
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by feelthedarkness

  1. Idle Thumbs 206: Owen Wilson's Nose

    finally, i can have the thing i've most wanted, an isolated recording of nick breckon saying "reticulated splines"
  2. Who did you hook up with? (Mass-Effect series)

    Liara all the way, nobody in 2, though my female Shepard was really close with Thane. Emotional support I guess in Liara's absence. He's cool, and would never use the words friendzoned.
  3. Life

    you're also only under obligation to file by today. you don't actually need to pay. you can defer that basically forever as long as you're filing the paperwork. like when romney was running for pres in 2012 and the most recent return he had was like 2009.
  4. Eggcorns

    i try to work "obstacle illusion" into conversation when possible.
  5. [Release] Nineties Cockpit Freakout

    this looks and sounds cool! like a one person Spaceteam?
  6. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Yeah I feel like Dickwolves was year 0 clawing out some inclusive space in the internet era.
  7. Life

    That fact about the KS mountain is awesome. I grew up near a woodsy lake in metro-NY suburbs so it's all awesomely foreign. Os's pictures are great too.
  8. I've gone too far off the deep end to be rational about it, but I think basically all the James Cawley, Phase 2/Continuing Voyages episodes are worth watching, if only because they exist. They whole thing is amazing. He's a professional Elvis impersonator that made such a good OG Star Trek bridge that Paramount had to borrow it for the real flashback shows.
  9. Life

    i've only driven through Kansas but it never fails to blow my mind how damn FLAT it is. That panorama is amazing (as well as sad, to your narratively) in that regard, if also sad. I wonder to what extent the extreme flatness might play in that nostalgic/emotional response?
  10. Eggcorns

    For all intensive purposes is there a difference between champ and chomp?
  11. mine was at "printing label" for a few days, then it just arrived!
  12. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I'm a voter/pro-voting. There are many problems with it, as mentioned above, but I feel the biggest is that us liberals aren't super good at actually doing it. There is no question that voting is very effective at delivering the right wing candidates the right demands. Granted many of their real policy desires aren't enacted, but they get the people they want.
  13. Life

    i think the thing that has been most useful to her, and that she has pushed really hard/offered a short class on, was that she built a database of all her research (diplomatic history). it is pretty thoroughly annotated, with photos of original documents, tags, etc...
  14. Life

    My girlfriend's advisor was the same way with the full chapters thing. She really didn't like it either, but I guess it trains you to be pretty ruthless about your thinking/self editing, because basically couldn't take (time wise) a chapter needing a major tear down.
  15. Idle Thumbs 204: The Reader's Pleasure

    oh wild, i totally don't remember Evergrace.
  16. Idle Thumbs 204: The Reader's Pleasure

    i was really taken by Otogi: Myth of Demons, the From Software game for the big block Xbox in 2002. I think it kind of set their template for Souls & Bloodborne, as third person, shockingly hard "brawlers" go. I remember it baffling me at how punishing some sections were, and that it demanded you to cover very long distances in the air, but never provided you with an effective flying/long jump method. The best way to was to essentially air juggle enemies, using an upward sword lunge to shimmy along.
  17. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    New Waxahatche is going to be a monster record if you like the 90s.
  18. I Had A Random Thought...

    i was working on some dopey work postcard, and i stumbled across Jake's early work in the field of broccoli research.
  19. Movie/TV recommendations

    Now that the season is almost over I would say that 12 Monkeys is definitely worth your time if you like moderately scoped, twisty, science fiction television. Far more hits than duds.
  20. Design Theory Texts

    i just discovered this, and i truly can't imagine it will last long, but here is a pretty comprehensive collection of (graphic) design texts: https://designopendata.wordpress.com/ I like 79 Essay's on Design, as a light but interesting book for newer designers. The author Michael Beruit is pretty interesting in general.
  21. Twin Peaks Rewatch 22: Double Play

    I think Coop's suspension could still be standing because he took FBI action outside of jurisdiction, during the One Eyed Jack's raid. Even if he was cleared of the drug related wrong doing, he would only be about a week into what might be a 2 week suspension. Also, they needed to keep the star on the show.
  22. Guild Wars 2

    I too will be around!
  23. Life

    and maybe claim some new territory from weaker foes?
  24. Project Eternity, Obsidian's Isometric Fantasy RPG

    Man, I can't wait to start this. All the Obsidian 2s are my favorites, BG2, much more than 1, NWN2, much more than 1 (especially the NWN2 expansions).
  25. Idle Thumbs 203: Goat Impossible

    I think they're both excellent as novels and performances. I didn't read the paper versions, so I couldn't say for comparison, but some people have expressed trouble keeping all the characters straight. There are probably 20 players, and it seems like half of them are named George or Thomas, but when they're all uniquely voiced I didn't having a problem keeping them straight. Also, thanks Paul, Le Pere Goriot is an audible option, and pretty well reviewed! I'll peep that.