Quick checklist: Its typically a bad idea to have a background darker then the foreground. Areas directly lit by the glowin thing should essentially be left white paper. And you need to throw on ya angriest eyebrows & go way bolder with the colors. Splash it in there with gusto!! Its almost impossible to go too saturated, and even if you do it'll look way arty. I quickly photoshopped it to be more in line with the vibe from your monochrome drawings (which are really rad!) here The lighting is still off without some redrawing, and I accidentally deleted the stalactites in the background, but hopefully it helps
  16. I was really looking forward to a Dark Souls stream, and I can't imagine a way to ruin the experience faster then having an annoying internet guy sit next to you chomping at the bit to explain everything. Huge bummer :-(
  17. you can't tinker with the UI, but I can unhelpfully inform you that you'll get used to it. oh yeah and heres the http://www.invokergame.com/'>Invoker Game that was mentioned on this weeks(I think?) podcast. Put on a training montage track before you start. With diligence + hard work you can someday be a regular http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE9ecc0eQC0'>dendi
  18. I don't even queue for real dota anymore, I just play solo bot games as invoker and try to get 50 kills before 25 minutes (or the game ends) while listening to podcasts. I feel like this is a safe place to confess this. It is my peggle.
  19. Recently completed video games

    ~ gaining levels ~ first in Neverwinter! A game that surprised me in how decent it was for the first ~25 levels. The game fell apart quickly though, and was poorly designed in significant ways. It had probably one of the most hilarious exploits though: bidding a negative amount on the auction house, which, when you got the refund, simply generated the amount of currency you bid. tried to gain some levels in Marvel Heroes & found it irredeemably awful. played Path of Exile on the new hardcore onslaught ladder, and made it to 74 before dying, edging out my previous record of 70! I play one character per ladder, and it makes for a fun ending to empty my accrued stash on random people (who usually wig out). went back and checked out Diablo 3 after not touching it since launch, and promptly killed my lv60 wizard. Oh well. True to form Blizzard has pushed out a slew of patches, but it still has the fundamental problem of the auction house invalidating my desire to actually play the game
  20. Lost in Translation is on netflix streaming! Always glazed over it, but after Jake talked about it I decided to watch & am super glad I did.
  21. august 16, 2013 11:48pm bringing my diary to the 24 hour walmart again. Will have to transcribe to my tumblr later. A hassle, but rome wasn't built in a day!(self deprecating laughter) Finding myself in the juice isle again, god, same as always. Staring down all these myriad juices. That damn dilemma. The Kane Dilemma, I've come to call it. God, how the hours pass. Touching every juice. Examining labels from every angle, running my hands over packaging. Which one is the Citizen Kane of juices? Glance down at my hand - force it to unclench - and examine the crumpled dollars. Enough for more then one. Two? Maybe even three with coupons. Three juices. Better odds, but there are so many choices. What if I get the Shawshank Redemption or Amadeus? Good juices, hell, maybe even great juices - but no one would call them pivotal... (the rest of the writing is illegible)
  22. notta be a rudevoxn, but this episode wasn't great. You guys don't yet have the depth of knowledge to make a patch note rundown interesting & surrender chat is pretty tired. the first 2 episodes were white hot podcast fire though, so please come back swinging !!
  23. Dota Today 2: The Lord's Pitch

    the best build is shield + ring of protection + tangos. You can pick up boots, ring of regen and an energy booster all from the sideshop which allows you to have both tranquils and arcane boots, disassembling one and making the other whenever they're off cooldown. playing vs. bots is fine !! Just play a solo game with bots and take middle lane (the bot there will leave). You can learn about the very core tenants of the game and try out some heroes without the typical 'sit in fountain reading item descriptions while 3 russians swear at you' intro a lot of people have. Once you have a decent idea how things work, then you can queue into matchmaking and start grindin that dota knowledge.