
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Laxan

  1. Based on this suggestion my group of friends gave it a try. They guy in the hotseat literally fell backwards at the first sight of the slender. Then we died and F4'd.
  2. People are selling (trading) Dota 2 invites for 2-3 summer keys atm (4-6 euro). *video game economies*
  3. Homophobic?

    Ahahaha. Ok. Good talking with you.
  4. Homophobic?

    Okay, but if there were no negative repercussions to rascist or homophobic behaviour, then surely this eliminates the main pressure on society to stop using non-PC phrases.
  5. Homophobic?

    Surely in an actual world with free speech, people would have the right to object to things and say when they're angry.
  6. Odd quotes that stick

    Argh, my friend, I think the stench of the sewer has taken a liking to you. If you need a sword to split someones skull, or a helm to protect your own, you've come to the right place. Every goddamn line of dialogue from that goddamn shopkeep in Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance is forever stuck in my goddamn head.
  7. Plug your shit

    I've been making short silly songs with that Pocketband app lately, and the latest one accidentally turned into The Battle of Max Ides.
  8. I don't know who made the Samuel L Jackson arm plane fight, but bravo sir.
  9. How to care what happens in an FPS

    The Walking Dead game series has made me feel guilty for violence numerous times already. Without being super overt or ham-fisted, simply remind the player "You just killed a person. That's pretty fucked up." But scaling this up to a large scale FPS where the sole act of gameplay is killing would be hard. Any attempt I can think of has an almost Molydeux-fantasy taste to it.
  10. Was this cast in stereo or are my ears imagining things?
  11. Feminism

    Sorry to derail, but I heard someone wants to lose faith in humanity a bit more: http://www.airborneg...suck-at-gaming/ EDIT: Reading the author's replies at the bottom is almost more infuriating.
  12. Mass Effect 3

    When you finish the game, it brings you back to (and gives you a save of) before the Cerberus HQ mission so you can go back out and do side quests etc. They assume this will be the most recent save for the majority of people.
  13. The threat of Big Dog

    I wonder what would happen if you show it a mirror.
  14. Doesn't Sky still show new episodes? That's where I grew up watching it.
  15. Feminism

    That was a pretty great article. Both it, and posts in this thread have described the idea of implicit ambassadorship which was something I'd never really given much thought to before, and has now opened my eyes to how depressingly prevalent it really is. Those reddit links were awful and I don't understand how they're still allowed. Also, it seems I had previously tagged the owner of the misogyny one as "Zionist Nut", so one irrationality often leads to others.
  16. Been playing with some Lords more recently. It's pretty embarrassing how much new TF2 loot dropping system is affecting my drive to actually play. Anyway, I have some questions. How good are the recommended builds? I came from LoL where they were godawful and never to be touched, but so far in Dota I've just been sticking to the recommended one and doing ok. And how many TP scrolls should I be buying per game? I feel like I'm buying too many and sinking way too much gold.
  17. Feminism

    I disagree with this. I've heard this before, but it always seems weird to want to prioritise the feelings of the joke teller over the feelings of the (possibly many) recipients of the joke. If the joke upsets a group of people, but the teller didn't mean to upset, that doesn't and shouldn't negate the hurt it has caused others.
  18. Dragon's Dogma

    I started playing last week too and was really surprised by how good it is. Compared to Skyrim, DD really nails the feel of adventuring. I always like when games don't have (easily accessible) fast travel, it creates a better sense of a world, rather than disjointed blips on a map. And the constant threat of nighttime is great too. When you're out trekking on a quest I find myself always glancing up at the sky, trying to gauge roughly how much time I have left to try get back before the world gets overrun with terrors. One thing which is starting to get less cool as I play is the actual encounters themselves. The first time you trek to some place it's usually frantic and amazing. Woah! A cyclops popped out of nowhere and then I had this rad Griffin spawn and it was crazy. Yet then the procedural cracks start to show on the second time you pass through -- a griffin always spawns after that cyclops. That camp of bandits is always there. There is X chance you will have to rescue someone at this point. So I guess it's actually a much more linear game than it originally presents itself. Still crazy stories to be had from it, it's just that you start to get the feeling that everyone has these same stories.
  19. Feminism

    Man, that is awful. Just the use of the word misandry brings it into the delusional MRA world. (I think it says something that the forum spellcheck doesn't recognise the word "misandry"). I think I would ok with a series called (or about) "Stupid Cliché's We'll Make Fun of in Videos". As long as it didn't have that "Men are systematically discriminated against" undertone and was more just about TVTropes in video form. EDIT: SO BRAVE
  20. The threat of Big Dog

    That robot just sounds so goddamn smug about your mortality. If this were a horror film it would grow to love the death of humans and eventually that gentle hand rubbing motion would become a strangling motion.
  21. Woah, zombie spawn rates being influenced by player deaths would be really cool.
  22. The Electronic Three: 2012

    If E3 starts tomorrow, then what's been going on today? Pre-conference conference?
  23. Life

    Oh, sorry, I thought you were speaking in a broader sense.